Well...another thread about someone leaving
But this is definitely something different. What makes this thread different from others? Well it's how big of a name you were
OhFancy and that you're actually leaving this community.
I remember seeing you for the first time, specifically your first day, which was March 16th in 2014. You started posting like there was no frickn tomorrow. I believe in 3 days you got over 100 posts. And by now you have over 1000 posts and over 1000 likes.
It's amazing how long it took for you to rise to your fame. I noticed you from day one and thought "Wow if this guy keeps doing what he's doing then he is gonna be a big name at some point." And guess what, that's exactly what happened.
Yes we all get tired of the same thing over and over again at some point (except for me since I'm still here) and I respect that being your decision as to why you're leaving.
Although you're gone now, you should know that you were such an inspiration, as well as an admirer to others, like me. I have been admiring you the day since I started reading the name
OhFancy on each thread, and that will never change. It's a shame to see you go before you apply as a moderator, as I thought you would've been a great one! But all good things come to an end, and this is one of them.
Would love to see you back but I wish you all the luck in your future endeavors!