CraftamaticNerd For being one of the greatest friends anyone can ever ask for.
RobertHDPotatoes For making a youtube similar in style to cscoop.
Shake_Junt00 For having a cute stutter and awesome videos
cdoug_ for having a boss default edit I'm so jelly of
Most of all? Probably my cousin. Him and I both are really good friends, and while he really doesn't play MC, he helped me get through some tough times.
I won't be a cliche and say my parents, but honestly? I hate them. They are super ignorant, and really thick-headed in everything, and refuse to be wrong. It's really annoying tbh
RobertHDPotatoes For making a youtube similar in style to cscoop.
Shake_Junt00 For having a cute stutter and awesome videos
cdoug_ for having a boss default edit I'm so jelly of
Most of all? Probably my cousin. Him and I both are really good friends, and while he really doesn't play MC, he helped me get through some tough times.
I won't be a cliche and say my parents, but honestly? I hate them. They are super ignorant, and really thick-headed in everything, and refuse to be wrong. It's really annoying tbh