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xxSPUxx's Goodbye...

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Aug 2, 2013
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Man,I only spoke to you a couple times,but you're a great player and guy in general. Sad to see you go ;)


Staffing Team Lead
Jul 11, 2013
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Farewell! feel free to return anytime! ;-;


May 20, 2012
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I'm not sure if you are back or not, but if you aren't, best of luck in whatever the future holds for you!


Jan 11, 2013
Reaction score
xxSPUxx's Goodbye

Hey everyone many know me as Spu or xxSPUxx. As the title says, I'm quitting minecraft and would like to talk about and thank some people that got me to this point and my time over MCSG.

Goals Completed
Now, I recently hit 2000 wins, I finished with a pretty good reputation but not the best I wanted it to be. The reasons I'm quitting is because I reached my goal in MCSG and minecraft in general. For instance, the goals I wanted were :
1. Having fun
2. Getting 100 wins
3. Getting 1000 wins
4. Getting 2000 wins
5. Getting in a clan
6. Getting donor
7. Having friends
Those were my main goals above and I pretty much succeeded in all of them. I never ever got bored of playing MCSG because I had a reason to play, there's no reason to play now though if I have no other goals to do or any to set. I was thought of many people as a "ping player" or a "cocky player" because I average 5-40 ping to MCSG US. I was cocky I'll admit it because it made me look like a horrible person and I stopped because I knew it was going to ruin my reputation. I finished with a good rep and that's all that mattered. Goals were the things that drove me, the things that kept me from getting bored and kept me wanting to get better and get more into the community. That's how I got into clans, my goals led me to them which I am grateful for.

My best friend, who I haven't talked to in forever and regret that, mice9 who was my first MCSG friend and introduced me to clans which changed my gaming life and friendships on the computer forever. If it weren't for clans, I wouldn't have made so many friends and gained so much respect from people in the community which boosted me so much. Clans are a big part of the community, most skilled players are in them and all of my friends in MCSG are in a clan. I never entered a clan that I really stayed with that was competitive until I had about 400 wins. Which darklum3n had created #ReAcT at the time which was my favorite clan at the time. Clans made me what I am today, no matter what clan, I always progressed to a better one.

Thank You

I really need to thank everyone for my time here with you guys, I'm nothing without you, but now, I'm just happy to share my year of minecraft with these people:
mice9 - You got me into this community, you are my best friend in the EU area, in fact my only EU friend sense I'm US. Thanks for the great laughs when we were 10 and for talking to me on Skype for 2 hours a day :)

darklum3n - my first real US clan leader who lives 20 minutes away from Akron, known you for 8 months and couldn't ask for a better friend. I'll meet you in Ohio one day, until then, thanks for being in my mcsg career.

cf918 - Corey, you were the best leader I ever had or was in a clan with, in the top 5 of leaders and you know that. I know I got you really mad at me at times, even though I thought it was funny which was quite weird I still tried my best to act mature around you the best I could :D thanks for making Rivals <3 I will never forget that clan.

afrecqnzwelo - my first friend in my first US clan :D I've known you for as long as I have been in MCSG, you were in every clan I was in and you were like a brother to me. You were there when I got my 100th, 1000th, and 2000th win, thank you <3

SociallyAK - Jake, haven't talked to you in 6 months but you were the most chill guy I knew, got me motivated to keep playing and kept me away from bad people and bad clans. Also, did your sister get those brown yoga pants?

CoolDarkraiDude - Chris, you helped me through tough times in my career for MCSG and I would've quit a long time ago if it weren't for people like you. You are a really nice guy and a great PvPer and someone I can always come to talk to when I need help or advice, you were a great friend.

Bcuzimbored1243 - Hey Bcuz, I always loved to be cocky around you for reasons I can't explain, but thats how we became friends, I hopefully toned it down to an amount where I'm barely cocky to you I hope. Keep up getting wins in MCSG :D

Mint_Sibs - Hey Sounyadeep (my bad if I spelled it wrong), We teased each other a lot, you got mad when we did sword fights and I got mad when we did bow fights, but we became close friends after joking around, you are a great PvPer and don't let people think you're a bad one, keep it up and thanks for being a friend.

SportsFan2565 - Jake, we pretty much said, "gg10" every time we killed each other, eh, we both got pissed when we did that, but it made us become better friends, you are a great PvPer and a even better friend, trust me I'm not even close to hating you if you think I do, thanks for the great laughs.

Munish06854 - Okay, I have no idea what forum account you use but I'm going with this one. You were a great friend to chat with and I was happy to meet you, I'll admit I just wanted to be friends with you at first because you gave people diamond donor, until, I kept talking and talking with you and realized you were a nice guy and great to be around with, get munish unbanned soon :)

iBearHD - I first met you in rivals, from that we have been close friends and I've talked to you so much and you are an amazing baba, thanks for the memories

ConconW - You were a great leader in Rivals, funny guy, creator of "The Truth About Huawhi" and a good CS-GO player, hopefully one day you will become as good as you use to be lol :D

Zlim95 - Another great friend who also at the time was in Rivals, thanks for being around so I could have someone to talk to.

Hks - One of my favorite people in MCSG, you are always nice, calm, funny and the best part, your laugh lol. I'm glad I met you 3 months ago, helped me through tough times and you were always there for me.

Lukeabbott - Hacksource, I wanted donor my whole entire MCSG career, asked about 40 people for donor and about 30 said they would get me donor, when quantum came, I never thought I would ever get platinum, maybe diamond, but out of all the people to transfer the donor, you gave it to me and I am truly grateful for it, you were a amazing friend and I'll miss you.

BulletJC - you were a really nice and chill guy, you were always on in rivals and I had someone to talk to always

madbellil - We haven't talked in awhile, just in MCSG chat but.. you were truly a really good friend and I truly regret not being able to talk to you for awhile, but hey, I might see you play sometime if I get to travel to the state you're in with basketball and soccer you never know :D thanks for being a friend.

Lemonz87 - I wanted to thank you too, not just for being a incredible friend, but for starting so many things, you developed one of my favorite clans, which got me so many friends and so much new people, you are truly respected in the community and I would fanboy over you a ton but I don't want to be annoying. Thanks for being a great person <3

AttackDog91 - Hey Austin, Known you for awhile since Divine and we became friends during winter break when we were the only ones that had it, you were a great friend, great with the bow, great attitude and a really nice guy. Thanks for the memories.

TopOfTheWorldGM - you are an amazing friend ian <3

iancool - I really only got to talk to you for 2 months, and half of the stuff we talked about pretty much ended with us saying, "Same". Thanks for being the PvP god and making me laugh :)

ProHulk - Hey, you are a great leader, great friend, funny guy and a good PvPer! thanks for being a friend.

Kupi - Hey Kupi, I've known you sense React and we became better friends after deception and went from there, I can never tell if you lie, are being funny or are trying to act mature, but you are a nice guy.

WATIII - Will, you made me go crazy sometimes, you were funny when you raged and complained, but you are overall a great PvPer and friend.

CreeperGoesPro - great guy and PvPer, keep it up

Ironwazzerr - always asked me to be your bane

BajanCanadian - I'm serious about this one, your videos inspired me to come to these servers, I loved watching them and never thought that I would ever get to a point like this. I know you will never see this or even know I existed, I just wanted everyone else to see this, what you started and how grateful I am that you are a youtuber

Sorry if I forget some people, Its just, so many have gotten me to this point and it is so hard to remember all of them. I truly love the community but my time has come where I know I have no reason to play anymore and I have made a big enough name for myself. I am giving my account to my best friend, he use to play V1, great pvper, so my stats won't go bad, I will always remember MCSG, I hope you guys remember me :) I will check up on my friends once and awhile. I need to focus more on basketball and soccer and now I have more time to concentrate now. If it weren't for you guys, I would not have developed so much friends, I am truly grateful.

Thank you, for everything MCSG I will never forget you

All I ask is that no one comments, "first" and for no one to start flame.

This is it.. I, xxSPUxx am officially quitting minecraft, Peace out everyone

I'll be back, question is... When will I be back?

LOL i promise you, you will come back,no one has ever quit minecraft without coming back after a while,minecraft is like crack.
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