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MCG Live Concerts


Aug 16, 2013
Reaction score

Hello tributes!

Welcome to the MCGamer Live Concerts. This is an event aimed at the musically inclined and at those who love to listen to great music, and discover great new bands at every single chance they get. So, if you love listening to other people's suggestions and building your personal musical collection, come on out to the Live Concert!

A typical live concert works something like this: everyone who wishes to listen to the music joins a talk-power moderated channel on the MCGamer Teamspeak (ts.mcgamer.net) and listen to songs that a music bot plays automatically. These songs have either been requested by the listeners in the channel at the time, or chosen specifically by the staff in the channel who moderate the songs requested, and the channel chat. Users that are sitting in the channel can submit songs to listen to that they enjoy, or just listen to the music that other people have requested. If no songs are in the request lineup, then the music is played off a pre-determined playlist.

Considering the fact that younger users may be joining the channel and listening in to the event, all songs submitted or otherwise played live must be PG. We apologize to those who love rap, but we can't have songs that swear, period. Those who submit troll songs or songs with swear words in them will be looked down upon with severity. By submitting your song, you are consenting to the MCGamer Teamspeak rules, and will be dealt with according to these rules if you submit a song that breaks said rules.

To join the Live Concert channel, scroll up two channels from the Entrance Hall and click the channel that is called Live Concert [See Description]. The channel is open to anyone to join, so you don't need to be moved in (provided that the channel is not locked - you can't go in whenever you want, only when the event is ongoing.) However, this is a talk-power moderated channel, which means that your microphone will be disabled by default and you will be unable to speak. You may only use the chat. At present, only those with the rank of moderator and above have the power to talk. The MCG LC team does not expect this fact to change anytime in the near future, to prevent trolling, soundboards, etc.

How do I request a song?
Simply fill out this form, and your request will be sent to the staff team.

Can we bring in our own music bots/sing by ourselves?
At this time, we already have our music bot set up and ready, so we do not wish for further trouble with other user's music bots. In regards to singing, that is what Open Mic Night is for. This is a concert for actual recorded music, not freestyle singing. Please keep this distinction in mind when joining this event.

MCG Live Concerts: Every Other Sunday Afternoon: 2:00 - 4:00 PM EST
Click here to convert the time to your timezone!
Next Concert: January 25th @ 2:00 PM EST

1. Troll songs will not be accepted (Whether or not the song is determined to be a troll song is up to the LC Crew member reviewing the submission).
2. All songs are to be PG, no swear words whatsoever. If your song is submitted, and it contains a swear word, it will not be played under any circumstances.
3. Any inappropriate chatting, mass demonstrations such as #DemoteDave2k14 will be dealt with immediately.
4. Do not spam the hosts asking for your song to be played. If it is requested, and you are still in the channel, the song will be played eventually. Patience is the key.
5. All other MCGamer rules apply.
Staff Roster
Jimmer - Event Creator, Overseer, Music Bot Operator
GetRidaHim - Music Bot Operator

PleaseTeamIFan - Music Bot Operator
Scott - Music Bot Operator
Froggytv - Team Member
Hectorg98 - Team Member
Jay | Ohjayx - Team Member
soggypickle - Team Member

If you have questions, comments, concerns, or general feedback about this event and the way it is run, please do not hesitate to speak to one of the staff member's involved in this project. Once they have a chance to read/listen to your comments, they would be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have at that specific point in time.

Till next time, tributes!
Last edited:


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
To be blunt, I'm laughing extremely hard at this:

Sadly I won't have internet access during the Live Concert, but I hope it goes well!
If there are any funny troll submissions, like the troll song:
Can a Mod mention them in chat so people can have a good laugh or two, optionally? :3


Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Shouldnt we really just have a channel that has music constantly playing? As in, a plugdj of sorts but its constantly streamed through a music bot. I would think that would be much better, as no one can type/talk and you just listen to music. We could do this aswell, specific times where people can request and a large amount of people collectively come together.


Aug 16, 2013
Reaction score
To be blunt, I'm laughing extremely hard at this:

Sadly I won't have internet access during the Live Concert, but I hope it goes well!
If there are any funny troll submissions, like the troll song:
Can a Mod mention them in chat so people can have a good laugh or two, optionally? :3
You raise a fair point. It'll be considered.

xIEtheox | Ethan

May 28, 2014
Reaction score
This will be fun, I'll deffionly be there! I have my own Music bot but the program that is used is so buggy, I have it on my dedi and it's really annoying xD What program does your bot run?


Jul 14, 2014
Reaction score
This is gonna be fun, I'll be there whenever it happens xD.


Dec 27, 2013
Reaction score
Unfortunately, the live concert will have to wait around a week. Jimmer is currently struggling with his computer and might not have it back for around a week. Due to that, the concert is going to have to wait. Thank you for your patience and you will be notified when the LC will happen!


Aug 22, 2014
Reaction score
This has to be one of the most innovative additions I've ever seen.

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