In-game name- ChargedPVP
Skype name- thomascraft103
Do you have Teamspeak? Yes
Any previous build team experiences (If so, elaborate)? I was a red forest builder for a while. I had VIP for helping make mortal skies and memory of earth
Are you currently in another build team? No, i do help nova flare sometimes though
Any previous map building experience (If so, what map and what did you contribute)? I helped build a lot of the shops and inside of the main ship on mortal skies, and did a lot of the detailing on memory of earth
What style of building are you best at (Place an “X” in only two categories below)-
[ x]- Medieval
[x ]- Modern
[ ]- Futuristic
[ ]- Other (Please specify)
What aspect of building are you best at (Place an “X” on all that apply)-
[ ]- Organics
[ ]- Interior
[x ]- Exterior
[ ]- Working in small spaces
[ ]- Time constraints
[x ]- Small details
[x ]- Gameplay Aspects
[ x]- Knowledge of World Edit
[ ]- Knowledge of Voxel Sniper
Provide all examples of your best work here (Pictures, videos, links, etc.)-