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Shower Idea 2: Protect AFK players at the beginning of the game.

Would you like this to be implemented? (Please elaborate in the comments)

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Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Please remember that I thought of this idea while in the shower. I didn't really think it through super well, which is why I would really appreciate the thoughts and input of you, the players.
(This is shower-feature-suggestion #2 for the night, and I'm paranoid that my mom is going to wake up from hearing my loud keyboard, come downstairs, and unplug my internet and make me go upstairs. :'c)

Ever been in a lobby, but then you have to go AFK to go to the bathroom, get some food, or help with a chore? You don't think it'll take long, but five minutes later you come back to your computer, and see that you're able to fly and teleport around the map just by clicking? (For those of you who may be mentally exhausted or slow, I'm referring to the spectating features that you get when you die.)
Well, a huuuuge portion of us have. I've had to experience this soo many times, it's actually a little bit saddening when I try to count. :(

So, my suggestion is this:
You have "god-mode" until you step off of your pedestal, with a time limit of 5 minutes, or a similarly reasonable number.
Now, allow me to elaborate.
"What is God-Mode?"
God-Mode is when you are invulnerable to fire, fall-damage, drowning, cactus, punching, arrows, mobs, explosions, and allllll other forms of damage. (except for an admin /kill'ing you or something cheap like that :p)

If you are AFK when the game starts, you can't walk off of your pedestal. Thus, you don't lose god-mode.
If you have god-mode, then you can't take damage. If you can't take damage, then you can't receive knockback. If you can't get knocked back, then you can't leave your pedestal unless YOU move yourself. If you can't leave your pedestal except for by your own free will, then... well, the cycle repeats itself.
Simply put, you are protected until you step off of your spawn-point.

This prevents you from being AFK-killed, and even if you come back three minutes after the game starts, you still have a (small) shot at winning the game. You can still run around, find items, and (try) to kill people.

Other Positive Effects:
You can still be killed after the time limit is up (5 minutes, or whatever the admins/devs set it to) so that you can't just AFK for the entire game and suddenly come in at 17 minutes for the Chest Refill.
If you happen to ghost for an extended period of time, for whatever reason, you have a large opportunity to un-ghost yourself. (Is ghosting even an issue on Minecraft anymore? I have no idea.)

Other Negative Effects:
Someone could avoid the Bloodbath right at the beginning of each game, and then run in to "cleanup-crew" someone who was at low HP. However, I think this is unlikely to happen very often.

Yet again, I must emphasize that I wrote this at around 12:30 at night, so I'm tired and possibly not thinking 100% straight.
Please give your thoughts, and constructive criticism. :)


Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
Not overly feeling this one. Just because you're AFK shouldn't grant you immunity for 5 minutes. If you need to go AFK, leave the game.

Even if you would be granted God Mode, not 5 minutes. Maybe 1 minute just so you don't get killed off corn. Then again. what's the point if you're going to have no loot? You'll just be a free kill for a randy Steve with a wooden axe. It's just another player until deathmatch. Games on some maps don't even last 5 minutes *cough* Breeze Island *cough*.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Not overly feeling this one. Just because you're AFK shouldn't grant you immunity for 5 minutes. If you need to go AFK, leave the game.
Okay, thanks.
I was thinking more because of situations where you expect something to take a little bit of time, but then it drags out and takes (X) amount longer. For example, when your mom asks you to help lift something, like a shelf, but then she makes you lift three other shelves and you're looking at your computer going, "Nooo, I diiiied!!"


Even if you would be granted God Mode, not 5 minutes. Maybe 1 minute just so you don't get killed off corn. Then again. what's the point if you're going to have no loot? You'll just be a free kill for a randy Steve with a wooden axe. It's just another player until deathmatch. Games on some maps don't even last 5 minutes *cough* Breeze Island *cough*.
As I stated in the thread, the number can be changed. Five minute is quite a long time, seeing as many games on small maps end within 10-15 minutes. I do agree, the duration should be less than five minutes, but for consistency, I just kept it at that.

I always die when I hoover up, its a thing
What's "hoover up"? o.o Sorry, I'm a bit lost.


Jul 27, 2013
Reaction score
Now Im really curious how long that shower of yours was... :eek:
Aug 7, 2013
Reaction score
Okay, thanks.
I was thinking more because of situations where you expect something to take a little bit of time, but then it drags out and takes (X) amount longer. For example, when your mom asks you to help lift something, like a shelf, but then she makes you lift three other shelves and you're looking at your computer going, "Nooo, I diiiied!!"

As I stated in the thread, the number can be changed. Five minute is quite a long time, seeing as many games on small maps end within 10-15 minutes. I do agree, the duration should be less than five minutes, but for consistency, I just kept it at that.

What's "hoover up"? o.o Sorry, I'm a bit lost.
Vacuum cleaner


Apr 20, 2012
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This has happened to me multiple times, but I don't really mind. I think that implementing this in the beginning of a game could be used strategically in ones favour. Even if they aren't AFK, they can purposely not move to avoid getting murdered off of spawn, and continue on their merry way.

Let me just put it this way; if you were actually, in real life, standing on your pedestal surrounded by 23 other blood-seeking tributes, do you really think it would be fair/reasonable to have immunity for x amount of time, even if you're standing still?
And I think it would be quite annoying for people trying to kill them after getting a sword off of spawn, and if they're not quite well versed in the way the game works, they could mistake it for hacks and make a big spiel about it.

If you don't get off the pedestal when the game starts and only return a few minutes later...well...you're done. R.I.P. Dead. Zippo.


District 13
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Not feelin this one, sorry moo :c


Mar 29, 2014
Reaction score
I really like this idea but...

Let's say you leave corn straight away, run to your route. Then you see a team of 3 and you think 'damn I guess I have lost' and then you realise it hasn't been [X] amount of time. So you think 'my pedastal still had god mode on it.'

EDIT: Remember just constructive criticism...


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
I really like this idea but...

Let's say you leave corn straight away, run to your route. Then you see a team of 3 and you think 'damn I guess I have lost' and then you realise it hasn't been [X] amount of time. So you think 'my pedastal still had god mode on it.'

EDIT: Remember just constructive criticism...
Once you leave the pedestal, God-Mode would be lost forever, even if you come back and stand on it again.


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
Once you leave the pedestal, God-Mode would be lost forever, even if you come back and stand on it again.
I was going to reply and explain that to him, but I wasn't sure if that was what you were implying x3
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