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Twee's Turn

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District 13
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Alright, first off. No, I am not someone's alternate account
Second off, this story has slight profanity. It's not super bad, but just a heads up.

So, here we go.

A few weeks back, my mom had told me I needed my annual "sports physical." (If you don't know what a sports physical is, basically a doctor examining your "parts.") She told me it was after my cross country camping trip. I thought it was nothing, figured it would be like every other one I've had before. I was wrong.
A couple days later, I was in the shower and noticed something unusual about one side of my genitalia. And I told my mom the next day.
She told me to just wait until my physical to tell the doctor.

At the physical, we went over the typical conversation. Medications I'm allergic to, if I'm taking any prescriptions, and more. I told him about the unusual thing I found, and he took a look.
He found a tumor.
He helped us schedule a ultra sound, so we could find out if this tumor was cancerous or not.

Fast forward a couple days. We get to the place for the ultra sound. And they call us back
An awkward 20 minutes later, we go home.
The rest of the day is normal. I hang out with my friends, and play a little minecraft. I was in the middle of a quite intense fight on uprising. When my mom came and tapped me on the shoulder. She told me to come upstairs, and she sat down and had me sit down next to her.
She told me the doctor had called, and that the radiologist said it looks cancerous.
My heart sunk. I have cancer.
The first thing I say is "Am I going to die"
She reassured me that we had found it early enough, that the likely hood of me dying was slim.
The next morning, I'm woken up to my dad shaking my shoulder.
"Get up! We gotta go!"
I quickly shower and we go to the car. We're heading to yet another doctor, who my main doctor wanted me to see.
When we got there, he had everything all scheduled.
Surgery was scheduled for Friday, a CT scan was scheduled for Thursday.
Today, we had the CT scan to see if the cancer had spread anywhere else.
I was over at my friend's house with my mom, and we were just talking about everything.
Then my dad called. My mom just kept repeating "okay" over the phone. She hung up, and spread her arms wide.
I instantly thought it had spread. But then I saw my mom smiling. The cancer was caught soon enough. So nothing else has been done to my body

Tonight, I was sitting on my bed and just thinking. I haven't been concerned about this at all. I haven't had the slightest bit of worry (besides when I first found out)
Tomorrow is my surgery to have it removed. After that, all will be (somewhat) back to normal.

I wanted to make this thread to tell you guys what has been going on. I'm not doing this for attention. I've been pretty reluctant to tell some of my IRL friends, only told a select few. But I just thought you guys deserved to know.
So yeah, that's just about it
Thank you so much for reading this! <3


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score


Well, thank you for sharing this. I'm really glad that you caught the cancer early enough, and I'm really hoping that recovering is going to be easy and stress-free for you :)
I must admit, it's a little bit awkward where the cancerous tumor was found, but it just makes the story even more relieving at the end to hear that you're going to be okay.


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
Ahh I hope it goes well for you Twee c:
Many of my relatives and close family have been diagnosed with cancer so I sort-of-kinda-ish know how your parents must've felt after finding out about it. Stay strong <3

Actually, on the topic of this. my father recently got diagnosed with cancer as well. Sadly, it's not going to be as quick as a problem to mend as yours, but it's alright :)


Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
Godspeed on the recovery, Twee. From everyone here at MCSG. I'm glad they caught it when they did, and no serious harm was done.

This kinda hits home to me, when my grandfather died of cancer. I'm glad that you can make it.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Ahh I hope it goes well for you Twee c:
Many of my relatives and close family have been diagnosed with cancer so I sort-of-kinda-ish know how your parents must've felt after finding out about it. Stay strong <3

Actually, on the topic of this. my father recently got diagnosed with cancer as well. Sadly, it's not going to be as quick as a problem to mend as yours, but it's alright :)
I know this thread is supposed to be rooting for Twee, but I also hope that your father and relatives recover safely as well :)


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
I know this thread is supposed to be rooting for Twee, but I also hope that your father and relatives recover safely as well :)
Thanks Moo, the only problem with the health care system here in Canada is that the wait for CT scans and such is really long, so we're really unsure when he's going to start his treatment. Hopefully soon :)

And let's not get distracted with my life as this thread is about Twee :3


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
I've never told anyone this, but by dad had cancer in his throat. I was really scared, and worried every night. Thankfully, everything was ok as the doctors were great and the cancer was at it's early stage. Twee There is nothing to worry about, just stay strong kid. :)
Wow, we're (were) actually in the same boat! That's kinda creepy :p

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