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Team Nitride - [New Owner]

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Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
Name(For example Dylan S.) : Florian
MineCraft Name: Floriancitt
Region (EU/AU/US): Eu, but before the first time I joined nitride I also played on us and au.
Exact date of birth (No lieing): 1998/12/20
Amount of points from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): Total: 2000? On eu: 1100
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): total: 30? On eu: 25
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): Beceause I got kicked out some time ago, I only had 7 wins on eu when it happened... A mod told me to get 25 wins and then apply again, now I got it and I just reapply. I also have a lot of friends in nitride and I dont want to lose them, friends like: abaabai, loic, echo, eshancowee, achi, Gudyness, roellie and more!
Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED): I killed a guy with a dia sword with only my bow, I had nothing else. (I do had arrows...)
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED): Beceause I got kicked out of nitride some time ago and I really want to join again.
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED): Nope, never.
Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?: florian.van.citters
TeamSpeak name (REQUIRED): I'm not sure but I think it is floriancitt

Hope I can join again and have the same fun I had again!


May 7, 2012
Reaction score
hey guy i noticed i have not been aded to the new thread could i please be added back in (i was new member) unless i have been removed if so could someone plase inform me
if so i will redo the apliactaion since my old one was from a while ago and i have done load of thing after (i join before eshan was mod it was a while ago)


Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Name(For example Dylan S.) : Jarni van Roon
MineCraft Name: Jarni
Region (EU/AU/US): EU and sometimes US
Exact date of birth (No lieing): 06/08/1998
Amount of points from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED):
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 111
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): I've been looking for a good clan for a long time now, and now I've decided to apply for Nitride.
Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED): I always have my fraps open ready to records hackers.
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED): I'm an skilled pvp player, who played Minecraft Hunger Games before starting playing mcsg. I'm a nice teammate who never betrayes, or causes any trouble.
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED): Yes, I do have 2 mcbans wich where because of griefing, but I'm over that now and don't grief anymore. (Those bans are almost a year old)
Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?: Spacekatstudios. And yes I do have a mic. (Turtle Beach x12)
TeamSpeak name (REQUIRED): Jarniii


District 13
Jun 15, 2012
Reaction score
Name(For example Dylan S.) : Jarni van Roon
MineCraft Name: Jarni
Region (EU/AU/US): EU and sometimes US
Exact date of birth (No lieing): 06/08/1998
Amount of points from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED):
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 111
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): I've been looking for a good clan for a long time now, and now I've decided to apply for Nitride.
Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED): I always have my fraps open ready to records hackers.
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED): I'm an skilled pvp player, who played Minecraft Hunger Games before starting playing mcsg. I'm a nice teammate who never betrayes, or causes any trouble.
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED): Yes, I do have 2 mcbans wich where because of griefing, but I'm over that now and don't grief anymore. (Those bans are almost a year old)
Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?: Spacekatstudios. And yes I do have a mic. (Turtle Beach x12)
TeamSpeak name (REQUIRED): Jarniii
Well, seems good, You can hardly Grief MCSG, I'll add you now


Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
well aaron for one your the one lieing and also since when did you make the decisions?
I didn't say i was making the decisions and im not lying cause you said on you application that you had 300 points and then i said to you when did you get 300 points and you said a few days ago. so then i checked your records on the same day and it said youve got like 154 points . that was the time i knew you were lieing because you sent the application yesterday (22 october)saying you got 300 points but you told me you got it a few days ago and i know you didnt lose any points yesterday because you were never on survival games you were on your mom's laptop and your mom doesn't have minecraft on her laptop.


Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Name(For example Dylan S.) : jimmy jasper
MineCraft Name: Jimmy1005
Region (EU/AU/US): EU and sometimes US
Exact date of birth (No lieing): 10/05/1998
Amount of points from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED):
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 23 EU 54 US
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): I've been looking for a good clan for a long time now, and now I've decided to apply for Nitride.
Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED): I always have my fraps open ready to records hackers.
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED): I'm an skilled pvp player, who played Minecraft Hunger Games before starting playing mcsg. I'm a nice teammate who never betrayes, or causes any trouble.
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED): Yes, I do have 1 mcbans for using xray on a server
Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?: jimmy.jasper my mic is a Turtle Beach x12
TeamSpeak name (REQUIRED): killx01

i hope you allow me in the clan im a good friend of jarni he told me that i should join this clan
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