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1000 post + Q&A


District 13
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
Oh my gosh... I got to like, question 97, and then I was like,
"Flipping heck, this must look REALLY stalker-ish to someone else." O_O

You've done it now, sir.
One does not simply challenge The Mooclan.

70. Your favorite food from two years ago?
71. What's the song that you have played the most on your computer/mobile device, if any?
72. Favorite quotes?
73. Favorite indoor activity?
74. Favorite outdoor activity?
75. Favorite online activity?
76. How much do you feel bad for demonsushi because we all know he'll never beat me?
77. Favorite season?
78. Bike or rollerblades?
79. Train or Plane?
80. Are you partially color blind?
81. Do you know anyone else that is partially color blind?
82. Have you ever met someone that is (clinically) bipolar?
83. Are you even going to answer these questions? There's going to be over 200 in total, you know.
84. When you have an hour to do anything that you want (like go on the computer, walk around outside, etc.) what would you do?
85. Would you rather stroll the city or forage in the forest?
86. What's your favorite type of dog-food?
88. Favorite vegetable?
88. Bacon or Bacon?
89. How often do you buy gum? What type?
90. How often does your family tell embarrassing stories about you?
91. How much do you weigh?
92. How tall are you?
93. Where do you think Waldo disappears to?
94. Do you think demonsushi is going to A) Lose, B) Lose, C) Lose even more?
95. What's generally the first thing you do when you wake up?
95. The last thing you do before going to bed?
96. Do you usually go on a mobile device in bed?
97. How often do you watch TV?
98. What is your favorite childhood TV show?
99. Would you rather play MCSG or watch someone else play and commentate it?
100. Do you prefer to play video games with friends, or solo?
101. Is demonsushi silly?
102. How often do you remember your dreams?
103. If your crush made a really bad joke, would you still laugh?
104. What was the weirdest thing you saw this week? (Aside from me/demonsushi's question competition)
105. When you get back on a computer, will you actually answer these questions? c:
106. Do you want us to stop? xD
107. If you randomly got a call from an MCSG Admin for no reason other than to just chat, would you be creeped out?
108. If you could renovate your house without worrying about the cost, what would you change?
109. Does your house have an attic?
110. Would you rather go bungee jumping or sky diving?
111. Which of the two listed above is more dangerous, in your opinion?
112. Is the glass half empty or half full?
113. Did you notice that there were two #88's, and no #87?
114. When do you think me and demonsushi will stop?
115. When do you want to learn how to drive, or do you already know?
116. Where were you on Valentine's day? Alone, or with a person?
117. If you won the lottery and got, say, several million dollars, when would you tell people? And who?
118. Would you rather wear a short-sleeved or long-sleeved shirt?
119. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
120. What is the meaning of life?

Your move, Demon...
I almost feel bad for OhFancy. :B
Yo at this point none of these questions are getting answered. Haha whatever. We will see what happens.

102. Would you prefer to have to wear short shorts in public or a bikini top in public.
103. What is the coolest city in Africa?
104. To be or not to be?
105. To see or not to see?
106. To tree or not to tree?
107. What is treeing?
108. Have you ever planked?
109. What is the longest plane ride you have been on?
110. What is the longest car ride you have been on?
111. What is the longest train ride you have been on?
What is the longest boat ride you have been on?
112. What is your favorite form of transportation?
113. Have you been on a helicopter?
114. One billion dollars is put in your bank account… what is your first move?
115. You can lead any country in the world… where?
116. You are stuck in a concentration camp in Germany 1944… what do you do?
117. You are stuck in a concentration camp in North Korea 2014… what do you do?
118. What do you currently have copied?
119. Favorite fruit?
120. Favorite vegetable?
121. Favorite breakfast?
122. Favorite lunch?
123. Favorite dinner?
124. Favorite midday snack?
125. Favorite midnight snack?
126. WPM (typing)?
127. WPM (speaking)?
128. What is your click speed?
129. Can you speak another language?
130. If you could speak another language what would it be?
131. If a girlfriend spoke another language, which one would you want her to speak?
132. What is scarier: an evil clown or a fat person wanting you to spread sunscreen on their back?
133. Do you own a watch?
134. What is the most expensive non electronic do you own?
135. Do you play an instrument?
136. If you could play an instrument what would it be?
137. What was your first word?
138. Do you Remember your first song that you heard?
139. Is there a song you and your parent/a bonded over?
140. What is your parent/s favorite pop song?
141. What is one very Australian term you know an American wouldn't?
142. Coke or Pepsi?
143. Mac or PC?
144. How many questions will be asked?
145. Do you think our fingers are tired?
146. If Mooclan had been normal and asked like 3 questions do you think this woud have happened?
147. Favorite number 1-147?

Your turn moo. Also, there will be over 300 and no he won't answer these… also yes I noticed two 88s.


District 13
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
Since I didn't answer your first few, I'll answer these.

37. Yes
38. No
39. Yes
40. 69
41. Don't know him
42. Yes
43. Yes - blastoise
44. Diamond
45. Yes
46. No
47. No
48. No
49. No
50. No
51. Xbox
52. How should I know? XD
53. No
54. No
55. Don't play it
56. Swoozie
57. Cows
58. 23.538
59. No, but I shared a Pepsi with my ex
Lol you have up. Also thanks for answering. Also you think Mooclan is gonna win??? Shame…

Edit: didn't realize I double posted and can't copy the message because of my use of mobile.


Sep 16, 2013
Reaction score
Do you like waffles?
Do you like pancakes?
Do you like french toast?
do do do do


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Yo at this point none of these questions are getting answered. Haha whatever. We will see what happens.

121: Your favorite toy?
122: Did you sleep with a stuffed animal when you were younger? (It's ok if you do, I still have one that I sleep with.)
123: In which year were you the happiest?
124: What do you find creepy?
125: Should I stop at 150?
126: Who was your favorite teacher? (as in, which grade?)
127: When did you get your first kiss? :p
128: The last movie you watched?
129: Favorite movie?
130: Favorite song?
131: Favorite band?
132: What type of mouse do you have?
133: Something or someone you miss from your childhood?
134: If your best friend decided that you were no longer "worthy" of being their friend, what would you do?
135: Potato?
136: Am I allowed to just ask random questions? Because that's pretty much what I've been doing.
137: Spotify or Pandora?
138: XSplit or OBS?
139: COD or Halo?
140: FPS or 3rd Person games?
141: How is the weather right now?
142: What temperature do you usually set your AC to?
143: Which would be harder for you to do: Tell someone you love them, or that you don't love them back?
144: What's your favorite disney movie?
145: Favorite movie character? (Any movie)
146: Pugs, or pugs?
147: What's your favorite star? (Like, ball of fire in outer space.)
148: If white wine goes with fish, does white grapes go with sushi?
149: Do you like sushi?
150: Can we stop now? I wanna go livestream. xD


District 13
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score

121: Your favorite toy?
122: Did you sleep with a stuffed animal when you were younger? (It's ok if you do, I still have one that I sleep with.)
123: In which year were you the happiest?
124: What do you find creepy?
125: Should I stop at 150?
126: Who was your favorite teacher? (as in, which grade?)
127: When did you get your first kiss? :p
128: The last movie you watched?
129: Favorite movie?
130: Favorite song?
131: Favorite band?
132: What type of mouse do you have?
133: Something or someone you miss from your childhood?
134: If your best friend decided that you were no longer "worthy" of being their friend, what would you do?
135: Potato?
136: Am I allowed to just ask random questions? Because that's pretty much what I've been doing.
137: Spotify or Pandora?
138: XSplit or OBS?
139: COD or Halo?
140: FPS or 3rd Person games?
141: How is the weather right now?
142: What temperature do you usually set your AC to?
143: Which would be harder for you to do: Tell someone you love them, or that you don't love them back?
144: What's your favorite disney movie?
145: Favorite movie character? (Any movie)
146: Pugs, or pugs?
147: What's your favorite star? (Like, ball of fire in outer space.)
148: If white wine goes with fish, does white grapes go with sushi?
149: Do you like sushi?
150: Can we stop now? I wanna go livestream. xD
Ok we can.
I need 3 more and I'll be at 150 questions as well. So here we go.
148. Will you answer these questions?
149. What do you want to achieve in life?
150. Who is the most famous person you have met?

Mooclan are you livestreaming? Wait till Friday so I can watch it pleaseeee. I'll be home by then.


Apr 14, 2014
Reaction score
Has coming clean about your identity affected you in any way? Explain.

In your opinion, do you believe the community should view you any differently from how you were pre-confession?

And finally, don't shoot me for doing this, but;
Do you want to build a snowman?
I had to.


Dec 12, 2013
Reaction score
Is it just me or do other people notice Otto just trying to like fit in xD jk jk


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
Has coming clean about your identity affected you in any way? Explain.

In your opinion, do you believe the community should view you any differently from how you were pre-confession?

And finally, don't shoot me for doing this, but;
Do you want to build a snowman?
I had to.
1)I definitely think it has, I feel I have had a massive weight uplifted for upon my chest. It makes me feel better and I now feel more comfortable talking to people on TeamSpeak etc.

2)I expect to be viewed on a lower level, with confessing about lying in order to get mod on Pro, I believe some of those views will be casted upon this account now. I don't want to be treated with more-respect or less-respect, I want to be viewed as the same guy I always have been; A person that shows respect to everyone and not expect it in return.

3) If the snowman is fancy, then definitely. :) (SnowFancy)

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