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First Server


Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
The title says it all -- so, what was the first server you went on? A creative server? A survival server? A factions server? Maybe this was your first server ?

My first server was an SMP server that was extremely laggy -- not fun. But how about you? Maybe you even have a story to tell!


District 13
Jul 28, 2013
Reaction score
survival server. It was hosted in the US and at the time i didn't even know -.-
Edit: 700th Post ggez


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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It was an old server named SnapGaming. It shut down a long time ago, so no - I'm not trying to advertise. It was Factions.
Befor buying Minecraft, I had played Singleplayer for roughly half of a year, so I wasn't exactly new to Minecraft.
This story begins in around August of 2012, which is when my MCSG forum account was made. I'm slightly confused as to when/how the timeline begins and aligns with MCSG, so it might have been 2011, but I'm not sure.

I searched for a survival server, and found the IP. I joined the server, and very soon after I left spawn, I got killed. But I was reading the chat, and there was so much going on. I was excited.
A week later, the server shut down. However, there was news of a Towny alternative to the server that was open.
I joined the Towny server, and realized it was a much more peaceful, friendly community. I asked around searching for a town to join, and a player named "killcom225" invited me to his. I eagerly accepted, and soon teleported to my new town, which had just started out. I helped gather resources, and start creating plots. I built my own house, built from birch and oak wooden planks with large glass windows.
Fairly soon, I was promoted to Town Assistant, and was given more responsibilities. I was starting to learn the workings of the server, and had a rivalry with a big-name player in the biggest, strongest, most aggressive town in the entire server. I nearly got raided several times, but managed to pull through.

Skip forwards around two months.
I was now the leader of my town, as the old leader had been banned after passing on mayor-ship to me and then cursing out the server owner. (I never figured out why, despite still being in contact with him once in a while to this date)
My old rival had become a strong friend, and I had transformed my little old town into a powerhouse with 30-some active members, and several of the richest players on the server. I was helping out around the server, and was hoping to become a staff member soon.
One day, the server owner logged on, and introduced a new rank - Guide. I was among the first 5 players instated to Guide, as there were only three Moderators at the time, only one of which was particularly active, and the owner himself only logged on around once a month.

I would keep writing, but I don't really think anyone cares about this. XD


Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
It was an old server named SnapGaming. It shut down a long time ago, so no - I'm not trying to advertise. It was Factions.
Befor buying Minecraft, I had played Singleplayer for roughly half of a year, so I wasn't exactly new to Minecraft.
This story begins in around August of 2012, which is when my MCSG forum account was made. I'm slightly confused as to when/how the timeline begins and aligns with MCSG, so it might have been 2011, but I'm not sure.

I searched for a survival server, and found the IP. I joined the server, and very soon after I left spawn, I got killed. But I was reading the chat, and there was so much going on. I was excited.
A week later, the server shut down. However, there was news of a Towny alternative to the server that was open.
I joined the Towny server, and realized it was a much more peaceful, friendly community. I asked around searching for a town to join, and a player named "killcom225" invited me to his. I eagerly accepted, and soon teleported to my new town, which had just started out. I helped gather resources, and start creating plots. I built my own house, built from birch and oak wooden planks with large glass windows.
Fairly soon, I was promoted to Town Assistant, and was given more responsibilities. I was starting to learn the workings of the server, and had a rivalry with a big-name player in the biggest, strongest, most aggressive town in the entire server. I nearly got raided several times, but managed to pull through.

Skip forwards around two months.
I was now the leader of my town, as the old leader had been banned after passing on mayor-ship to me and then cursing out the server owner. (I never figured out why, despite still being in contact with him once in a while to this date)
My old rival had become a strong friend, and I had transformed my little old town into a powerhouse with 30-some active members, and several of the richest players on the server. I was helping out around the server, and was hoping to become a staff member soon.
One day, the server owner logged on, and introduced a new rank - Guide. I was among the first 5 players instated to Guide, as there were only three Moderators at the time, only one of which was particularly active, and the owner himself only logged on around once a month.

I would keep writing, but I don't really think anyone cares about this. XD
I'm interested, go on?


Feb 3, 2013
Reaction score
This server. Since coming here in early 2013/late 2012 (I actually can't remember :p ) I've only been part of one other MC community.


Jun 27, 2014
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Back in June 2012, I was introduced by my friends to a server called 'BuildCraft.' (shut down). I had some great memories on that server (especially because we had used the 'duplicate glitch', which ment that everytime we got a diamond, we could then make it two, then four, then eight, sixteen, thirty two and then sixty-four.

Unfortunately it was shut down after a week (thanks 1.3.1 >.<)


Apr 8, 2013
Reaction score
This server. Since coming here in early 2013/late 2012 (I actually can't remember :p ) I've only been part of one other MC community.
Wow, lurker.

MCSG was also my first server. I found out about it independently before I even bought minecraft (hence why I sucked when I started). It was December 2012 when I joined, running a solid 10 fps on my laptop and using a trackpad. Surprisingly, I won within my first 100 games after getting two diamonds and a stick in one chest off corn on Breeze (ah, the days when this was possible, #nostalgia). By this time I had 'borrowed' the logitech mouse that went with the family desktop, so the game was pretty much plain sailing. Diamond sword in hand, I notched up around 8 kills (this was before I knew how to check game stats). After a couple hundred more games I roped in some irl friends and the rest was history.

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