- How do you feel about people who receive like-spams in order to reach the Top Likes page?
- Similarly, what about people who post short, relatively bland posts to stack up Posts? For example, forum-games, clans/teams posts such as "Good luck! Cheerleader?"
- How much time would you estimate that you spend on the forums each day?
- Do you ever have plans to create a YouTube channel? If you already have one, do you have plans for it to get larger?
- Computer specs? Average FPS, and on what settings?
- What texture/resource pack do you prefer to use?
- If approached by a YouTuber with, say, 10,000 subscribers that you were subscribed to, how would you react?
- If you were contacted by the MCGamer Staff and told that you had been selected for A) a prize or B) a staff internship, how would you react? Would you accept the internship?
- r u air conditioner?
- tam plz i heater?
- If you had the ability to do anything you wanted on MCSG's forums, what would it be?
- Would you rather lose internet for a day, or have no peaceful sleep at night for two nights?
12 questions. c: enjoy.
js but a certain barn animal went from 2k-3k in a month.
I know these we're meant for him but I'm answering them , cuz.
1. It's annoying people should get likes because have liked ( by the definition) their posts .
2. I don't really see people do that... And sometimes people want cheerleader generally
3. 4 hours? Maybe more when I can't play mc
4. I have one, and I'm trying to get bigger
5. Not on computer, but my FPS is around 40 - 50 on fastest settings
6. A complicated mixture I made myself
7. I'd act cool --ask for an autograph and maybe a photo, leave, freak out , post it on here, go to sleep.
8. A) say yes and get really happy, then worry if it's gonna work
B) say no -- I'm not ready to be staff
9. Nu
10. Yus i suk.plz idc
11. Go on chads account and mess about. Yes I'm that mean.
12. Loose internet