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Vortex [US Clan]

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Jul 4, 2014
Reaction score
And who said i was hacking in the scrim? your imagination?
You had no knockback. The other team recorded and reported you. Honestly, arguing about this is going to get you nowhere. You will not get accepted no matter what. Just apply for another clan and we can get all of this over with.


Mar 30, 2014
Reaction score
You had no knockback. The other team recorded and reported you. Honestly, arguing about this is going to get you nowhere. You will not get accepted no matter what. Just apply for another clan and we can get all of this over with.
Send me the proof right now


Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: zChaotic Alt: BaccaArmyUnite
Age: 12
Games Won: 200 with both alts combined

Games Played: 739 on zchaotic and 1435 on baccarmy ! (Zchaotic is my main, baccaarmy is my noob account)
Time Zone: EST
Skype: zChaoticMC
Donor: Getting it soon
PVP Strengths: bow fishing rod fns strafing
PVP Weaknesses: 3 teams+
Were you invited? If so, by who?: Wasn't invited
Do you know anyone in the clan?: Not really, meeting new people:D
Previous Clans (Include the reason why you left the clans): Well i quit for a while soo i cant really remember them :p
Why do you want TO JOIN Vortex?: It looks like a really good clan, takes certain stuff seriously and i really feel since i got back to MC i should try out for clans again :D
Anything else we should know about you: My BaccaArmy account was made when i was a noob:p Thats it :D


Jul 4, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: ShaShingMe
Age: 14
Games Won: 364
Games Played: 1639
Time Zone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Skype: cpbobbycp
Donor: No
PVP Strengths: Rod, Sword
PVP Weaknesses: Bow, Fns
Were you invited? If so, by who?: No one
Do you know anyone in the clan?: Yes
Previous Clans (Include the reason why you left the clans): Remotive, Ezpvp, Trama
Why do you want to join Vortex?: Seems legit and I want to get better and meet new friends
Anything else we should know about you: I like to have fun
Denied. You applied to another clan. Soz bubba
IGN: zChaotic Alt: BaccaArmyUnite
Age: 12
Games Won: 200 with both alts combined
Games Played: 739 on zchaotic and 1435 on baccarmy ! (Zchaotic is my main, baccaarmy is my noob account)
Time Zone: EST
Skype: zChaoticMC
Donor: Getting it soon
PVP Strengths: bow fishing rod fns strafing
PVP Weaknesses: 3 teams+
Were you invited? If so, by who?: Wasn't invited
Do you know anyone in the clan?: Not really, meeting new people:D
Previous Clans (Include the reason why you left the clans): Well i quit for a while soo i cant really remember them :p
Why do you want TO JOIN Vortex?: It looks like a really good clan, takes certain stuff seriously and i really feel since i got back to MC i should try out for clans again :D
Anything else we should know about you: My BaccaArmy account was made when i was a noob:p Thats it :D
Denied. Applied for another clan.
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Dec 24, 2013
Reaction score
I just want to say something. I think the 1/3 ratio shouldn't be a requirement. I have my reasons. Some people like me took a while to get decent at pvp and now have a horrible ratio. It's true that I could just reset my stats, but in all honesty, I'm broke. My second reason is that some of the top players in the world don't even have 1/3 ratios. Examples from the top 10 - reven86, tekisuto7022.
I'm not saying that ratios shouldn't be a factor in accepting or denying people. But for people with decent ratios, at least trial them and see how good they actually are. Then make your decision. You could be passing up on some really helpful players just by seeing a bad ratio and denying them.


Jul 4, 2014
Reaction score
I just want to say something. I think the 1/3 ratio shouldn't be a requirement. I have my reasons. Some people like me took a while to get decent at pvp and now have a horrible ratio. It's true that I could just reset my stats, but in all honesty, I'm broke. My second reason is that some of the top players in the world don't even have 1/3 ratios. Examples from the top 10 - reven86, tekisuto7022.
I'm not saying that ratios shouldn't be a factor in accepting or denying people. But for people with decent ratios, at least trial them and see how good they actually are. Then make your decision. You could be passing up on some really helpful players just by seeing a bad ratio and denying them.
People are set to pending if we see that they are half decent. With that, they will have to interact with us on our ts to get accepted as trial and then member.
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