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Captain_Dak-Meet the staff [V2]

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
Posted one of these a while back but I wanted to update it. :p
IGN(s): Captain_Dak
Nickname(s): Dak
Age: 20
Region: US

One Cool Fact: I'm kind of a sports nut, and I love sports memorabilia, especially sports cards. I don't have anything that's totally priceless, but I have some cool stuff nonetheless.
One Embarrassing Fact: I once slipped and slid across the ground about 15 feet while sprinting down the hallway in 7th grade.
One Fact that makes you proud: I've been a mod here continously since February 2013; never resigning or completely ceasing activity for any extended period of time. I'm pretty proud I've been able to serve so long. Also proud of my good friend Codered1218 being right there along with me for almost all that time as well.
One Fact no one would ever guess about you: I am not a real captain, of anything. The fact that Captain is my title in my IGN is actually quite random. It's only because it just happened to be a boat that was one of the first things I built on my cracked minecraft account.
Most Common question you get asked: "captin dak can you ban [Insert name here] for hacking?"
Favorite Animal: No idea, too many.
Favorite Plant: No idea.
Favorite Color: Blue or orange.
Favorite Food: Chinese, Italian, and apple pie.
Biggest Pet Peeve: People in parking lots who need to get the closest possible parking spot to the store.
Heard about MCG by: Codered1218
Ever Bring someone to MCG: I don't know.
First friend in the community: Codered1218
MCG role-model: Codered1218 , Le0 , nate252 , Blamph , G33ke Also ARB1T3R for my trademark profile picture.
Things that you’ve done/are proud of: Graduated high school early, got mostly A's and B's all through my schooling, I'm happy and healthy and have a steady job both here and IRL.
Who would win in a fight, you or Chad?: Me.
Call me maybe?: Shut up.
Do you team in game: I used to never team with anyone besides IRL friends, but nowadays I play more for fun and I might team more with randoms.
Have you been backstabbed: Yup, but I used to backstab people a lot without them actually knowing it. I call it let them fight up close stand back and accidentally intentionally snipe them from a distance while they fight. >:D Sorry to anyone I did that to. ;-;
Ever Broken a bone: Not that I know of.
Would you rather be a fish or a bird?: A bird.
Personal Skills: Most cool stuff.
Computer specs: Terrible.
Computer operating system: Windows XP.
Program I use to record: Fraps.
Favorite movie: Anything good, lots of classics, most action, many comedies, but really anything with a good story and good acting; from It's a Wonderful Life to 12 Angry Men to Chinatown to Captain Phillips and everything in between. And you know, Star Wars is pretty good.
Favorite music genre/band/song/artist/composer: Lots, but to narrow it down, just about anything besides mainstream modern music of most genres, rap, hip hop, and anything that makes me want to shoot my ears off. Also modern in my book is anything in the 21st century, although I do still love some stuff from the early 2000s that is nostalgic. I wish "Sexy and I Know it" and "Gangam Style" would just STOP being played. I want to kill myself every time I hear either of those, and I refuse to dance to them anymore. I love classic rock a lot, among other old stuff.
Favorite game (other than Minecraft): Star Wars the Old Republic. Don't play anymore, might again someday.
Favorite character from fiction: The man with no name.
What does a fox say? Shut up.
Terrified of: I'm never in the situation, but I being underwater in deep areas.
Favorite website (Other than these forums): YouTube.
Dream job: Anything I would enjoy doing that I could make a good living at.
Favorite thing about the community: The few that have been here a long time and always give you that feeling that you never want them to leave. Ever.

When I am online: Normally the late hours of the night if it's in-game, but I check the forums a lot when I'm at home during the day. I'm also pretty rarely on teamspeak and if I am it isn't to actually speak to people, I'm unfortunately quite reclusive. :p I have had some nice chats with people I have respected and admired from long ago, though. This is however something I wish to improve on.
Previous moderating experience: None.
Been a member of staff since: Feburary 2013
Servers most active on (MCSG, Creative, Survival, etc): MCSG, Creative, Battlegrounds.
Personal goal(s) as a staff member: To remain an active mod as long as sanity will allow me... I personally guarantee that I will still be here to celebrate my 2-year anniversary as staff. Unless I die or MCSG is no more, but let's hope neither of those things happen. :D

Some day, and that day may never come, I will write an actual MCSG story to my best G33ke-like ability.. Stay tuned...
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Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
Also want to add this, from on my page the day I got mod. Check out the names on here. If you remember Frondome as staff at this time, you've been here a while. :p
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