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Big 1v1 Tournament - Hosted by 001nathan100


May 11, 2012
Reaction score
Hello all!

This is going to be a long thread, so be ready to read!
I recently came up with the idea to organise a big 1v1 tournament, for the MC Gamer players. So, what is this tournament about? I, or maybe an external server host, will be hosting a server that will run a custom made 1v1 plugin. My clan: Despair, will make a custom map where all the battles will be held.

How does the tournament go?
There will be four groups with 4 players in each group. This means there is room for 16 people in this tournament. Each group will have it's internal fights. For example: Player 1 vs Player 2 | Player 3 vs Player 4
The fight will be a best of 4 matches. Each match is 3 rounds, if you win 2 rounds, you win the match. If you win 3 matches or more you win the game.
Winning a game gives you 3 points, a draw gives both players 1 point and if you lose you will get 0 points.

The winner AND the second place will go to the quarter finals according to the scoreboard.
Next, the winners of those matches will go to the semi-finals, and after that the final. And that will decide the winner of the 1v1 tournament!

When will this tournament occur?
The tournament will cover at least a week, because we cant do all matches in one day, an I don't expect every player to be online at the same moment. The tournament will start saturday the 16th of August and will end saturday the 23th of August. Make sure you are available this week before applying to play!

How will you be updated on the matches and statistics?
You will each receive a link where you can view the current stats, and match details. You will be updated when your match is via Skype.

How to apply?
Applying is very simple. Just click the link below and fill in all the required information.
Please note I cant pick everyone! I will pick you based on your wins and Wins/Games Ratio!
Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1S2HtTw4TaVKOy-S7ijxxD6PjpFhsNc3P_CGOhyLN3nQ/viewform?usp=send_form

By Applying, you accept to the following rules stated below:
- No hacked clients are allowed in game ever!
- You must follow all orders of the host!
- You must not cause any drama in game!
- Do not start any flame wars or discussions!
- Keep to the order made by the host in wich you will fight!
- Make sure you are available for a match when you must!
- Failing to keep to these rules will result in a removal of the tournament!
- These rules are subject to change at any time, so make sure you know them when playing!

I hope I will get loads of replies!
Much regards, 001nathan100



May 11, 2012
Reaction score
I have 2 more places :D. Be quick if you want to enter. I have loads of good players, it's going to exciting!!!

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