• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

My venting...


Jun 15, 2012
Reaction score
The following is me getting really mad at the servers. I do not curse from personally preference, but feel free to add in as much as you want!
1. It is impossible to find a server in lobby without being kicked and its stupid to have to pay to have it guaranteed.
2. Once I get onto a server its lag city.
3. Plug-ins don't work/ hate me. (example: 2 weeks ago I played a few games and got 2 wins and hit 1k points. 2 hours later I get on and its as if I never logged in....)
4. I am a really good player. But I can't show it if I can't aim correctly or move, or be generally connected to a server.
5. It's not like my computer is bad either I only have the problem with these servers.
6. Every time I DO manage to find a game in lobby I either lag out and die, lag out and d/c, or Kill the guy with the diamond sword only to be killed by a n00b who caught me with 1/2 a heart left.
7. These problems are probably all my fault and it'd take about $1000 just to fix everything so I could enjoy a single game!


Aug 18, 2012
Reaction score
I see you're mad, but over-reacting,
  • First of all, Donators help keep the servers alive, and doing that we need to give them a reward, and if you have trouble joining a server, just donate, its not that expensive.
  • Second of all, lag, not US, more likely you. Depending in what region you are, make sure you are connected to EU if in EU, US if in US or near, or AU if near singapore/australia
  • Third of all, the plugin does not do this, or since beta it hasn't/shouldn't..
  • Check you're connection, it might not be US that's making you D/C as I run perfectly fine.
  • Not our fault but you to watch out for the "noobs" killing you, this is a GAME.
  • You do not know the cost at all, and this is not stuff we can fix but you can, everything you just said can be fixed if you tried to.. except for donator, that you would have to donate and will not be changing.
  • If you're mad why don't you move out of this community? were not looking for people that just hate and can't enjoy a GAME, that's what it is right? I mean, you don't need to make a thread about it, but just move on.
That is just my two cents on everything you just said.


District 13
May 26, 2012
Reaction score
I see you're mad, but over-reacting,
  • First of all, Donators help keep the servers alive, and doing that we need to give them a reward, and if you have trouble joining a server, just donate, its not that expensive.
  • Second of all, lag, not US, more likely you. Depending in what region you are, make sure you are connected to EU if in EU, US if in US or near, or AU if near singapore/australia
  • Third of all, the plugin does not do this, or since beta it hasn't/shouldn't..
  • Check you're connection, it might not be US that's making you D/C as I run perfectly fine.
  • Not our fault but you to watch out for the "noobs" killing you, this is a GAME.
  • You do not know the cost at all, and this is not stuff we can fix but you can, everything you just said can be fixed if you tried to.. except for donator, that you would have to donate and will not be changing.
  • If you're mad why don't you move out of this community? were not looking for people that just hate and can't enjoy a GAME, that's what it is right? I mean, you don't need to make a thread about it, but just move on.
That is just my two cents on everything you just said.

As much as I agree with, your last statement prove false to a lot of people, take iFrox of EU for example.


District 13
May 9, 2012
Reaction score
Use optifine to decrees your lag. If you do use it, have it on the lowest settings possible.


May 29, 2012
Reaction score
The servers, developers nor the community are not to blame, it just sounds like you have a horrible internet connection, you may have a decent computer but having over even a million frames doesn't change connection from your computer to your router to the host.


Jun 22, 2012
Reaction score
Trust me, your computer may not be bad, but the ones that our servers run on are literally top of the line and at least 8 times more powerful than yours.


Jun 15, 2012
Reaction score
Here's the thing... I've complained about this before and I have heard ALL of this before. This, as stated, is just me venting. The thing is I can't leave the community. This is the only Survival Games server(s) that seem to have done the survival games correctly in terms of balance. As I said I am a pretty good player and it's hard to do that sometimes on servers where the survival games aren't balanced. And the thing is it WOULD take about $1000 to fix every issue. Here's the list: graphics card, internet cables, possible upgrade in my computer as a whole, donator ($10+ monthly), better router, changing internet company could be possible (which I'm not in charge of at my house), and there's probably more I'd have to get here and there. Also I know it's just a game. But if I can't play a game I'm good at because I lag then it'd be the same thing if you forced a basketball player to play on his knees. It's a restriction on my end that can be fixed, but I don't know what the actual problem is. I DO use optifine on the same settings for when I play tekkit which would normally lag, but I run tekkit fine on my friend's server. But the lag I get is that I see that I am walking and I can see other people walking, but I'm stuck in one place not moving. I am still connected to the server because I have seen other people moving, but it's as if I am a ghost that has left my body. The only ways I find out if I'm "a ghost", lets say, is if I try to interact with something (i.e. chest or try to attack a person), or if I don't hear my footsteps. Footsteps I don't usually notice right away so I don't even usually have an idea where my body was. The only way I seem to fix this issue is by dis-connecting and rejoining. However I can't do this in the middle of a game. So I end up losing points and/ or a shot at winning. And this happens a lot. And as I said in the post I hit 1k and got 2 wins that didn't show up 2 hours later after I joined. But I've given up on trying to fix that because non of the staff believe it happened or are not supposed to fix it. The thing is I wouldn't call this over reacting because I've had most of these issues at the start of 1.3 to about this second. So I finally decided that it is enough. So after this wall of text "What can I really do to fix this?"


District 13
May 9, 2012
Reaction score
no but the lag i get isnt framerate lag most of the time
Then the only problem that you got is that the server is lagging. Can't do much about that other than upgrade the systems or see where the leak is.


Jun 22, 2012
Reaction score
Fine then, if you already have the answers to what you're looking for, then this shouldn't be in the General Support section. It obviously isn't general anymore.

##Moved to Off-Topic sections

Vent your heart away.

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