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Extinct [US/CA]

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Mar 25, 2014
Reaction score
  • IGN: DeadlyDessert
  • Wins / Games Played: 74/1100+ (i know its a horid ratio but i had a really bad pc when i first got the account and now i hvae a better one)
  • Age: 12 ( but im less than 2 months from 13)
  • Skype name: minecraftsbacca
  • Do You Have Donor: no
  • Past Clans (Please Don't Lie): #Quickness (left because they had no clan battles)
  • Strengths (Be Detailed): I'm pretty decent with the bow wouldn't say i was the best, I'm new to the rod trick but im getting better, sword is one of the things im best at, F&S can let me take on a guy in full iron iron sword and me have full gold with a stone and i win nuff said.
  • Weaknesses (Be Detailed): Ladder fights/Vine Fights, and boat battles.
  • Why Do You Want To Join #Extinct: I would like to join #Extinct because i love to meet new people and i love to be in heated battle with people stronger than me and willing to play with and just having a good time overall. :)
  • Why Do You Think You Should Be Accepted: i think i should be accepted because i always give it my all and even though my ratio is crappy i still am a good player. I also think i should be accepted because im not a hopper who joins a clan fights in like one battle and leaves. If you guys choose to not accept me i would ask if you would be so kind as add me on Skype still because i would like to play with you guys.


Oct 27, 2013
Reaction score
  • IGN: DeadlyDessert
  • Wins / Games Played: 74/1100+ (i know its a horid ratio but i had a really bad pc when i first got the account and now i hvae a better one)
  • Age: 12 ( but im less than 2 months from 13)
  • Skype name: minecraftsbacca
  • Do You Have Donor: no
  • Past Clans (Please Don't Lie): #Quickness (left because they had no clan battles)
  • Strengths (Be Detailed): I'm pretty decent with the bow wouldn't say i was the best, I'm new to the rod trick but im getting better, sword is one of the things im best at, F&S can let me take on a guy in full iron iron sword and me have full gold with a stone and i win nuff said.
  • Weaknesses (Be Detailed): Ladder fights/Vine Fights, and boat battles.
  • Why Do You Want To Join #Extinct: I would like to join #Extinct because i love to meet new people and i love to be in heated battle with people stronger than me and willing to play with and just having a good time overall. :)
  • Why Do You Think You Should Be Accepted: i think i should be accepted because i always give it my all and even though my ratio is crappy i still am a good player. I also think i should be accepted because im not a hopper who joins a clan fights in like one battle and leaves. If you guys choose to not accept me i would ask if you would be so kind as add me on Skype still because i would like to play with you guys.
Declined, Reason Not Enough Wins. You may reapply when you have enough.


Jul 9, 2014
Reaction score
  • IGN: HiddenAir
  • Wins / Games Played: 230/1963
  • Age: 13
  • Skype name: touchthesky2083
  • Do You Have Donor: No, but hoping to get when i reach 300 wins.
  • Past Clans (Please Don't Lie): Relex, But it was disbanned
  • Strengths (Be Detailed): My strengths in Survival Games are Sword(Strafing&Criticals)/Rod(Just the basic hitting the person away and getting a combo)/F&s(Hot-Keying it quick enough to not see my F&S so i can surprise the person casing me)
  • Weaknesses (Be Detailed): Bow(I'm not the best coordinating where the person is ganna go)/Hacker's(You understand-_-)
  • Why Do You Want To Join #Extinct: I would like to join #Extinct Because, I believe it has lots of potential and meany good fighters. I think this clan can rise to the top. I hope to join and watch it succeed and me to grow in this clan to.
  • Why Do You Think You Should Be Accepted: I think i could be accepted because I'm a fairly descent PVPer. I know what to do in fights, but at times I chock and mess up. I also get cold hands a lot(#Sad) so it affects my hitting but after a while i get into my PVP mood and start cranking out wins. I got 200wins about two days ago I'm righting this, and now I 230. That might not seem a lot but 30 games and i only played about 50 is a lot to me and is pretty good to me to. last but not least i wanna say my ratio is 1/8. It's a fairly descent ratio.


Oct 27, 2013
Reaction score
  • IGN: HiddenAir
  • Wins / Games Played: 230/1963
  • Age: 13
  • Skype name: touchthesky2083
  • Do You Have Donor: No, but hoping to get when i reach 300 wins.
  • Past Clans (Please Don't Lie): Relex, But it was disbanned
  • Strengths (Be Detailed): My strengths in Survival Games are Sword(Strafing&Criticals)/Rod(Just the basic hitting the person away and getting a combo)/F&s(Hot-Keying it quick enough to not see my F&S so i can surprise the person casing me)
  • Weaknesses (Be Detailed): Bow(I'm not the best coordinating where the person is ganna go)/Hacker's(You understand-_-)
  • Why Do You Want To Join #Extinct: I would like to join #Extinct Because, I believe it has lots of potential and meany good fighters. I think this clan can rise to the top. I hope to join and watch it succeed and me to grow in this clan to.
  • Why Do You Think You Should Be Accepted: I think i could be accepted because I'm a fairly descent PVPer. I know what to do in fights, but at times I chock and mess up. I also get cold hands a lot(#Sad) so it affects my hitting but after a while i get into my PVP mood and start cranking out wins. I got 200wins about two days ago I'm righting this, and now I 230. That might not seem a lot but 30 games and i only played about 50 is a lot to me and is pretty good to me to. last but not least i wanna say my ratio is 1/8. It's a fairly descent ratio.
Trial, If you want to get a better rank. Be active on our teamspeak.


Aug 20, 2013
Reaction score
  • IGN:Bacca_Plays
  • Wins / Games Played:807/4312
  • Age:14
  • Skype name:andrewcoleman206
  • Do You Have Donor:platinum
  • Past Clans (Please Don't Lie):Swag_block77Clans and TheShadowz
  • Strengths (Be Detailed):Sword Combos and f rod aim
  • Weaknesses (Be Detailed):hackers teams and ping abusers
  • Why Do You Want To Join #Extinct:To be with my friends
  • Why Do You Think You Should Be Accepted:I dont get ddossed


Nov 30, 2013
Reaction score
  • IGN: Yoshie123455 Gunther1889 Geejod (Scrim Account)
  • Wins / Games Played: 366 / 2930
  • Age: 13
  • Skype name: YoshiePlayz
  • Do You Have Donor: Nope ;-;
  • Past Clans (Please Don't Lie): In my signature
  • Strengths (Be Detailed): The weapons that I'm most comfortable using with are the swords like getting crits/Rod spamming to make someone get away or to charge in./F&s/ and Bow
  • Weaknesses (Be Detailed): Fighting in small spaces like in a 3 by 3 or smaller space. Water fights I'm not the best at it because of some people can bow spam so they spam the hell out of me.
  • Why Do You Want To Join #Extinct: I have been in a clan with Visaan and BrandonPorter named Infusion, the only reason why I left was because of how they always play on CA, I had a blast in Infusion.
  • Why Do You Think You Should Be Accepted: I am Asian who likes Fried Chicken, and hates noodles.


Feb 19, 2013
Reaction score
  • IGN: Yoshie123455 Gunther1889 Geejod (Scrim Account)
  • Wins / Games Played: 366 / 2930
  • Age: 13
  • Skype name: YoshiePlayz
  • Do You Have Donor: Nope ;-;
  • Past Clans (Please Don't Lie): In my signature
  • Strengths (Be Detailed): The weapons that I'm most comfortable using with are the swords like getting crits/Rod spamming to make someone get away or to charge in./F&s/ and Bow
  • Weaknesses (Be Detailed): Fighting in small spaces like in a 3 by 3 or smaller space. Water fights I'm not the best at it because of some people can bow spam so they spam the hell out of me.
  • Why Do You Want To Join #Extinct: I have been in a clan with Visaan and BrandonPorter named Infusion, the only reason why I left was because of how they always play on CA, I had a blast in Infusion.
  • Why Do You Think You Should Be Accepted: I am Asian who likes Fried Chicken, and hates noodles.
Trial. Visaan or rainbow will probably be on the TS in an hour or you can hop on later for a trial


Oct 27, 2013
Reaction score
  • IGN:Bacca_Plays
  • Wins / Games Played:807/4312
  • Age:14
  • Skype name:andrewcoleman206
  • Do You Have Donor:platinum
  • Past Clans (Please Don't Lie):Swag_block77Clans and TheShadowz
  • Strengths (Be Detailed):Sword Combos and f rod aim
  • Weaknesses (Be Detailed):hackers teams and ping abusers
  • Why Do You Want To Join #Extinct:To be with my friends
  • Why Do You Think You Should Be Accepted:I dont get ddossed


Jul 7, 2014
Reaction score

  • IGN: AvengeYouiMight

  • Wins / Games Played: 342/1424

  • Age: 14
  • Skype name: dannyboiii9

  • Do You Have Donor: Nope :p

  • Past Clans (Please Don't Lie): AS Phoenix, AS Rebels

  • Strengths (Be Detailed): I am very good with FnS and can get alot of combos on people by unexpectedly placing FnS, I am also very good against people who bow spam because i have a very unpredictable dodge and weave pattern. I am confident (ish) with sword because sometimes lag gets me down but usually i can win sword and rod fights.

  • Weaknesses (Be Detailed): I get very tense and nervous when a large team are chasing me so that results in me sometimes pulling stupid moves or giving up if i know i am going to die

  • Why Do You Want To Join #Extinct: I would really like to begin playing competitively again and i think that this clan is about the right skill level for someone like me

  • Why Do You Think You Should Be Accepted:I think i should be exepted because i can be a good leader in certian situations, i am very obidient and i do not go against the word of leaders

Thanks for your time :D


Oct 27, 2013
Reaction score

  • IGN: AvengeYouiMight

  • Wins / Games Played: 342/1424

  • Age: 14
  • Skype name: dannyboiii9

  • Do You Have Donor: Nope :p

  • Past Clans (Please Don't Lie): AS Phoenix, AS Rebels

  • Strengths (Be Detailed): I am very good with FnS and can get alot of combos on people by unexpectedly placing FnS, I am also very good against people who bow spam because i have a very unpredictable dodge and weave pattern. I am confident (ish) with sword because sometimes lag gets me down but usually i can win sword and rod fights.

  • Weaknesses (Be Detailed): I get very tense and nervous when a large team are chasing me so that results in me sometimes pulling stupid moves or giving up if i know i am going to die

  • Why Do You Want To Join #Extinct: I would really like to begin playing competitively again and i think that this clan is about the right skill level for someone like me

  • Why Do You Think You Should Be Accepted:I think i should be exepted because i can be a good leader in certian situations, i am very obidient and i do not go against the word of leaders
Thanks for your time :D
Accepted, As a Member welcome to the clan Danny :D
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