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asdffish signing off

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Oct 22, 2013
Reaction score
Hello everyone, some of you may know me, some might not. If you do, hey again, and if you don't, nice to meet you. Well I've been playing on these servers for a long time, and I think it's about time for me to leave. My time here was great, but I've stopped enjoying it. I'll start off with my story here, and I'll end it with my thanks.
I started playing these servers a year or two ago, I don't really remember exactly when, but I remember how I found them. I used to be a big fan of Minecraft's Finest, and they used to play these servers, my friend and I decided to pause in one of their videos and found the ip, it was to eu9. Now I'm a us player, but at the time I had no idea there was us and eu, I didn't even know there was more than eu9 (I discovered this later on somehow). When I started out, it was just me and _qxerft, my irl friend. We were absolutely horrible, somehow racking up an amazing 20 wins out of 1000 games played, playing on 60 fps. Eventually we started to get better, we met some people and started to emerge ourselves in the community. I think the biggest reason I actually joined was from my old friend sword2346.
I played with him for a very long time, still pretty bad but I kept improving as time went on. Soon he introduced me to a few good old friends, I'm sure most of you have heard of them, Huahwi and ImFaqe . This was back when he was pretty small, he was still good and I'd play with him pretty often. Eventually he got bigger and we stopped talking, but it was still fun while it lasted. Soon after this, though I had no idea, I was going to take the biggest step into the community. I discovered clans.
At this time, qx and I were still pretty bad by standards now, but we decided to lead our own clan, #Infernal. It didn't last long, and wasn't that great, but it was definitely an experience. Soon we started joining clans and meeting tons of new people. I was starting to realize why these servers were so great. Then came my biggest step, I joined Cyan Volts. If you know clans, you should remember the Cyan Volts, one of the best clans out there, I still consider it so. Not because it always won (it didn't) but because it was a family. The members were so close and caring, nothing felt better. I met some of my best friends there. Eventually it fell apart though, and we split up, anger came out and things became a lot less pleasant.
I soon joined Organization, then a few more clans, I don't really want to get into detail here. Only one is really prominent since then, Titans. They didn't last long, and I didn't even get member, but it was still a great time while it lasted. I applied on a whim, I doubted I would get in, and I was ready to leave after getting denied. I hung out on the ts and played for a while and somehow I got them to like me. I got pending, while that doesn't sound that great I was ecstatic, the titans were the best of the best, and I was one of six or seven people not to be denied in the first wave. That little push boosted my self esteem and did help me stay here for a while, even after I was denied later.
The clan scene kept going, and I just went along with it, nothing was really exciting throughout it, I usually talked to the same people, it was pretty fun, but I was quickly getting bored. I tried to keep going because I enjoyed playing with the friends I had made, but I couldn't really continue. I started playing less and less, I enjoyed other games. I took a break for two weeks to leave for Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp, and when I came back, I didn't have the will to play another game. That was a week ago, and I've decided tonight to quit.

Now to the important people:
Cat_On_A_Poptart - You were the first person to talk to me in Cyan Volts, you made me feel welcome. I've talked to you for a while and I could always talk to you about anything. Thank you so much for being there for me, I'll keep in touch. Thanks for being my therapy buddy <3

Somers - Definitely one of my best friends on here, I'm so glad I got to meet you and I know you'll keep talking to me. I'll miss you bb <3 (You still need to order me a pizza)

_qxerft - Not much to say here, I live near you so I'll still see you all the time. It was fun playing with you bro.

Chris|Bro - You were a pretty cool guy and the best Mexican. You introduced me to anime, which I both thank and hate you for.

landowicked - I only had to have one conversation with you to truly understand your insanity, and because of that I instantly liked you. You're a hilarious (and sometimes scary) guy who's pretty awesome and I'm happy I got to meet you.

Tyler I DatPikachu - My loud ,pokemon loving friend. You were always a joy to talk to, and could never allow silence to stay silent. Whether it was minecraft, cards against humanity, or wizard101 I always had a great time playing with you and I knew I would be laughing by the end.

iancool - I haven't talked to you much, but I did when I was trying to get into Titans. You made the difference between me staying and leaving. You actually made me feel like I was wanted there, when I came onto that ts knowing almost nobody. It made a difference, thank you.

NativeTalent - I've never actually talked to you, only really seen you a few times besides the forums, but you still deserve a spot here. You just happened to be there at one of the moments I was feeling down. I just kept talking about how bad I was, how I was going to get denied (while pending for Titans), and I was just being pretty depressing in general. Despite having never talked to me before you went on to boost me up, and it helped me beyond understanding.

The_Great_Tito I've talked to you twice, but thank you for leading Cyan Volts. Without it, I wouldn't be where I am today.

Well that's all for that. If I missed you and you think you should have been added, maybe I just forgot. Say something in the comments and I'll try to reply or maybe edit you on here too. Btw, you might see me running around on mcsg, just know that it's not me. I gave my account away already, and I'll leave it up to them to decide if they want to share who they are or not. It was fun while it lasted, I might be active on the forums for a while but that's it. PM me if you want to stay in contact somehow, goodbye, asdffish signing off.
Last edited:
Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
Even though I'll still talk to you every now and then, I'm going to miss playing with you. You were always one of my best friends/therapy buddy. Thank you for everything you've done for me. I wish you the best of luck in life and wherever you go. Ily fish, and you'll always be my therapy buddie <3

P.S, for those of you wondering I am the one who is now in possession of his account, just incase you see it ingame. Just thought I would say. xD


Sep 14, 2012
Reaction score
Nick ;-;. Make sure to msg me on skype or something whenever you wanna talk.... NICK PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Ah, well I don't think I've talked to you more than once, but I did apply for the CyanVolts and I think we might have talked there. Good luck in life! :)


Oct 28, 2012
Reaction score
Dis guy leavin me. Hmph. R00d. Gl in the other game join a club penguin clan or somethig cuz thats what everyone who leaves mcsg plays
lol just walk to his house. xD

but anyways see ya nick. sad day. ;-;

mostly because you didn't mention me.


Dec 15, 2013
Reaction score
Bye bud, only talked to you a couple times but you were amazing at PvP. Sad to see such a great player leave and Inferno was such a great clan to be in. It opened me up to clans and made me so much better as a PvPer and I want to thank you for that. You will be missed <3
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