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May 5, 2013
Reaction score


Created by:
Bilzybob (Terraformer)
Midternal (Builder)
GalaxyPlaysMC (Builder)

Description of the map:
Rifts in time have been devastating the modern world, pulling in ships, planes back in time into a savage steam-punk era, some of the survivors of the plane crashes and ship wrecks have been kidnapped and forced to fight to the death by the savages.

Type: Survival Games

Map details:
- 24 player map
-350 block radius
-225 chests
-Detailed buildings and Terraforming

Coords of cornucopia:
x: -259

y: 19
z: -226

(Will be added soon)

(Will be added soon)

Screenshots with shaders:

Screenshots without shaders:

I,{Bilzybob} and {Midternal, GalaxyPlaysMC and Velocirex} agree and accept that by submitting this map to the MCGamer Network for consideration it may be altered by the staff of MCGamer at any time in order to make gameplay changes. Also, by accepting this you understand that any violation of the map guidelines such as, but not limited to OP items being placed, may result in the immediate removal of your map and or any associated given ranks (VIP) from our servers. The MCGamer staff have full rights to decide whether or not the map in question is applied to or remains on the server network and the status of the map is subject to change at any time.
Last edited:


Dec 12, 2013
Reaction score
Looks awesome but it doesn't look good for PvP. The style of terraforming looks like it would be a pain to fight teams, jumping into blocks and such. It looks a little bit too big and has a strange look of SG3, However I think this map would make a cool adventure map because MCSG and the way people play it is a lot more fast paced than it used to be, making this map not ideal for PvP. It might be a good Survival Games map but I think at this point in time people rather maps that play well than look amazing. If you can make a map that looks good and is good for PvP, Awesome!. I just think this map doesn't suit MCSG. It looks awesome though!
May 5, 2013
Reaction score
Looks awesome but it doesn't look good for PvP. The style of terraforming looks like it would be a pain to fight teams, jumping into blocks and such. It looks a little bit too big and has a strange look of SG3, However I think this map would make a cool adventure map because MCSG and the way people play it is a lot more fast paced than it used to be, making this map not ideal for PvP. It might be a good Survival Games map but I think at this point in time people rather maps that play well than look amazing. If you can make a map that looks good and is good for PvP, Awesome!. I just think this map doesn't suit MCSG. It looks awesome though!
Thank you for your advice! This map has kind of been my first private map so I was experimenting, I liked it and went along with it. I understand that people prefer flat maps for PvP and I know my map is the opposite of just that, although I did start this map thinking I wanted to make a wow factor in my terraforming. I will probably do another which is more PvP orientated.


Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
Looks like a good map for PvP, but not suitable for a 24 player map because of the size, Really nice terraforming though! Maybe do a whole map ariel view so we can locate were everything is?!


Jul 23, 2013
Reaction score
Looks awesome but it doesn't look good for PvP. The style of terraforming looks like it would be a pain to fight teams, jumping into blocks and such. It looks a little bit too big and has a strange look of SG3, However I think this map would make a cool adventure map because MCSG and the way people play it is a lot more fast paced than it used to be, making this map not ideal for PvP. It might be a good Survival Games map but I think at this point in time people rather maps that play well than look amazing. If you can make a map that looks good and is good for PvP, Awesome!. I just think this map doesn't suit MCSG. It looks awesome though!
Game mode is based on Survival not PVP. to survive you might struggle :p anyways it's actually not as rough as some maps on mcsg :p
-But hey that's just my opinion :cool:
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