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Professor_Nub's Story

Professor Nub

Jun 21, 2012
Reaction score
My MCSG Story

Hello all, my name is Taeyeong and my in-game name is Professor_Nub. I noticed my 1000th post was coming up and I thought this would be a fitting way to celebrate what used to be Active Member on the forums :p

Where do I start… Oh, the memories…

Before I start this, I should probably say that by “I”, I generally mean “us”, referring to my brother and I. We did everything together back then, except Minecraft accounts :3 To this day, we still use the same computer (mostly) and when I’m talking to people he’ll use my Skype.

I suppose I should start from when I started Minecraft. My friend Chris was at my house and installed Minecraft on my computer, telling me it was a great game and that I should play it with him. I remember loading up Minecraft on my crappy Mac for the first time, while Chris told me the basics. He told me his account details so I could play by myself. I remember thinking the game was stupid, and I didn’t touch it for a few months.

Fast forward to around beta 1.8. Chris had changed his password so I no longer had access to his account. When he told me that I remembered (guiltily) that I hadn’t even touched Minecraft since he’d shown it to me. I resolved to go home and try out Singleplayer. I didn’t know any controls as it was the first computer game I’d ever tried (before that I mostly played Pokemon, and flash based browser games like Bloons Tower Defense.) I remember walking into the ocean (this was back when you always spawned on a beach) and not knowing that the space bar was how you swam. I died and respawned back on the beach. I quit the game, and decided to give the game another shot.

After inviting Chris to my house again, he explained how to play. This time, I actually paid attention :p He showed me how to craft basic items and showed me the minecraft wiki. He also told me about something called “factions”, and how it was so cool, and that you could play with others. He built me my first house and showed what mining was. However, the main thing that he showed me was servers.

The next day at school, a different Chris gave me his account. A guy named Charles took pity on my brother and gave him an account too. I joined the factions server that the first Chris had told me about. It was rather small, and two members of staff there went to my school and were in my year, so I ended up joining their faction. For the first few weeks, they taught us how to do everything. We had an awesome skybase in the jungle, and everything was fine. Unfortunately, soon after Minecraft was released the entire server was griefed and we had to reset the map. That was when I slowed down on playing factions, and looked for other things to do.

At this time in-real-life, I found out that I had got a scholarship to a better school. That meant that my time at my old school was coming to a close.

It was around this time that I read and watched “The Hunger Games.” I remember Chris telling me about this awesome server and that you could play the Hunger Games in Minecraft. I won’t name the server because its advertising but it is pretty obvious which it is. They have CTF, Hunger Games and other gametypes. Anyway, that was the first Hunger Games server that I played on. I played with Chris and a few other people but we never won.

Then, around the time of 1.2.5, I joined MCSG. I had looked up “Minecraft hunger games” on Google to see if there was any better servers than the other one, due to connection issues (I would always lag out.) I found this website called “minecraftsurvivalgames.com”, claiming to be the first automated SG server. I clicked on the Servers tab (This was back with the old skin… omg the feels) and picked a random IP to join. When I joined, it was livegame on SG1. I thought that I had to join the forums in order to play a game, so I joined the forums (This was on the 21st of June, 2012. I told Chris about this amazing server and we started to play together every day.

It’s a bit fuzzy at this point, but I remember meeting Jordstar3479 in-game and asking to team. We’re really close friends now as well.

After I moved school, I met @LordTac0 and started to play with him a lot. We received school laptops, and since they got better frames than my iMac, I used it to record. My brother then had his own computer so we could play together. I started racking up wins on my old account, quickly getting to over 50. I installed Fraps on it to record and recorded a couple of videos of MCSG and Extreme Ant Farm Survival (At this time I was a big fanboy of Antvenom)

My cousin bought me an account, which I was worrying about what to name. I eventually settled on Professor_Nub, thinking it would be funny to win games with “Nub” in my name.

Soon after this, I realized that I had my own laptop to do whatever I wanted, so I realized it was OK to join the forums. I started actively (well, semi-actively) posting on the forums. I found out about a guy named “@AMooseMan3”. I then met him in-game, and asked to add him on Skype. Him, being the nice guy he is, said yes, and we’ve been friends ever since.

I think it was around now that I joined my first clan, #Tactical. It was lead by a guy named Tonydude777 (tonytyler), and it had a bunch of people that I didn’t know. It was kinda intimidating to be in Skype calls with all of these people that were better than me. Jordstar was in Tactical, which is where I got his skype, and so were a bunch of other people. Most of you I used to talk to but I don’t anymore, you know who you are <3

This was around October of 2013. I decided that I wanted to be a mod, following in the footsteps of the great AMeeseMan2 (jks dont hurt me) and wrote a 1000 word moderator application. I worked on it on the bus on the way and back from school, and proofread it until it was perfect. Unfortunately, it was denied for not having enough detail and for my age (at the time it was 13.) I remembered that I read somewhere the process for an age exception, and I did it with a new and improved app. I was told that my app was accepted, background checks were done and that it was open for “peer inspection”. At the time I didn’t know what that meant but I thought that I wasn’t eligible for an interview, but apparently I was. Chris and I never waited on the Teamspeak together because he soon got denied for a pretty stupid ban, but we were kinda waiting buddies, I guess.

I didn’t know that AE members did not receive waiting rank. However, I received it and I would wait in the Waiting Room every day for hours. Unfortunately, due to school and time zones, I never really got time for an interview.

Then, one day, Le0 messaged me whilst I was in the waiting room. She asked me whether I was OK to do my interview now, and to give her the links to my mod app. I gave her the links, and she realized that someone had messed up and removed my waiting rank, but promised that I would get an interview.

That was not true in the slightest. To this day, I am still waiting for my age exception interview, but I have given up on the dream. Why, you ask? More on that later.

I think that it was around here that Tactical disbanded, and I joined DJ Kitty to a clan called #Destructorz, led by MrCameron256. Inevitably, as it was Cameron’s first clan, it disbanded after a pretty successful streak of clan battles and an impressive roster. However, Cameron then co-lead a clan with brand95625 called #Burn. I was allowed into the clan since I was in Destructorz. The skill level of a lot of the players really impressed me. I joined PvP servers like Oresomecraft to practice my PvP, and I believe that Burn was the clan that mentored me to become good at PvP.

Unfortunately, Burn disbanded due to some stupid members doing some stupid things. Cameron then made another short-lived clan named #Galaxies. Members of this clan included JumpingBacon , MC_Narwhal , @nakednarwal , etc. I actually don’t remember the reason for this clan disbanding, but disband it did, and Cameron was nearly done with clans.

Cameron’s final clan was called #Frost. A few of you may know the name. This was by far his most successful clan. We recruited members such as DJ Kitty , AMooseMan3 , trevor1641 , @Jordstar3469 and @Jam0191 among others. Jordstar actually came to Frost with a few others after we beat them in a clan war. However, again there was a bit of mutiny within the members and Frost disbanded to create Frost v2.

Now, this clan was really good. We had great members, a great lineup, the entire lot. Unfortunately, Cameron had to go on vacation for around 3 weeks. During that time nearly everyone left the clan. When he came back, instead of disbanding and giving up, he made Frost v3, but called it Frost v2. (Old Frost members know what I’m talking about.)

Frost v3 was colead by AMooseMan3, and we won the bulk of our clan battles in this clan. I met people like nightmare22233 , Hungy_Dory , Lefamily and others. Then, some stupid people messed it up again ;-; and Frost v3 was turned into #Delta.

#Delta didn’t last long, as our leader AMooseMan3 later ended up joining Phoenix. ( think he was manager at this point?) When we disbanded, we split several ways. Old friendships shattered and new ones arose. Cameron, Lefamily and others quit Minecraft. I had met JULIASAYS on a factions server a while back and I saw her clan, #Dauntless, and I thought “Yolo, let’s do it” and I applied for her clan. Jordy followed me in and I think Chris did too? (Correct me if I’m wrong AMooseMan3) . However, due to Middle School exams, I was kicked out for inactivity after around a month.

I started to focus on Youtube a lot more. My channel had speed ups at the time, but I decided to get a microphone and do commentary with my videos. I also recently hit 300 wins.

Maybe two weeks ago? I decided to reband #Frost. I joined with an old friend Majestical , who brought along people like ep1cn00bt00b , who brought along AnomalousDyna . We still haven’t won a clan battle but we have a good lineup.

You know how I mentioned earlier that I gave up my mod dream? This is why.http://www.ggs.vic.edu.au/School/Our-Campuses

Yep. Look at the yellow one. You read it right. Compulsory boarding school in the mountains. I’m really looking forward to it but it means that I’ll have to quit Minecraft. I actually don’t really mind quitting Minecraft but I don’t want to have to cut the ties that came with it. So, without further ado, let’s get to the fun part. The tagging part.

OK, in no particular order:
AMooseMan3 : Hi Meesey :3 If you’re reading this, ily <3 I’m sad that we don’t talk as much as we used to nowadays. You lead or co-lead either by title or in spirit most of my (good) clans. I would consider you probably one of my best friends online. (God, now that I’m here I can’t think of anything to say.) I hope you remember me after I come back from Timbertop :3

I remember you did that SMP server that I spent a lot of time on. Thanks for that, I really enjoyed it. You hosted a couple of community events that were really fun.
You always seemed approachable, even when I was a noob that didn’t know much about MCSG. I think you’re older than me by a few months? but you still treat me so nicely, and being in a call with you really makes me feel good.

I always refer to you as “the mature one” with my brother :3 most of our old friends were a bit immature and then you helped to restore faith :3

There have been a few ups and downs with us. Particularly during Delta, our friendship was a bit strained by stress and arguments. I know you don’t want to argue with me and I don’t want to argue with you but I think our egos are too big to avoid it :3 I think it’s great that we’re still really good friends even after those stress-filled times.

I know you hang out with a different friendship group (Phoenix) but you still sometimes talk to me, which I really appreciate. I know I’ll probably never get to talk to Phoenix members the same way you do which means that I’ll never really be in your friendship group unless you leave Phoenix, which makes me a little sad. However, I do have a connection with you through Jordy, who hangs out with Julia, meaning I can get the best of both worlds :3

All in all, thanks Chris. I really appreciate all of the times and memories that we’ve had and made together, and I hope that we can continue to make more and more even after this.

Jordstar3479 : Ah Jordy. Probably my oldest friend on MCSG. Your call of “Taeyeong” when we’re in a call really lightens my heart. I know I can say anything to you and you a) won’t tell anyone else and b) won’t laugh at me. I know I can call you anything and you won’t be upset. You’ve been with me through everything and I think you’re quite a bit older than me (judging from your voice lol). You’re a Kiwi. Like, yuk (jks ily bb)

I know you and Chris are probably going to get a lot tighter from now on, seeing as you’re both in Phoenix. I hope you both are big enough to remember me :3 I don’t think I’ve told you about Timbertop, and I’m sorry for hiding it from you, but its out. I won’t be here next year. I’m sorry. ily <3

MrCameron256 : Cameron. I know you’ve quit Minecraft, but you should know that I’ll still talk to you. I don’t really care about what, but I want to here your crappy microphone and 12vie voice again <3 You were the one who ended up introducing me to a whole bunch of people through clans.

I hope that you’ll come back one day. I really want to talk to you again. You were so good at the game, I think it was a shame you quit. Now that there is an abundance of alternate accounts, you don’t have to get targetted anymore. I know a lot of people like Chris and Jordy will agree with me that we want you back. I think I did tell you about Timbertop.

If you don’t come back, bye for the final time, Cameron.

If you do come back, this big emotional speech was for nothing :3

ily <3

JULIASAYS : omg u pleb

I remember the first time I met you, I think it was the factions server (I forgot the IP to the server :3) I don’t remember that all too well though :3 When I joined Dauntless, you were always nice to me, and introduced me to a whole bunch of new people. I don’t talk to you much, but I know Jordy does.

I hope you don’t mind too much about Timbertop. You’re strong (and swear a lot) so I hope you don’t mind.

ily <3

@Everyone in Frost: I don’t have time to talk to you all, but I hope that I don’t have to write something down for you guys to know how much I care about you guys. Lefamily nightmare22233 Hungy_Dory brand95625 ily all <3

Thanks for reading my story guys, I don’t think I’ll go into too many personal details.
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
My MCSG Story

Hello all, my name is Taeyeong and my in-game name is Professor_Nub. I noticed my 1000th post was coming up and I thought this would be a fitting way to celebrate what used to be Active Member on the forums :p

Where do I start… Oh, the memories…

Before I start this, I should probably say that by “I”, I generally mean “us”, referring to my brother and I. We did everything together back then, except Minecraft accounts :3 To this day, we still use the same computer (mostly) and when I’m talking to people he’ll use my Skype.

I suppose I should start from when I started Minecraft. My friend Chris was at my house and installed Minecraft on my computer, telling me it was a great game and that I should play it with him. I remember loading up Minecraft on my crappy Mac for the first time, while Chris told me the basics. He told me his account details so I could play by myself. I remember thinking the game was stupid, and I didn’t touch it for a few months.

Fast forward to around beta 1.8. Chris had changed his password so I no longer had access to his account. When he told me that I remembered (guiltily) that I hadn’t even touched Minecraft since he’d shown it to me. I resolved to go home and try out Singleplayer. I didn’t know any controls as it was the first computer game I’d ever tried (before that I mostly played Pokemon, and flash based browser games like Bloons Tower Defense.) I remember walking into the ocean (this was back when you always spawned on a beach) and not knowing that the space bar was how you swam. I died and respawned back on the beach. I quit the game, and decided to give the game another shot.

After inviting Chris to my house again, he explained how to play. This time, I actually paid attention :p He showed me how to craft basic items and showed me the minecraft wiki. He also told me about something called “factions”, and how it was so cool, and that you could play with others. He built me my first house and showed what mining was. However, the main thing that he showed me was servers.

The next day at school, a different Chris gave me his account. A guy named Charles took pity on my brother and gave him an account too. I joined the factions server that the first Chris had told me about. It was rather small, and two members of staff there went to my school and were in my year, so I ended up joining their faction. For the first few weeks, they taught us how to do everything. We had an awesome skybase in the jungle, and everything was fine. Unfortunately, soon after Minecraft was released the entire server was griefed and we had to reset the map. That was when I slowed down on playing factions, and looked for other things to do.

At this time in-real-life, I found out that I had got a scholarship to a better school. That meant that my time at my old school was coming to a close.

It was around this time that I read and watched “The Hunger Games.” I remember Chris telling me about this awesome server and that you could play the Hunger Games in Minecraft. I won’t name the server because its advertising but it is pretty obvious which it is. They have CTF, Hunger Games and other gametypes. Anyway, that was the first Hunger Games server that I played on. I played with Chris and a few other people but we never won.

Then, around the time of 1.2.5, I joined MCSG. I had looked up “Minecraft hunger games” on Google to see if there was any better servers than the other one, due to connection issues (I would always lag out.) I found this website called “minecraftsurvivalgames.com”, claiming to be the first automated SG server. I clicked on the Servers tab (This was back with the old skin… omg the feels) and picked a random IP to join. When I joined, it was livegame on SG1. I thought that I had to join the forums in order to play a game, so I joined the forums (This was on the 21st of June, 2012. I told Chris about this amazing server and we started to play together every day.

It’s a bit fuzzy at this point, but I remember meeting Jordstar3479 in-game and asking to team. We’re really close friends now as well.

After I moved school, I met @LordTac0 and started to play with him a lot. We received school laptops, and since they got better frames than my iMac, I used it to record. My brother then had his own computer so we could play together. I started racking up wins on my old account, quickly getting to over 50. I installed Fraps on it to record and recorded a couple of videos of MCSG and Extreme Ant Farm Survival (At this time I was a big fanboy of Antvenom)

My cousin bought me an account, which I was worrying about what to name. I eventually settled on Professor_Nub, thinking it would be funny to win games with “Nub” in my name.

Soon after this, I realized that I had my own laptop to do whatever I wanted, so I realized it was OK to join the forums. I started actively (well, semi-actively) posting on the forums. I found out about a guy named “@AMooseMan3”. I then met him in-game, and asked to add him on Skype. Him, being the nice guy he is, said yes, and we’ve been friends ever since.

I think it was around now that I joined my first clan, #Tactical. It was lead by a guy named Tonydude777 (tonytyler), and it had a bunch of people that I didn’t know. It was kinda intimidating to be in Skype calls with all of these people that were better than me. Jordstar was in Tactical, which is where I got his skype, and so were a bunch of other people. Most of you I used to talk to but I don’t anymore, you know who you are <3

This was around October of 2013. I decided that I wanted to be a mod, following in the footsteps of the great AMeeseMan2 (jks dont hurt me) and wrote a 1000 word moderator application. I worked on it on the bus on the way and back from school, and proofread it until it was perfect. Unfortunately, it was denied for not having enough detail and for my age (at the time it was 13.) I remembered that I read somewhere the process for an age exception, and I did it with a new and improved app. I was told that my app was accepted, background checks were done and that it was open for “peer inspection”. At the time I didn’t know what that meant but I thought that I wasn’t eligible for an interview, but apparently I was. Chris and I never waited on the Teamspeak together because he soon got denied for a pretty stupid ban, but we were kinda waiting buddies, I guess.

I didn’t know that AE members did not receive waiting rank. However, I received it and I would wait in the Waiting Room every day for hours. Unfortunately, due to school and time zones, I never really got time for an interview.

Then, one day, Le0 messaged me whilst I was in the waiting room. She asked me whether I was OK to do my interview now, and to give her the links to my mod app. I gave her the links, and she realized that someone had messed up and removed my waiting rank, but promised that I would get an interview.

That was not true in the slightest. To this day, I am still waiting for my age exception interview, but I have given up on the dream. Why, you ask? More on that later.

I think that it was around here that Tactical disbanded, and I joined DJ Kitty to a clan called #Destructorz, led by MrCameron256. Inevitably, as it was Cameron’s first clan, it disbanded after a pretty successful streak of clan battles and an impressive roster. However, Cameron then co-lead a clan with brand95625 called #Burn. I was allowed into the clan since I was in Destructorz. The skill level of a lot of the players really impressed me. I joined PvP servers like Oresomecraft to practice my PvP, and I believe that Burn was the clan that mentored me to become good at PvP.

Unfortunately, Burn disbanded due to some stupid members doing some stupid things. Cameron then made another short-lived clan named #Galaxies. Members of this clan included JumpingBacon , MC_Narwhal , @nakednarwal , etc. I actually don’t remember the reason for this clan disbanding, but disband it did, and Cameron was nearly done with clans.

Cameron’s final clan was called #Frost. A few of you may know the name. This was by far his most successful clan. We recruited members such as DJ Kitty , AMooseMan3 , trevor1641 , @Jordstar3469 and @Jam0191 among others. Jordstar actually came to Frost with a few others after we beat them in a clan war. However, again there was a bit of mutiny within the members and Frost disbanded to create Frost v2.

Now, this clan was really good. We had great members, a great lineup, the entire lot. Unfortunately, Cameron had to go on vacation for around 3 weeks. During that time nearly everyone left the clan. When he came back, instead of disbanding and giving up, he made Frost v3, but called it Frost v2. (Old Frost members know what I’m talking about.)

Frost v3 was colead by AMooseMan3, and we won the bulk of our clan battles in this clan. I met people like nightmare22233 , Hungy_Dory , Lefamily and others. Then, some stupid people messed it up again ;-; and Frost v3 was turned into #Delta.

#Delta didn’t last long, as our leader AMooseMan3 later ended up joining Phoenix. ( think he was manager at this point?) When we disbanded, we split several ways. Old friendships shattered and new ones arose. Cameron, Lefamily and others quit Minecraft. I had met JULIASAYS on a factions server a while back and I saw her clan, #Dauntless, and I thought “Yolo, let’s do it” and I applied for her clan. Jordy followed me in and I think Chris did too? (Correct me if I’m wrong AMooseMan3) . However, due to Middle School exams, I was kicked out for inactivity after around a month.

I started to focus on Youtube a lot more. My channel had speed ups at the time, but I decided to get a microphone and do commentary with my videos. I also recently hit 300 wins.

Maybe two weeks ago? I decided to reband #Frost. I joined with an old friend Majestical , who brought along people like ep1cn00bt00b , who brought along AnomalousDyna . We still haven’t won a clan battle but we have a good lineup.

You know how I mentioned earlier that I gave up my mod dream? This is why.http://www.ggs.vic.edu.au/School/Our-Campuses

Yep. Look at the yellow one. You read it right. Compulsory boarding school in the mountains. I’m really looking forward to it but it means that I’ll have to quit Minecraft. I actually don’t really mind quitting Minecraft but I don’t want to have to cut the ties that came with it. So, without further ado, let’s get to the fun part. The tagging part.

OK, in no particular order:
AMooseMan3 : Hi Meesey :3 If you’re reading this, ily <3 I’m sad that we don’t talk as much as we used to nowadays. You lead or co-lead either by title or in spirit most of my (good) clans. I would consider you probably one of my best friends online. (God, now that I’m here I can’t think of anything to say.) I hope you remember me after I come back from Timbertop :3

I remember you did that SMP server that I spent a lot of time on. Thanks for that, I really enjoyed it. You hosted a couple of community events that were really fun.
You always seemed approachable, even when I was a noob that didn’t know much about MCSG. I think you’re older than me by a few months? but you still treat me so nicely, and being in a call with you really makes me feel good.

I always refer to you as “the mature one” with my brother :3 most of our old friends were a bit immature and then you helped to restore faith :3

There have been a few ups and downs with us. Particularly during Delta, our friendship was a bit strained by stress and arguments. I know you don’t want to argue with me and I don’t want to argue with you but I think our egos are too big to avoid it :3 I think it’s great that we’re still really good friends even after those stress-filled times.

I know you hang out with a different friendship group (Phoenix) but you still sometimes talk to me, which I really appreciate. I know I’ll probably never get to talk to Phoenix members the same way you do which means that I’ll never really be in your friendship group unless you leave Phoenix, which makes me a little sad. However, I do have a connection with you through Jordy, who hangs out with Julia, meaning I can get the best of both worlds :3

All in all, thanks Chris. I really appreciate all of the times and memories that we’ve had and made together, and I hope that we can continue to make more and more even after this.

Jordstar3479 : Ah Jordy. Probably my oldest friend on MCSG. Your call of “Taeyeong” when we’re in a call really lightens my heart. I know I can say anything to you and you a) won’t tell anyone else and b) won’t laugh at me. I know I can call you anything and you won’t be upset. You’ve been with me through everything and I think you’re quite a bit older than me (judging from your voice lol). You’re a Kiwi. Like, yuk (jks ily bb)

I know you and Chris are probably going to get a lot tighter from now on, seeing as you’re both in Phoenix. I hope you both are big enough to remember me :3 I don’t think I’ve told you about Timbertop, and I’m sorry for hiding it from you, but its out. I won’t be here next year. I’m sorry. ily <3

MrCameron256 : Cameron. I know you’ve quit Minecraft, but you should know that I’ll still talk to you. I don’t really care about what, but I want to here your crappy microphone and 12vie voice again <3 You were the one who ended up introducing me to a whole bunch of people through clans.

I hope that you’ll come back one day. I really want to talk to you again. You were so good at the game, I think it was a shame you quit. Now that there is an abundance of alternate accounts, you don’t have to get targetted anymore. I know a lot of people like Chris and Jordy will agree with me that we want you back. I think I did tell you about Timbertop.

If you don’t come back, bye for the final time, Cameron.

If you do come back, this big emotional speech was for nothing :3

ily <3

JULIASAYS : omg u pleb

I remember the first time I met you, I think it was the factions server (I forgot the IP to the server :3) I don’t remember that all too well though :3 When I joined Dauntless, you were always nice to me, and introduced me to a whole bunch of new people. I don’t talk to you much, but I know Jordy does.

I hope you don’t mind too much about Timbertop. You’re strong (and swear a lot) so I hope you don’t mind.

ily <3

@Everyone in Frost: I don’t have time to talk to you all, but I hope that I don’t have to write something down for you guys to know how much I care about you guys. Lefamily nightmare22233 Hungy_Dory brand95625 ily all <3

Thanks for reading my story guys, I don’t think I’ll go into too many personal details.
Pls no get a hot spot in ur dorm


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
Taeyeong/Doyeong, no matter what clan we're in or anything, I never want to lose our friendship and you are one of my original homies c: <3


Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
900th post I know quite unnecasary but Yolo.


Jul 8, 2013
Reaction score
Taeyeong man, you have been one of my best buds in my mcsg life. I had no idea you wouldn't be here next year but ill still remember you 5ever. I will always remember the fun times we had in Frost together and I hope you do well in the future. ily <4

Edit: This is to both of you guys d:

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