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Death Penalty- Your view?

Do you want it to be legalised?

  • Yes (Why?)

    Votes: 13 48.1%
  • No (Why?)

    Votes: 14 51.9%

  • Total voters


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
I have made this thread today to see everyone's views on the topic of Death Penalties.

The death penalty is quite a controversial topic to debate/argue about hence why I made this thread; for debate. Some people may say that it is completely immoral, unjust or irrational, and prison is a much more "real punishment". On the other hand, people say that it gives closure to the victim's family or bring a sense of justice, or being less expensive than sending a man/woman to life in prison.

I personally believe that it should be legalised as it brings closure to families of victims but also may stop crime-rate as criminals may take a step back and evaluate what they are doing and how it could turn out for them.

So what are your views?
Credit to Manos ; Would you be the judge to sentence someone to death?
Last edited:


Sep 13, 2013
Reaction score
i don thinkn that deth pndealty will sthop other poaeple form comite criema bbut i du spport it ; - D idk y i jus do


Sep 1, 2013
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Death Penalties or execution should ONLY be for people who have killed like more than ten people in my opinion, or even killed anybody!


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
Death Penalties or execution should ONLY be for people who have killed like more than ten people in my opinion, or even killed anybody!
When you say people that have killed over 10 people I instantly think to gun rampages or something along the lines of that, even then, the gunman kills himself or gets shot in the aftermath of trying to arrest him.


Jul 2, 2014
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I have many different views on the death penalty, and there are also many dependencies to legitimize these views.

There have been many instances of the death penalty, but they are becoming less and less frequent. I can only think of a few recent death sentences in the past twenty years or so, but that is really besides the point. There are a few instances that may make the death penalty seem like a reasonable, sound option, but there are also many variables that can affect its morality and whether it is actually needed or not.

First off, the crime. Was it severe enough? What happened? Those are two of the many questions that would have to be instigated to the appropriate parties to receive information that could be used to determine a proper penalty. For example, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. Two guys made bombs and blew up a government building. It was a premeditated crime, and was carefully plotted. One suspect was condemned to life in prison, the other sentenced to death. Did the crime justify the death penalty in this case? I'd say so. Why?
  • He was mentally competent enough to know what he was doing was wrong.
  • It was thought out, meaning he had time to make all arrangements, not once deciding it was a bad idea, going bad to point one.
  • The high fatality and injury rate, along with the damage (in dollars) was apparently enough to instigate such a penalty.
Which leads into my next dependency: are they mentally competent? Did they know what they were doing was wrong? A mental disorder will never get somehow off the hook, but I believe that the death penalty should not be given to those who did not have the mental capacity to realize their actions were heinous. Booking them in jail for life (or less, again, depending on the crime), and giving them therapy or another mental remedial course could be helpful.

Lastly, analysing the crime itself. Was it planned out? What was the full basis for the crime? What was his/her/their objectives, and did they do what they wanted to do? etcetera. This is pretty straightforward, but premeditating a crime tells us a lot, and obviously harsh penalties are going to be forced upon that. It doesn't necessarily prove that they have no mental deficiencies, but it can prove they had the intent to do bad things.

Overall, it's a controversial tossup for me. In some instances, yes, it should certainly be legalized. When someone carries out a crime that displays their hatred for humanity, or simply judging by how stupid the crime was, a death penalty is very suitable. In other instances, no it should not be legalized. A decent chunk of these 'bigger' crimes are carried out by people with some kind of mental problem, and a death penalty isn't really fair on them when they didn't even realize what they were doing.

If I had to pick a side, I would say 'no' to legalizing it. Putting someone in jail for life, with no opportunity for parole is, I feel, suitable enough. Besides that, there were many instances where a death penalty was a perfectly acceptable instance for a penalty, but was not instigated. For example, Harold Shipman - killed 250+ people over a span of 23 years. He received life in prison + four years.

An example like that shows me the court would have a tough enough time deciding what is and isn't worthy of a death penalty.


Feb 9, 2014
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Why make this kind of thread on a minecraft survival games forum website??


District 13
Oct 2, 2012
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I personally think it depends on the crime. e.g. if someone robbed a bank, I don't think he should be killed. However, if someone were to kill a bunch of people, I think they should receive the death penalty.


District 13
Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
I think it depends on the crime, but I do think it should be legal.

Some people might find it unmercyful... but think about it... sometimes it would be even better to just end it rather than being for their entire life in jail. You dont have to have been in jail to know its not a nice place to spend your life at at all....


I honestly have no opinion on this topic. For starters, one part of me says it's good and the other disagrees. I mean if it costs less to kill them then why not? The money we would save could go to more useful things. But I also believe it isn't right for someone to be killed, just like that. I mean to me that sounds pretty harsh and overboard. But like a couple of you said if the person has committed a gruesome crime then I would say kill them and not waste your money on a monster.

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