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Attack On Creepers: Voice Actor Auditions


Feb 19, 2014
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Im am now opening up an audition for voice acting for my new series/attack on titan parody series, (And yes, It will be made with mine-imator, Im a smooth animator) Attack On Creepers, Here are the characters you can choose to role as

Characters For Voice Acting

Young TJ: (Role as young Eran)

Young Kate: (Role as Young Mikasa)

Kate: (Role as Mikasa)

BlueReXIBRXI: (Role as Armin) His Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/BlueReXlBRXl/

Josh: (Role as Cpt.Levi)

I'll open up more characters for voice acting, But in the meantime, If your interested for voice acting, Then PM me or Post here with your forms filled out

Who do you want to voice act as?:
Sample of your voice:
Sample of the character's voice: (You gotta choose a character to fill out

And if you want to upload the sample of the character's voice to me, Here are the simple lines for voice actor before you can fill out the sample of the character's voice form

Simple Lines For The Character's Voice

Young TJ: Line 1 "Kate... What happend? I was dreaming something scary. I don't even remember" Line 2 "BlueRex, Where have you... Been?"

Young Kate: Line 1 "TJ, Don't go out fighting other people like that, It's too dangerous" Line 2 "Oh my goodness, Your friend bluerex is in danger.. QUICK, GO SAVE HIM"

Kate: Line 1 "Ok, If we have enough fuel for our maneuver gear, Then we can be able to use hooks more time to have more time to kill the titan creepers" Line 2 "TJ, What do you think your doing? You can't fight alone with the fuel for your maneuver gear, Are you insane?"

BlueReX: Line 1 "Ok TJ, You pretend to be the bandit and i'll pretend to be the warrior survivor" Line 2 "Why does everyone think im american? Im indonesian, And i learned english alot" Line 3 "Kate, Are you crazy? You can't go alone fighting the creepers"

Josh: Line 1 "Kate, You heal the bleeding guy on the ground, The rest of you will have to kill the armored titan creeper on the right"

Good luck people, ;)


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
I may try it out.

<reserved for later application>

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