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The Most Prominent Forumers


Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
There's no limit to how many people I can mention, is there?
This is in no specific order, just who I think of or find. These are my opinions/observations.
I would tag the people I mention, but I don't think they need to be spammed with any more alerts than they already get, huehuehue. Also, most of them don't need the extra ego-boost. :p

Firstly, I personally find Col_StaR to be my "favorite" out of all of the Administrators, because of the work that I've seen him do. I'm not really exposed to any other Administrators' work.
The_Arena_Master was a role model for me back in my early foruming days. I do know him decently well, and he's a nice fellow, although has some questionable motives and actions.
HalfSquirrel is a must-mention. He's written some great guides, and also holds the position of MCSG's #1 in terms of post count.
RC_4777. #2 poster, and currently more active than HalfSquirrel. He continues to spread information and help out on the forums, and is a great forum member.
Duckluv321, who probably has more stickied threads than ANY other non-staff member, and ALMOST every staff member. Known for her guides and helpfulness, she continues to be recognized for her services despite being largely inactive in that area compared to previously. (as far as I know.)
Mooclan - yeah, me. I know this sounds really dang cocky to those of you who might not know me, but I'm pretty "prominent" on these forums, or at least I try to be active. I no longer post nearly as much as I used to, but I'm still on the top Posts and Likes pages, and I recently placed in both of the Forumer categories for the MCGamer Awards.
KRaidium is someone who I really wanted to get Senior Mod, and he did! (For a few months I thought he was a she. Repeatedly.) Until he was flooded with staff duties, he really contributed to discussions, providing very insightful information, and slightly changed several of my views on certain topics.
Matt_The Dreamer is the forum's signature king. Sadly, he has retired.
billyguy1 - While I may question is methods of gaining a reputation, he's definitely a well-known member around these forums.
Darkrai202 is one of the few people that has been able to garner an apology out of me, when I remembered that he was much more aware of clans than I.
SixZoSeven, Blamph, and G33ke. All very well-known members who seem to have a shared love for long, amazing posts that I can only dream of matching. They may not make many posts, but when they do... watch out. They could easily make it into the top 5 forumers of all time if they posted more - they know how to write amazingly, if they try. SixZo, along with Darkrai, is one of the people that has been able to cleanly point out a mistake that I've made, and I respect all three immensely.
Mamiamato24 | Azurdo has the most likes (Currently, him and billyguy1 keep alternating #1 and #2.) and is a great artist.

Col_Star needs to be on TeamSpeak more often... :p


District 13
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
Well Mooclan puts the most effort into his posts.
Not to be rude to you or Mooclan, but how can you define how much effort someone puts into their work? For someone who does try to put in a lot of effort in each of his posts, I don't take offense to it, but I find it annoying that it is looked over and instead focused on someone who has been posting for a lot longer.

You yourself cannot define how much effort a single person in the community puts into each of his posts. I can name a few others who would agree with me here: that many of us put as much heart and effort into each of our posts, and simply just not have the post count to compete with someone of the stature of Mooclan. I am not attacking mooclan's work, I myself am a massive fan of his and take valuable time out of my day to read and comment on his work. When I write original work, I would really appreciate the same. Granted I don't expect it, but a comment like yours can be very disheartening for a forumer to read. Instead of writing Mooclan puts the most effort, you should instead write that he, on average, puts the most length into his posts. Quality and Quantity do not always go hand in hand. Mooclan has a special ability to couple both in every one of his posts, but that does not mean he puts more effort then the rest of us. He has a larger quantity of posts too, more recognition and many, many more words plastered around the forums.

I am not angry at you, or your post. I instead just want you to realize that there are others of us out there besides the amazing Mooclan. I do not say this sarcastically, but with true admiration. There are many great Forumers out there. arsenalfcgunners, I would include you as one of them: you have many insightful and interesting threads.

Just realize there are others out there




District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
Not to be rude to you or Mooclan, but how can you define how much effort someone puts into their work? For someone who does try to put in a lot of effort in each of his posts, I don't take offense to it, but I find it annoying that it is looked over and instead focused on someone who has been posting for a lot longer.

You yourself cannot define how much effort a single person in the community puts into each of his posts. I can name a few others who would agree with me here: that many of us put as much heart and effort into each of our posts, and simply just not have the post count to compete with someone of the stature of Mooclan. I am not attacking mooclan's work, I myself am a massive fan of his and take valuable time out of my day to read and comment on his work. When I write original work, I would really appreciate the same. Granted I don't expect it, but a comment like yours can be very disheartening for a forumer to read. Instead of writing Mooclan puts the most effort, you should instead write that he, on average, puts the most length into his posts. Quality and Quantity do not always go hand in hand. Mooclan has a special ability to couple both in every one of his posts, but that does not mean he puts more effort then the rest of us. He has a larger quantity of posts too, more recognition and many, many more words plastered around the forums.

I am not angry at you, or your post. I instead just want you to realize that there are others of us out there besides the amazing Mooclan. I do not say this sarcastically, but with true admiration. There are many great Forumers out there. arsenalfcgunners, I would include you as one of them: you have many insightful and interesting threads.

Just realize there are others out there



I have to admit that I also admire Mooclan's posts since the day I have joined, from reading over his countless well-written posts, I have taught myself to do the same, I may not have the best vocabulary to have well-structured sentences in my posts, but I try, and the fact that people overlook and don't give recognition to other outstanding forumers that state well-thought opinions in replies is really annoying, this thread is about the most prominent forumers, not forumers that put in effort for posts. Gosh, Moo, why do you cause so much controversy :) ily.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Not to be rude to you or Mooclan, but how can you define how much effort someone puts into their work? For someone who does try to put in a lot of effort in each of his posts, I don't take offense to it, but I find it annoying that it is looked over and instead focused on someone who has been posting for a lot longer.

You yourself cannot define how much effort a single person in the community puts into each of his posts. I can name a few others who would agree with me here: that many of us put as much heart and effort into each of our posts, and simply just not have the post count to compete with someone of the stature of Mooclan. I am not attacking mooclan's work, I myself am a massive fan of his and take valuable time out of my day to read and comment on his work. When I write original work, I would really appreciate the same. Granted I don't expect it, but a comment like yours can be very disheartening for a forumer to read. Instead of writing Mooclan puts the most effort, you should instead write that he, on average, puts the most length into his posts. Quality and Quantity do not always go hand in hand. Mooclan has a special ability to couple both in every one of his posts, but that does not mean he puts more effort then the rest of us. He has a larger quantity of posts too, more recognition and many, many more words plastered around the forums.

I am not angry at you, or your post. I instead just want you to realize that there are others of us out there besides the amazing Mooclan. I do not say this sarcastically, but with true admiration. There are many great Forumers out there. arsenalfcgunners, I would include you as one of them: you have many insightful and interesting threads.

Just realize there are others out there


so much yes
I love this post

Okay, I would go on a forum alt and post this but I don't really wanna right now.

Honestly? I DON'T put the most effort into my posts. I just make it seem like I do. Sometimes yeah, I do put a lot of effort, but really, it's just typing and thinking, two pretty easy things that I do decently well.
Demonsushi is absolutely correct, there most definitely are people who write better posts than I. I appreciate the compliments, but in all honesty I don't think that all of my posts are that great. Your criticisms are spot-on.

Think of an optical illusion:
Let's take, for example, an illusion of... uhm... oh heck, a ghost.
What you see is a white spectre floating mid-air with no physical substance or propulsion, but what the creator might see is some steam with two projectors casting light and creating a false impression of a ghost.

In this case, I'm the creator, and you're the viewer. What you may see is a very long post with large words and a ton of information, but what I perceive when I read my own posts is grammatical inconsistencies, run-on sentences, using words in the incorrect context, and way too many separate paragraphs where I don't need them. G33ke and SixZoSeven write so much better than me, but because they don't post as frequently, I don't see people giving them the credit.

No :p As much as I hate it, almost everything that I post that looks fancy gets likes just because of my "reputation". It's actually sort of disappointing to know that sometimes, people don't like my post for what it contains, but for who made it.
While I do appreciate being liked on the forums, I have to admit that this is true. I think a little while ago, someone admitted to me that if I posted something too long, they would skip reading it and just hit the Like button. ._.

I see plenty of players and forumers that deserve so much more respect than I. I'm just a 15 year old kid sitting at home all day, writing about a video game that I don't even play. I mean seriously, you're giving this guy compliments? Uhm, no offense to anyone in a situation just like me, but honestly I don't see anything honorable about it.

So since I haven't already done it on this thread, I'm going to quickly go through a few pages and find a few of the forumers that I see writing really good things but don't get enough credit. I won't be doing like, RC and Duck and stuff.

Blazerboy | Noah
Ceroria (ZebraNation)



Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
so much yes
I love this post

Okay, I would go on a forum alt and post this but I don't really wanna right now.

Honestly? I DON'T put the most effort into my posts. I just make it seem like I do. Sometimes yeah, I do put a lot of effort, but really, it's just typing and thinking, two pretty easy things that I do decently well.
Demonsushi is absolutely correct, there most definitely are people who write better posts than I. I appreciate the compliments, but in all honesty I don't think that all of my posts are that great. Your criticisms are spot-on.

Think of an optical illusion:
Let's take, for example, an illusion of... uhm... oh heck, a ghost.
What you see is a white spectre floating mid-air with no physical substance or propulsion, but what the creator might see is some steam with two projectors casting light and creating a false impression of a ghost.

In this case, I'm the creator, and you're the viewer. What you may see is a very long post with large words and a ton of information, but what I perceive when I read my own posts is grammatical inconsistencies, run-on sentences, using words in the incorrect context, and way too many separate paragraphs where I don't need them. G33ke and SixZoSeven write so much better than me, but because they don't post as frequently, I don't see people giving them the credit.

While I do appreciate being liked on the forums, I have to admit that this is true. I think a little while ago, someone admitted to me that if I posted something too long, they would skip reading it and just hit the Like button. ._.

I see plenty of players and forumers that deserve so much more respect than I. I'm just a 15 year old kid sitting at home all day, writing about a video game that I don't even play. I mean seriously, you're giving this guy compliments? Uhm, no offense to anyone in a situation just like me, but honestly I don't see anything honorable about it.

So since I haven't already done it on this thread, I'm going to quickly go through a few pages and find a few of the forumers that I see writing really good things but don't get enough credit. I won't be doing like, RC and Duck and stuff.

Blazerboy | Noah
Ceroria (ZebraNation)

Don't get electrocuted ;-;

Just thought I'd take a moment to recognize Ikanacanyon7 . You're a really nice guy and I think you give some interesting thoughts on various topics. I'm glad I've had the chance to talk to you c:

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