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Cyber Bullying Campaign.

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Mar 22, 2014
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So, recently I have seen a lot of people that are being rude, cursive etc. On the server, I don't really like because I have been bullied in real life myself. And its not nice. People these days are rude. So I want to start a campaign on the server to stop cyber bullying, we do not have much bullies but its worth it for the future. And this is what I think.

Targeting someone is still bullying, calling someone names, making fun of them, being rude against there culture, being sexual. If you do all that over the internet it is "Cyber bullying." not much sexual comments, but it still counts. If you are a cyber bully you should be banned automatically, because you don't know if they person that you are bully has a good or bad life behind Minecraft, mostly a bad life, who knows, that person might get bashed by her/his mother or father. People need to straighten up and be nice for once, the world needs to change and be nice, a lot of suicides happens every year due to bullys. Example: "Amanda Todd" she sent a nude to someone, she thought was some nice guy from another school, wasn't. It was people at school that made a account, they got a nude of her and spread it, she changed schools, nothing changed, got bullied everyday. Call names. She was the most beautiful girl in the world and still is. She committed suicide, because she couldn't find a way out, she moved schools so many times, still no change, like I said, she committed suicide. She got home cut herself prior, forgot that. Then on that day, she drank bleach. Was sick for a while, then died. Her mother found her dead on the ground. Its the most saddest story ever, you know what, my life isn't great either, yeah everyone has said something bad to someone or people that's life, but people need to stop. No ones life is great, I am going to give you the dead set truth.

And here is my story in real life, I know this goes of track, but it does relate to bullying in general, so I need to speak out on what I wen't through. Life is not easy.

In year 7, I made friends, after a while they hated me. Called me names for about 6 months, so many names, the most common ones, I didn't know what to do, I was a vulnerable kid. No one liked me, after another 2 months they started hitting me, in the arm and kicking me in the leg. I didn't care, I took it as a joke. Then at the start of year 8, they started going full on. Kicking me hard, punching me, getting me down on the ground, gang banging me, sneaking up on me. Bashing me, no one did nothing, then it got worse, they got in a circle made me bash this fat kid, I lost, everyday I would get a new bruise, some days black eyes, I would lie to my mother about the bruises. Then I started to cut on the back of my legs, I had no one. I even got bashed in class. I was so close to killing myself, when I say so close I mean so close. Because you know what. I found a friend I am just going to say her first name: Caitlyn. She helped me so much, I got so close to her, we were best-friends, I went to her house, I cried in her arms, called her everyday and told her how I was, guess what she was going through what I was going through but not as bad, she cut as well. You know what, today me and her 3 years later are still friends, are both out of that, still friends, I call her still, I don't want to lose her, she is like my mother but I can tell her more, she is my rock, that might sound bad, because my mother is appose to be my rock, but Caitlyn helped me through everything. Now we are closer ;) So people I have a message for you, if you get bullied: If you fall behind, run faster. Never give up, never surrender, and rise up against the odds. My father said: "If you do get bullied, stand up to the bully, if he says a name to you, say "Mate, can you please stop and leave me alone." If he doesn't stop, just go up to him when he least excepts it and knock him down." It might not be the best idea, you might be the bully for those 5 seconds, but guess what, he has made you like that. I have gone of track and not talked about cyber bullying but whatever, back on track. If you knocked him down, did he stop? Yes he did. You might get in trouble but its worth it. This is not the best lesson or idea but trust me you won't be bullied anymore, just stand up for yourself, I love you all, f**k the haters, if you are bullied I love you and stay strong. But, while this all happened, I was called names by my father and called me dumb. That is not much, but it still hurts.

So what I am going to do with this campaign is if people want too, they can express there feelings, its not like anyone is going to judge you, we are here to help you, MCGamer is the #1 server that will benefit you by giving you love and support, the bullied people need to speak out and the bullies need to say sorry and stop. We all have said nasty stuff to people sometimes, but the constant bullies that won't stop are the ones that make people commit suicide, just remember the bully is always the bad person, with no job, no life when they grow up, you will be the person with the best wife, husband. Nice job, roof over your head. Money coming in every week, great children, adopted or not, depending on if you are bisexual, gay, or strait. I keep going of track, but I am stating points..

So here is what you do if you want to, I am not forcing you:
  1. You comment on what you have gone through or going through, not detailed if not wanting too.
  2. Us people help you, give you advice, comfort you. But advice that is sensible. We don't want you going to go kill someone because they bullied you.
  3. You take that into account. Meaning you think about what we have said and remember it.
Here is another tip, if you are being bullied, get quotes that will cheer you up. We will help you. If you do be rude on here your comment will be deleted and reported.
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District 13
Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
Please remove the part that advertises another server. Other than that, nice.


Jun 21, 2013
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That's an awesome speech you wrote there. I won a writing competition a few years ago about bullying and I got to go on a huge, all-expense paid vacation because of it. I almost felt guilty though, because I have never really been bullied, and I have occasionally been the bully/bystander. Luckily I have also stood up for people at times.

Bullies just suck. Most people bully because they have been bullied themselves, but that is no excuse to pass on pure misery to another human being. I think that people who are being bullied need to stand up like you said, and show the bully that they are not as cool as they think they are. If someone walks up to you and threatens to beat you up, you might say "good luck!" and the bluff will discourage them. Other times you just need to get help from someone higher up, like a friend or teacher. If worse comes to worse, you can always fight back yourself, though in schools these days you would likely get suspended or expelled for that. I have no idea why. If a kid is punching me repeatedly I am supposed to sit there and take it? It makes no sense. There's a difference between a brawl and self-defense.

But the real power comes in when a bystander steps and helps out the kid getting bullied. Showing that you care about the person getting hurt and that they are not worthless makes a big difference. If you stand up for a kid, you may be preventing a suicide, or even keeping them from turning into a violent serial killer. Many people who end up doing violent crime were bullied themselves. In some of the essays I read on my vacation I saw what it feels like to be the bully, which is interesting, because I've never bullied much.

"That's my greatest fear, is having one of the kids I bullied commit suicide because of me."

Bullies seem to almost suffer equal pain to the kids they bully. When you ruin someones life and it backfires in your direction, it is something you can never forgive yourself for. It's like causing a casualty while texting and driving. You would do anything to go back in time and fix your old mistake. The pain haunts you and it becomes part of your life. You would sacrifice yourself to go back and bring back the person's life you have destroyed, as well as their family's. My advice: Don't bully, no matter how angry you feel towards the world or how much you want to feel worthy and powerful. It will make your life and everyone's lives far worse.

And finally, don't ever let things happen. If you are even remotely popular at school, use your power to rid the school of bullying. I am in that situation, and I always call people out for saying rude things, even simple gossip. If people say something awful in person, I yell at them and demand that they apologize.

Most people won't do anything at all. There was a massive fight the second to last week of school and literally 500 kids sat there and watched in a big circle as these two girls fought it out for a couple minutes. They even formed barricades on the major hallways to prevent staff from breaking up the fight. Don't be like everyone else. Be that guy that makes peace and makes people feel decent about themselves.


May 31, 2014
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I think what you did here is something that makes the world and of course MCSG a better place. I wish more people had this same kind of outlook as you do, keep up the great work!


Mar 22, 2014
Reaction score
I think what you did here is something that makes the world and of course MCSG a better place. I wish more people had this same kind of outlook as you do, keep up the great work!
Who are you talking about?

That's an awesome speech you wrote there. I won a writing competition a few years ago about bullying and I got to go on a huge, all-expense paid vacation because of it. I almost felt guilty though, because I have never really been bullied, and I have occasionally been the bully/bystander. Luckily I have also stood up for people at times.

Bullies just suck. Most people bully because they have been bullied themselves, but that is no excuse to pass on pure misery to another human being. I think that people who are being bullied need to stand up like you said, and show the bully that they are not as cool as they think they are. If someone walks up to you and threatens to beat you up, you might say "good luck!" and the bluff will discourage them. Other times you just need to get help from someone higher up, like a friend or teacher. If worse comes to worse, you can always fight back yourself, though in schools these days you would likely get suspended or expelled for that. I have no idea why. If a kid is punching me repeatedly I am supposed to sit there and take it? It makes no sense. There's a difference between a brawl and self-defense.

But the real power comes in when a bystander steps and helps out the kid getting bullied. Showing that you care about the person getting hurt and that they are not worthless makes a big difference. If you stand up for a kid, you may be preventing a suicide, or even keeping them from turning into a violent serial killer. Many people who end up doing violent crime were bullied themselves. In some of the essays I read on my vacation I saw what it feels like to be the bully, which is interesting, because I've never bullied much.

"That's my greatest fear, is having one of the kids I bullied commit suicide because of me."

Bullies seem to almost suffer equal pain to the kids they bully. When you ruin someones life and it backfires in your direction, it is something you can never forgive yourself for. It's like causing a casualty while texting and driving. You would do anything to go back in time and fix your old mistake. The pain haunts you and it becomes part of your life. You would sacrifice yourself to go back and bring back the person's life you have destroyed, as well as their family's. My advice: Don't bully, no matter how angry you feel towards the world or how much you want to feel worthy and powerful. It will make your life and everyone's lives far worse.

And finally, don't ever let things happen. If you are even remotely popular at school, use your power to rid the school of bullying. I am in that situation, and I always call people out for saying rude things, even simple gossip. If people say something awful in person, I yell at them and demand that they apologize.

Most people won't do anything at all. There was a massive fight the second to last week of school and literally 500 kids sat there and watched in a big circle as these two girls fought it out for a couple minutes. They even formed barricades on the major hallways to prevent staff from breaking up the fight. Don't be like everyone else. Be that guy that makes peace and makes people feel decent about themselves.
The whole reason people bully others is because they have problems of their own, they have no one to go to, they make you feel smaller although they are smaller, so they take it out on people like you and me. But one thing i will say to anyone who has truly been bullied, is do what i do, don't take it, i know it's hard, but instead ignore it. If they don't get a reaction they will stop, and if you are going to give them a reaction (I don't recommend this) make sure it's a nice strike to the face. Show them they can't affect you but you can affect them. Or even better become that bullies friend, figure out what his problem is because believe it or not. what they want is a friend, someone who will listen, i promise if you become their friend they will stop. Don't let the bully choose you, you choose the bully they can talk all they want right? But if you don't let it phase you, nothing can ever disrupt the inter happiness you will gain from realizing why the bully does it. It's because he wants the happiness you have, and they think they get it from stealing yours. This applied more to Real life bullying, but cyber bullying is the same concept.


May 21, 2012
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My advice is pretty similar to yours, if someone's bullying you, just get a strong punch on their jaw and they will stop :p


Aug 4, 2013
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I have a pretty good life and don't get bullied, wish everyone could feel the way I do


Aug 4, 2013
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No one has a "Good life." everyone goes through stages that hurts them so much in life.
What I mean is like the past months, my brother did have open heart surgery but nothing bad has happened. The thing that is important is like a month ago our aau team came 2nd in a country tournament. So for me, life is good, I have no stress, and I'm not depressed that's what I mean if I was confusing.

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