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Slowly starting to stop playing MCSG with the amount of hackers!


Sep 12, 2013
Reaction score
I feel like it's about time something has been said about the EU servers.

Bring back clean sweep - The only time I seen some change.

I've started to play ALOT less lately because literally the MAJORITY of games I play there are hackers! The only reason I play minecraft is for MCSG and I don't want to move to hive or whatever you guys may recommend but literally EU has been filled with hackers lately and it's getting ridiculous and needs to be fixed.

If anyone is like me and experiencing the amount of hackers then you're likely going to lose a lot of players, something needs to be done.

Yes, regen has gone BUT the amount of kill aura/speed hackers have increased dramatically. It's practically getting unplayable, the only time you can actually play is in the early hours as there's not many hackers online.


District 13
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score

Firstly, at Nephilim so he can have his little rant.

I must admit I see a lot of people like you lately on the servers. Luckily for me, you didn't write how few mods there are and ask that their be some ridiculous number of mods in order to decrease hackers. However, the only way hackers are going to decrease are by two ways. One is in your control, one is not.

  • The one that is not in your control is based on the Developers. These people spend their entire days working on these servers for us, the users. They have gotten rid of regenration hackers, a great achievement. It is said new plug ins for the removal of aimbot hackers are coming soon. Until then, you must do my second point.
  • Report people. If you are like everyone else who complains, apparently you see every single hacker in the world. Poke a mod on ts.mcgamer.net on TeamSpeak or record them and report abuse here:http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/forums/Report/ You not doing this is part of the reason the servers have hackers. Instead of reporting them, you complain here, while that hacker keeps hacking! Every person takes a turn being the first to spot a hacker, do your duty as a member of this community and report them to someone in the Staff team.


Sep 12, 2013
Reaction score

Firstly, at Nephilim so he can have his little rant.

I must admit I see a lot of people like you lately on the servers. Luckily for me, you didn't write how few mods there are and ask that their be some ridiculous number of mods in order to decrease hackers. However, the only way hackers are going to decrease are by two ways. One is in your control, one is not.

  • The one that is not in your control is based on the Developers. These people spend their entire days working on these servers for us, the users. They have gotten rid of regenration hackers, a great achievement. It is said new plug ins for the removal of aimbot hackers are coming soon. Until then, you must do my second point.
  • Report people. If you are like everyone else who complains, apparently you see every single hacker in the world. Poke a mod on ts.mcgamer.net on TeamSpeak or record them and report abuse here:http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/forums/Report/ You not doing this is part of the reason the servers have hackers. Instead of reporting them, you complain here, while that hacker keeps hacking! Every person takes a turn being the first to spot a hacker, do your duty as a member of this community and report them to someone in the Staff team.
If you are like everyone else who complains, apparently you see every single hacker in the world.

I'm complaining for a reason it's true, don't assume I've seen just one hacker and complained, I'm not stupid.

You not doing this is part of the reason the servers have hackers. Instead of reporting them, you complain here, while that hacker keeps hacking!

Again you're assuming I've never reported hackers but I get fed up of recording and uploading a hacker when it becomes every game I spend more time uploading videos. I'm here to have fun and enjoy the servers but I can't currently.

Overall: Stop assuming I'm 'just complaining', I'm complaining for a reason, the reason being the huge amount of hackers lately, I seriously hope you've actually been playing on EU to witness this and not just writing your comment. I didn't mention anything about the mods either, I don't have a problem with the mods, I doubt they can handle the amount there is to be honest.


edit: What a surprise, I check your stats you're not even playing on EU, you're on US. So when you experience the amount of hackers on EU then come back.
Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
True dat.

If you are like everyone else who complains, apparently you see every single hacker in the world.

I'm complaining for a reason it's true, don't assume I've seen just one hacker and complained, I'm not stupid.

You not doing this is part of the reason the servers have hackers. Instead of reporting them, you complain here, while that hacker keeps hacking!

Again you're assuming I've never reported hackers but I get fed up of recording and uploading a hacker when it becomes every game I spend more time uploading videos. I'm here to have fun and enjoy the servers but I can't currently.

Overall: Stop assuming I'm 'just complaining', I'm complaining for a reason, the reason being the huge amount of hackers lately, I seriously hope you've actually been playing on EU to witness this and not just writing your comment. I didn't mention anything about the mods either, I don't have a problem with the mods, I doubt they can handle the amount there is to be honest.


edit: What a surprise, I check your stats you're not even playing on EU, you're on US. So when you experience the amount of hackers on EU then come back.
Come on Teamspeak bb <3 We will protect eachother, but seriously you tell him.


Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
I have heard so many complaints about EU having hackers and I believe something needs to be done, I think at some point in time there should be a limit on how many US Mods there can be and then start focusing on getting EU mods.

I'm going to play on EU and see how many hackers I run into...


Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
I agree with you that they should bring back Operation Clean Sweep but making this thread is not going to solve the hacker problem.

I am an EU player myself and I will be honest and say that I have not seen any more hackers on EU than usual. I played almost 30 games in a row today, most of them where on EU (except for 3 or so on US) and I have not seen a single hacker in one of those games. The only hackers that I have seen were in Battlegrounds and they were dealt with as soon as one of us in the TeamSpeak chat poked a moderator. It can be a coincidence that I have not encountered one today but it has been like this for a while now. Yes there are more hackers on EU than on US and yes they are really annoying but I seriously think that people are exaggerating on this topic.

You have probably heard this way too much now but literally the only thing you can do is help the staff members and report them. I can understand that you are tired of recording them, rendering the video and uploading it to YouTube as it can take a really long time before the video is fully accessible, I am too sometimes but I do it anyway to help the community. The staff really appreciates your cooperation. I know that you already do this regarding recording a video yourself but still for other members here: You can either record the hacker yourself and make an abuse report OR you can poke one of the moderators on TeamSpeak. They will always be there to help you, it is one of the reasons why they are on TeamSpeak. They will be more than willing to help you, record the hacker and ban him later on.

Now about the developers. They managed to get rid of the regeneration hackers which is awesome because you are now able to actually kill them. From the hackers that I did report I noticed that kill aura / aimbot / speed hacks are the most used at the moment, so you are definitely right about that. It is difficult, but you are able to kill them from a distance with your bow or if they get closer with flint and steel. But back to the developers now. In the thread that was made about the Xime Anti-Cheat system, they announced that the developers are continuing to improve the system and get rid of more sort of hacks, but until then, we will just have to be patient and help reporting as much as we can/want. Try to put yourself in their place, they have to keep the servers stable all the time, they have to fix the amount of bugs and glitches that they receive in the "Bug Report" section and they have to implement the newly added maps and remove the ones that are underplayed or not liked by the community. This may not seem much but from what I know about coding and developing, it is not easy, at all. As what I read from LadyOfLove in the Map Updates thread, Devin is on holiday, Rusty has exams and KP is busy with the web development amongst other things. They will get around to it once they are finished fixing other, a bit more important issues.

That is what I have to say about the current hacker situation in EU, but I am not finished yet, unfortunately.

Firstly, your reaction towards demonsushi was a bit disrespectful in my opinion. You made this thread asking for something to be done against the hackers in EU, so you could expect getting responses like that on your question.
If you are like everyone else who complains, apparently you see every single hacker in the world.

I'm complaining for a reason it's true, don't assume I've seen just one hacker and complained, I'm not stupid.
You said that demonsushi was complaining about the hackers. Where did you read his complaints? From what I can read he is only trying to give you advice on what to do about them just like I am doing at the moment.

You not doing this is part of the reason the servers have hackers. Instead of reporting them, you complain here, while that hacker keeps hacking!

Again you're assuming I've never reported hackers but I get fed up of recording and uploading a hacker when it becomes every game I spend more time uploading videos. I'm here to have fun and enjoy the servers but I can't currently.
I talked to him for a while today and he does report all the hackers that he encounters. So don't say that when you know it is false. It would be strange to tell someone to report all the hackers they see if they don't do it themselves. He doesn't assume that you never reported hackers before, he is just reminding you that reporting hackers yourself is one of the only solutions to get rid of them at the moment. And again, if you don't feel like recording them, you don't have to. You can poke a moderator on TeamSpeak and they will deal with the hacker for you. I am here too to enjoy and have fun on the servers but in order to do that, we have to help the staff in catching these hackers. We do not have to do their job, that's not what I am saying here. By poking a moderator, we help them to find hackers and to deal with them. They have no hacker tracker so that they immediately know that there is one in EU123 using kill aura. They go in games too trying to find rule breakers and dealing with them appropriately, they just can't be in more than 1 place at the time.

Overall: Stop assuming I'm 'just complaining', I'm complaining for a reason, the reason being the huge amount of hackers lately, I seriously hope you've actually been playing on EU to witness this and not just writing your comment. I didn't mention anything about the mods either, I don't have a problem with the mods, I doubt they can handle the amount there is to be honest.
Complaining isn't going to solve anything, reporting does. Like I said above, I have talked to him today while we were playing on EU. He is an US player himself but he insisted only playing EU with one of the reasons being to see the hacker problem. Unfortunately, we didn't encounter any at that time.

That brings me to my question: Brandon6895 did you encounter many hackers whilst playing on EU today? I am actually curious now.

To finish my "rant" here, I do not want to start any flame here with you so please do not take any of these personally. I know that it is a big problem, I totally agree with you on that one, but the only thing we can do currently is help the staff by reporting them. This is my longest response on a thread about the huge amount of hackers on EU so I hope that you understand what I am trying to tell you here, otherwise it would have been pointless.


Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
I agree with you that they should bring back Operation Clean Sweep but making this thread is not going to solve the hacker problem.

I am an EU player myself and I will be honest and say that I have not seen any more hackers on EU than usual. I played almost 30 games in a row today, most of them where on EU (except for 3 or so on US) and I have not seen a single hacker in one of those games. The only hackers that I have seen were in Battlegrounds and they were dealt with as soon as one of us in the TeamSpeak chat poked a moderator. It can be a coincidence that I have not encountered one today but it has been like this for a while now. Yes there are more hackers on EU than on US and yes they are really annoying but I seriously think that people are exaggerating on this topic.

You have probably heard this way too much now but literally the only thing you can do is help the staff members and report them. I can understand that you are tired of recording them, rendering the video and uploading it to YouTube as it can take a really long time before the video is fully accessible, I am too sometimes but I do it anyway to help the community. The staff really appreciates your cooperation. I know that you already do this regarding recording a video yourself but still for other members here: You can either record the hacker yourself and make an abuse report OR you can poke one of the moderators on TeamSpeak. They will always be there to help you, it is one of the reasons why they are on TeamSpeak. They will be more than willing to help you, record the hacker and ban him later on.

Now about the developers. They managed to get rid of the regeneration hackers which is awesome because you are now able to actually kill them. From the hackers that I did report I noticed that kill aura / aimbot / speed hacks are the most used at the moment, so you are definitely right about that. It is difficult, but you are able to kill them from a distance with your bow or if they get closer with flint and steel. But back to the developers now. In the thread that was made about the Xime Anti-Cheat system, they announced that the developers are continuing to improve the system and get rid of more sort of hacks, but until then, we will just have to be patient and help reporting as much as we can/want. Try to put yourself in their place, they have to keep the servers stable all the time, they have to fix the amount of bugs and glitches that they receive in the "Bug Report" section and they have to implement the newly added maps and remove the ones that are underplayed or not liked by the community. This may not seem much but from what I know about coding and developing, it is not easy, at all. As what I read from LadyOfLove in the Map Updates thread, Devin is on holiday, Rusty has exams and KP is busy with the web development amongst other things. They will get around to it once they are finished fixing other, a bit more important issues.

That is what I have to say about the current hacker situation in EU, but I am not finished yet, unfortunately.

Firstly, your reaction towards demonsushi was a bit disrespectful in my opinion. You made this thread asking for something to be done against the hackers in EU, so you could expect getting responses like that on your question.

You said that demonsushi was complaining about the hackers. Where did you read his complaints? From what I can read he is only trying to give you advice on what to do about them just like I am doing at the moment.

I talked to him for a while today and he does report all the hackers that he encounters. So don't say that when you know it is false. It would be strange to tell someone to report all the hackers they see if they don't do it themselves. He doesn't assume that you never reported hackers before, he is just reminding you that reporting hackers yourself is one of the only solutions to get rid of them at the moment. And again, if you don't feel like recording them, you don't have to. You can poke a moderator on TeamSpeak and they will deal with the hacker for you. I am here too to enjoy and have fun on the servers but in order to do that, we have to help the staff in catching these hackers. We do not have to do their job, that's not what I am saying here. By poking a moderator, we help them to find hackers and to deal with them. They have no hacker tracker so that they immediately know that there is one in EU123 using kill aura. They go in games too trying to find rule breakers and dealing with them appropriately, they just can't be in more than 1 place at the time.

Complaining isn't going to solve anything, reporting does. Like I said above, I have talked to him today while we were playing on EU. He is an US player himself but he insisted only playing EU with one of the reasons being to see the hacker problem. Unfortunately, we didn't encounter any at that time.

That brings me to my question: Brandon6895 did you encounter many hackers whilst playing on EU today? I am actually curious now.

To finish my "rant" here, I do not want to start any flame here with you so please do not take any of these personally. I know that it is a big problem, I totally agree with you on that one, but the only thing we can do currently is help the staff by reporting them. This is my longest response on a thread about the huge amount of hackers on EU so I hope that you understand what I am trying to tell you here, otherwise it would have been pointless.
I only played 2-3 games, got bored because I got about 200 ping to EU. :p

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