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The Reason I Got VIP

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District 13
May 6, 2012
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Too be honest, the fact he has VIP for a reason some of you deem 'unfair' honestly isn't his problem. There's nothing he can do about it, and while he could ask to have it removed, I highly doubt any of you would, should you be out in a similar position.

The root of his rank is Chad. Chad gave him the rank, Chad chose to give him the rank, and Chad is the reason he has the rank. It wasn't his choice, so calling him names, etc. on the thread is honestly ridiculous. He didn't join TeamSpeak and just say "Time for my VIP!".

On the whole "why does he get VIP, but moderators don't" that's honestly a whole 'nother story. As far as I know, quite a bit of thought went into which ex-moderators were to receive platinum. While many of my friends did not receive said rank, it's important to keep in mind that the people deciding who was to receive platinum saw a lot more than we did, and could decide with a better judgement than most of us who only saw a select few actions, and may be biased based on friendships, etc.
Something else I saw brought up is the ''moderators who won MCGamer awards and didn't get anything". Keep in mind, the MCGamer awards is 80% a popularity contest. I am by no means trying to discredit winners, as it was well deserved for everyone, but once again, the higher-up staff have the ability to view the actions made, and I'm sure they did just that.

For all we know, this is simply a temporary replacement for Levi, until they work out a new 'friend rank' system.

In the end, it's his rank. Everyone is allowed an opinion on whether or not having said rank is just, and obviously it's great to have a discussion, but remember that the discussion is about him having the rank, not him. Also, don't forget, he isn't the only one with this rank for this reason- he's just the only one who has made a thread thus far.


District 13
May 9, 2012
Reaction score
Right, let's see if I can calm some of you people down.....

Let's start off with OP's post:

Hello Tributes! As you may know I'm a VIP on MCGamer and a lot of people get confused why or say I don't deserve it, so this thread is to explain why I am what I am. Now you see, I'm not a YouTuber, or an amazing builder who made a map, I'm friendly. I was Friend Rank before it was removed because I am friends with a lot of Sr. Staff. Now don't get that confused with Sr. Moderators, Sr. Staff means Sr. Moderators and up. Anyways, the day Friend Rank was removed, the Sr. Staff talked about me with Chad, and then he decided that I deserved VIP. I know I'm not a YouTuber or a map maker, but that's not what VIP is about. VIP stands for very important person, and that's what all the people who have it are, a very important person. There are others like me who got VIP and aren't a YouTuber or map maker. There's not much more to say other than thanks for reading! Reply with questions and I'll answer, and opinions would be greatly appreciated! :)
Ok, you got VIP for being close friends with Sr. Staff, which I sort of understand, I won't complain.

Now let's look at the complaints and try to answer some questions.

And Eskild|Quadrum_ was considered the best mod in the MCSG awards, yet he got nothing when he resigned and he had to get the platinum donor by himself.
Those award threads were community based and not staff based. Therefore it doesn't really have any play in ranks.

Honestly I really liked the idea of Friend rank and am still confused as to why it was removed. That is my first question:

Why was friend rank removed and what "problems" did it cause?
Basically ex-moderators were complaining that they didn't get friend rank and were bugging the staff to get it and why they deserved it. Threads were made. Post outside of MCG teritory were made causing drama. The rank itself nobody fully knew the requirements to get it other than "left on good terms" and "did a good job". Ex-mods were trying to get around it.

Secondly, darkai202 is correct, I can think of several really good moderators who never got that 'free platinum' rank. Some old moderators had to buy it for themselves, since they never got it. Others bought a rank and then got their platinum, still costing them money. Friend ranks who had it for other reasons, like you levi_the_potato? Some of them never even got a rank. Their friend rank was taken off and that was that. I'm thinking about Thedorkyd1 as my main example for this, but I am sure this is not an isolated situation.
A lot of us, including myself, ex-mod/friends who are waiting for a rank are very dissapointed on how this whole situation has been handled. It should have been better communited by Chad or Col, just a simple post in "Minor Announcements" would have been enough.

Besides that, I feel that getting platinum as a retired moderator, if you even get it, does not give that same recognition to a player as the Friend Rank did. I heard from someone somewhere that they removed it because too many players were getting the rank. I never quite understood that, since what defined too many? Many people may read this and say: "demon, what could a player want more than too have the highest donor rank?" To that I may respond that it is fair enough, I would believe this acceptable to give a moderator after they resign. I assume their is a certain amount of time a player needs to be a moderator for, around 3+ months maybe. In fact, for a moderator's service, in return they receive a $100 dollar gift!!! What more could you want?

Ex-moderators getting platinum is sufficient to repay them for their services. However, it doesn't give the same recognition that the Friend rank did. I may be isolated in this, but when I saw an undisguised Friend Rank, my first question would be:

Are you a retired mod?

If they answered this question yes, then I would thank them for the work they had done on the servers. If they answered no, I always wished that I could figure out what they had done to get that rank. What had they done differently? Unless they know an Administrator in person or are related to Chad, what had they done that so many others haven't? Then to get VIP instead of a lot of moderators (clears throat) HyP3rKi113r is to me just outrageous.

levi_the_potato, I am in no way blaming you and if this came across like that I am sorry. You simply did what was best for you and the outcome came it our pretty well and I applaud you for that. I am, however, upset that you received such a kind gift while other moderators have been left sitting in the dust with the removal of the friend rank, while you, a member who really did nothing to help the community, gets the highest non-staff rank.

By "too many" it was meant that there were some who should not have gotten it and that it was getting a bit out of hand since its like an "unknown rank" that grew with the community

MCSG removed friend rank from mods and didn't give ANYTHING back to a large majority of them. Take Kytria for example, he did absolutely nothing wrong and was a great mod but he still doesn't have Platinum.
He's not the only one.....

You said you record hackers and report them, which basically makes you a mod? I had a friend who had over 100 ban reports within the span of four months. You are doing the civic duty that most people do. You said you deserve it? How? Helping report bans is what people are told to do when running into a hacker. To be honest, I see nothing more than someone being friends with the Senior Staff as your reason for VIP, which doesn't make you a "Very Important Person" on the MCGamer network. Sorry, but that is just my opinion. Respond however you want to, but myself and very many other's opinions won't change.
I still don't understand how being friends with Sr. Staff makes you a very important person.
While it is hard to understand why he got VIP and others didn't, try to view this way:

Imagine you own a server and you had a very close friend who played on your server, wouldn't you also give him your highest rank?

MCGamer was the only community to ever reward ex-staff members in any way. Most other communities also require players to be a premium member to even apply for the mod position; ex-staff members here get given a rank for free, in honor of their work.
I'll quote what I said on a players profile:
*sigh* We wanted to be moderators, because we wanted to help improve the network, by reducing the amount of hackers and spammers. Did we expect something in return when we retired? No. That's why when we did get the friend rank then we felt that our countless hours spent on the servers and forums weren't wasted and that our work was appretiated.
The friend rank has been part of the community for so long, that doesn't feel right that it was taken away and we get "pushed" over to the donor section. Had this whole thing been better communicated, then maybe we would not have reacted the way we have now.


May 5, 2013
Reaction score
Right, let's see if I can calm some of you people down.....

Let's start off with OP's post:

Ok, you got VIP for being close friends with Sr. Staff, which I sort of understand, I won't complain.

Now let's look at the complaints and try to answer some questions.

Those award threads were community based and not staff based. Therefore it doesn't really have any play in ranks.

Basically ex-moderators were complaining that they didn't get friend rank and were bugging the staff to get it and why they deserved it. Threads were made. Post outside of MCG teritory were made causing drama. The rank itself nobody fully knew the requirements to get it other than "left on good terms" and "did a good job". Ex-mods were trying to get around it.

A lot of us, including myself, ex-mod/friends who are waiting for a rank are very dissapointed on how this whole situation has been handled. It should have been better communited by Chad or Col, just a simple post in "Minor Announcements" would have been enough.

By "too many" it was meant that there were some who should not have gotten it and that it was getting a bit out of hand since its like an "unknown rank" that grew with the community

He's not the only one.....

While it is hard to understand why he got VIP and others didn't, try to view this way:

Imagine you own a server and you had a very close friend who played on your server, wouldn't you also give him your highest rank?

I'll quote what I said on a players profile:
Referring to when you quoted me, he is said himself he's never talked to Chad. So no, he's not a close friend of the owner. Also, I didn't read what you replied to others, only my quote, so I may have missed something you said.


District 13
May 9, 2012
Reaction score
Referring to when you quoted me, he is said himself he's never talked to Chad. So no, he's not a close friend of the owner. Also, I didn't read what you replied to others, only my quote, so I may have missed something you said.
A network is ran by other ranks, not just the owner. With MCG, the admins help Chad run the servers and the Sr. Mods help the admins. They all work closely with each other and therefore can also decide who should get a rank then go through it with Chad. If its just a single server then it'd be only the owners friends and MAYBE the admin's.
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District 13
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
MCSG removed friend rank from mods and didn't give ANYTHING back to a large majority of them. Take Kytria for example, he did absolutely nothing wrong and was a great mod but he still doesn't have Platinum.
or dq i heard he was a nice guy they shuld probably give it to dq
Hyper, Zeno, Gustav, probably three of the to best mods I know that didn't get it. And what about Evan/Ecmep? He was at least considered an important person after his resignation... Why didn't he get platinum?
and dq i heard he was a nice guy the shuld probably give it to dq
Jun 12, 2013
Reaction score
Hm, thats kind of a waste for people with diamond/platinum rank.
No it doesn't get rid of you rank it resets your stats meaning wins and losses kills chests and time played. You keep your points and donor and or staff rank
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