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Exodus | US Team

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Sep 6, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: izaakford
Age: 14
Wins: 14
MCSG Games Played: 307
Previous Clans: A lot, forget the names
Maps good at?: None
Maps bad at?: None
PvP Strengths: None
PvP Weaknesses: None
Why should be accept you?: I am IRL friends with Mint_Sib, I own a server with another person named SubtractHD. I would like to give your clan a VIP rank for the server. So you can use it as a training server, its custom coded by me. I'm a java developer and I've been coding for about 3 years now. It is a basic KitPvP server. It is open to the public, but we will sponsor your clan give all members VIP ranks.
Skype Username: thebrickwal21
Availability [1-10] 8
Will you be dedicated if accepted [Y/N] Y
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: izaakford
Age: 14
Wins: 14
MCSG Games Played: 307
Previous Clans: A lot, forget the names
Maps good at?: None
Maps bad at?: None
PvP Strengths: None
PvP Weaknesses: None
Why should be accept you?: I am IRL friends with Mint_Sib, I own a server with another person named SubtractHD. I would like to give your clan a VIP rank for the server. So you can use it as a training server, its custom coded by me. I'm a java developer and I've been coding for about 3 years now. It is a basic KitPvP server. It is open to the public, but we will sponsor your clan give all members VIP ranks.
Skype Username: thebrickwal21
Availability [1-10] 8
Will you be dedicated if accepted [Y/N] Y
Denied. PM for reasons!
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
He has a point. If you're going to keep up the wins from the first season, you should put up the loss of the second. Or you can wipe the wins from the first season and not put the second.
like your idea... gimme another day to think it through
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Alright I know this is late but Ive been on vacation so yea... here's my goodbye letter thingy.

I don't know where to start.. Its been an amazing time here with you all and I met some great people. This is by far the best clan I have ever been in not only because of the PVP but because they are all great friends. This clan is for sure going to be the best US clan someday and Im proud to say I was part of it. But like all good experiences... You guys are all great people and I hope we can keep in touch... And it wasn't you guys why I left... It was just because my cousin made a new clan(disbanded...) and I wanted to join it to just spend a little time with him as MCSG was just getting a little boring and I wasnt being active so i took a little break and I joined his clan... I just felt like I was holding you guys back and some of you guys didn't like me so I thought it was best to just find a new clan :( Me and Parwez talked and we both thought it was best for me to leave and I understand. I just would like to tag a few people.

SlainBotMc You were the BEST leader ever and you were soooo funny. You were an awesome leader. I will miss you the most mostly bcuz ive know you the longest(besides TopBandit)... I remember when you joined my clan Pulse then it disbanded and We made Fallen together and from there we became friends. I hope we can still keep in touch.

TopBandit Ive know you for a LONGGG time.. actually out of everyone ive know u the longest. You were a great officer/ leader annd I wish you the best of luck in the future.

TheAfroNinja You me and mined all applied for Exodus in the same hour and we became pretty good friends... I have to say we kinda did leave off on a bad note but you were one of my favorite people in the clan.

hacksource01?? I dont really know ur forum account but you were and awesome guy and Ill miss you

And last but not least Educating_ You were a really funny guy and it was really cool being in a clan with you.

Thanks so mych guys for the awesome experience and I'm sorry if I forgot anyone<3

Aug 15, 2013
Reaction score
I patiently wait for the day people mind their own business, and stop the flame on our thread.
Mind my own business? This is many people's business. Everyone in Precise (even though I'm not in that clan) would appreciate you guys putting it up. It's immature that you guys can't face the loss even though it may have been "cheap". Trivium put up the loss against Insidious though Insidious was considered to be one of the less good clans (I'm not trashing Insidious; they just weren't highly acclaimed prior to that win). I am not sorry for causing "flame", I'm not taking this to PM, everyone deserves to hear this. Deal with it, put up the loss. I'm done.


Jan 11, 2014
Reaction score
Mind my own business? This is many people's business. Everyone in Precise (even though I'm not in that clan) would appreciate you guys putting it up. It's immature that you guys can't face the loss even though it may have been "cheap". Trivium put up the loss against Insidious though Insidious was considered to be one of the less good clans (I'm not trashing Insidious; they just weren't highly acclaimed prior to that win). I am not sorry for causing "flame", I'm not taking this to PM, everyone deserves to hear this. Deal with it, put up the loss. I'm done.
Puffy it's ok we get it, we know you don't mean any harm just leave we will put up the loss i know it's frustrating but just calm down <3 _Frezzyenia


Jun 29, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: Julianscraft
Age: 14
Wins: 119
MCSG Games Played: 393
Previous Clans: None
Maps good at?: TSG2, Valleyside, Holiday Resort, and Turbulence.
Maps bad at?: SG1, SG2, SG3, SG5, and Rugged Lines.
PvP Strengths: Bow, Rod, Flint and Steeling, and running away.
PvP Weaknesses: None
Why should be accept you?: I should be accepted because I am a decent player and I have good friends in this caln and would like to have fun.
Skype Username: live:julian.hernandez22
Availability [1-10] 8
Will you be dedicated if accepted [Y/N] Y


Apr 30, 2013
Reaction score
Mind my own business? This is many people's business. Everyone in Precise (even though I'm not in that clan) would appreciate you guys putting it up. It's immature that you guys can't face the loss even though it may have been "cheap". Trivium put up the loss against Insidious though Insidious was considered to be one of the less good clans (I'm not trashing Insidious; they just weren't highly acclaimed prior to that win). I am not sorry for causing "flame", I'm not taking this to PM, everyone deserves to hear this. Deal with it, put up the loss. I'm done.
pls stop causing flame ty
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