• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

Good Bye.


Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
So it’s my one year as a Staff Member here at MCGamer, but also my last day, I never really saw this day coming since my first time in this community back in summer of 2012 but I guess it’s time... I know some of you may be thinking “About time, this guy didn’t really do anything.” Which is remotely true for the past month or so, as within the recent months I have just gotten bored, many don’t realise that we do all this work within our own time as a hobby for the better of the community with no pay, but just are will to help. And I am proud to say I believe I have made an impact on this community no matter how small, but I can walk out of this community knowing I was apart of it’s history and I am grateful for my time in this community, overall this community and Minecraft in general saved me from a pretty horrific life event in my life and gave me a safe haven for a period of time.

At this point in time I know I lack the needs and entails of which the Senior Moderator position requires as my fellow Members of Senior Staff will have recognised, but I am so happy to have had the privilege to work with so many unique personalities, in the end I only wish I could have known you guys a little better. And oh boy I will not forget my Trial Buddies DracoHD & Michael.

As funny as it is to say, within my one year as a Staff member, people barely even know who I am, what can I say… I have suffered with severe social Anxiety since the age of 10.

But just to let you all know, this is not the end of KiNNEY, this is only a chapter of my journey. With all that said...

I know this is overdone but I wouldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t pay tribute to the people in this community that made my journey at MCGamer and Minecraft in general worthwhile.

SimplyToTheMax: I love you dude (No homo) you’ve been a great friend

Celine | Sphaera: We have so much in common as real people outside of this, it always cheers up my day talking to you when we can.

chockadlad: How could I forget you mate, you are a hilarious person and it’s always good talking to you.

KRaidium: You’re a good mate, we talk rarely but we’ll always be part of the Irish within this community.

Col_StaR: I know we’ve only really communicated about community related issues, but I have always looked up to you as a person, and I believe we had a good thing going if you would please finish my 6 month long project that has been abandoned overtime, haha.I would love to see that project finished over time or even set as a long term goal.

DracoHD: Dude you’re awesome and incredibly kind, you know that. You’ve always been incredibly easy to talk to and one of the people I’ve always felt comfortable talking to.

_AquaTechMC_ / Murican Number 69: Again you are one of the people I always felt comfortable talking to, as you accepted me straight away since the first day we got our Trials.

ChadTheDJ: is Secretly a Cat.

The peeps above are the friends that made my experience worthwhile if I missed anyone just know I love all of you guys, but as of now I believe my stay is well overdue but I suppose you can expect me here and there.


District 13
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Sucks to see you go, you truly were a great Sr. Moderator.


Apr 5, 2013
Reaction score
I remember when you were just a part of Team Elite.

The day you became Mod, I was happy for you.. then there was Senior Mod, and now.. :c

Nonetheless, you were a good staff member, and I, along with the others, will miss you. <3


District 13
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score


Sep 14, 2013
Reaction score
It's really sad to see you go, you were a great Sr. Mod. Even though I didn't know you well, it's always sad to see people go(Especially staff(Even more especially Sr. Staff)). You will be missed :(


Nov 4, 2013
Reaction score
Au revoir, Kinney. We use to be best buddies and talk all the time; now it's as though we don't know each other. I'll miss you, and I can fully relate to your 'long overdue' statement. You was a great: friend, colleague and role model to me and therefore, I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours.

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