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Overkill | US Division| Disbanded | Lock Thread Please

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Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
In game name : urmom35
In real life name : Austin
MCSG wins : 108 but 861 on hive (im really well know and considered one of the best US hive players)
MCSG games played : 700+ (2900 .3 ration on hive)
PvP strengths: Since I'm a US hive player, I'm not used to ping and NCP of MCSG so I can get way better combos and hits than on hive which gives me an advantage with low ping. Im also I good rod spammer and above average with a bow.
PvP weaknesses : I don't know all the MCSG routes but I know most of them on the CW maps. I also sometimes forget to use the rod in combat since on hive there is the delay in ncp when switching items.
Skype? : MCurmom35
How many days will you be on, in a week : I go back and forth between my dads and my moms and my dad doesnt have interent. I leave my moms on wendsday nights and go back on Saturday nights.
Timezone : central us
Favourite maps : valleyside sg2 sg4 holiday breeze 1 and 2
Tell us about yourself : im a 13 year old hive player of over 1 year. Im getting bored of hive and play mcsg for fun but after I hit 1k wins (next couple of weeks) im quitting mcsg so I want to grt involved with clans.
Accepted, and is on "Trial"
-Make sure to prove your skills while we trial you!


Apr 30, 2014
Reaction score
In game name : Matthews_Gaming
In real life name:Mateusz
MCSG wins:24
MCSG game played:about 800 and somethink(I sarted playing MCSG when i didnt know what to do )
PvP strengths:Fishining Rod
PvP weakness:Get FnS and getting 30 fps
How many days will you be on, in a week:7 days
Favourite Maps:SG4 alaskan village Moonbase9
Tell us about yourself:Well i'm 16 years old i live in Ireland but i was born in Poland.I like playing sports currently i play basketball and Football (soccer).Apart from playing different sports i play variate of games for example Fifa 14 COD Watch Dog and ofcurse minecraft.I'm that kind of person that would make you laugh and maybe make your day.I also have a YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Tkr5AISblqN6ZHf43ep0Q thanks for reading this have a nice day.
Last edited:


May 30, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: MrIMineHard (shortened to MrMine)
IRLN: James
MCSG wins: Hardly any, 5 (I spoke with Rob about this, I was a prominatant player on SSundee's old SG server, but it closed month ago. 129 wins)
MCSG games played: 40 ((I am a little bit rusty on the server know as hackerville) SSundee's old SG server, 500 - 600 games played))
PvP strengths: Highly accurate bow, strafing. A generally well rounded PvPer.
PvP weaknesses: Teams of three, and although I play with my friends a lot on MCSG, they don't play competitively, so it would be a little different playing to this style.
Skype: I will pm Rob it if requested. He has my Skype account on his fan Skype too.
Activity: Three to five days a week
Time Zone: Uk. I am Rob's lone EU fan. me thinks, but I have met Kiwi, Rob and Anthony (though he was afk four times) on MCSG. And it was great seeing my idols.
Favourite maps: Whatever is on the votes. I can parlour quite well and most of the maps I do know. Holiday Resort would probably be my favourite.
Extra information: I have followed #OverKill since its incarnation on Rob's subscriber video (months ago) saying it was going to be a bunch of friends. I whined about it and then you guys must of opened it up after #TheReturn disbanded. Love you all guys :D.


Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: MrIMineHard (shortened to MrMine)
IRLN: James
MCSG wins: Hardly any, 5 (I spoke with Rob about this, I was a prominatant player on SSundee's old SG server, but it closed month ago. 129 wins)
MCSG games played: 40 ((I am a little bit rusty on the server know as hackerville) SSundee's old SG server, 500 - 600 games played))
PvP strengths: Highly accurate bow, strafing. A generally well rounded PvPer.
PvP weaknesses: Teams of three, and although I play with my friends a lot on MCSG, they don't play competitively, so it would be a little different playing to this style.
Skype: I will pm Rob it if requested. He has my Skype account on his fan Skype too.
Activity: Three to five days a week
Time Zone: Uk. I am Rob's lone EU fan. me thinks, but I have met Kiwi, Rob and Anthony (though he was afk four times) on MCSG. And it was great seeing my idols.
Favourite maps: Whatever is on the votes. I can parlour quite well and most of the maps I do know. Holiday Resort would probably be my favourite.
Extra information: I have followed #OverKill since its incarnation on Rob's subscriber video (months ago) saying it was going to be a bunch of friends. I whined about it and then you guys must of opened it up after #TheReturn disbanded. Love you all guys :D.
Accepted, and is on "Trial"
-Make sure to prove your skills on the battlefield, and nice choice of words :)


May 30, 2014
Reaction score
People say I am smart for a 14 year old cow. But then again, I have a very snazzy line of suits at my disposal.


Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
In game name : My ign is ToxPsycho or xtoxichazex
In real life name : my in real life name is Harri.
MCSG wins : 509
MCSG games played : 2474
PvP strengths : Bow, Strafing
PvP weaknesses : Rod, fns dodging.
Skype? : You have it but lethal_psycho
How many days will you be on, in a week : Most likely 6/7
Timezone : (British)
Favourite maps : Icarus and Valleyside.
Tell us about yourself : I <3 Anthony.


Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
In game name : My ign is ToxPsycho or xtoxichazex
In real life name : my in real life name is Harri.
MCSG wins : 509
MCSG games played : 2474
PvP strengths : Bow, Strafing
PvP weaknesses : Rod, fns dodging.
Skype? : You have it but lethal_psycho
How many days will you be on, in a week : Most likely 6/7
Timezone : (British)
Favourite maps : Icarus and Valleyside.
Tell us about yourself : I <3 Anthony.
Accepted as rank "Leader"
Be an amazing leader like you were in TheReturn!


Feb 25, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: Nikeboy1014
IRL Name: Rob
MCSG Wins: 32 (205 before reset)
MCSG Games Played: 250ish (1600 before reset)
PvP Strengths: Only Bow. I suck.
PvP weaknesses: Getting FnSed. 3 teams. H@x0r$. Rod+Sword.
Skype: nikeisgood2021 (When I was actually good) lol. It should be nikeisbad2021
How many days will you be on in a week: These next 2 weeks: 5-6 days. In 3 weeks: Only weekends :(
TimeZone: Eastern Standard Time.
Favortite maps: SG4, Holiday, Alaskan village, ValleySide. etc. (The Good Ones) lel
Tell us about yourself: Well, I cri evrytim ;(. Im 11. I have no swag. Im descent at MCSG. I like potatoes. I like chicken. I ESPECIALLY LOVE CHAIN HELMETS! And I cri evrytim 69 times a day!


Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: Nikeboy1014
IRL Name: Rob
MCSG Wins: 32 (205 before reset)
MCSG Games Played: 250ish (1600 before reset)
PvP Strengths: Only Bow. I suck.
PvP weaknesses: Getting FnSed. 3 teams. H@x0r$. Rod+Sword.
Skype: nikeisgood2021 (When I was actually good) lol. It should be nikeisbad2021
How many days will you be on in a week: These next 2 weeks: 5-6 days. In 3 weeks: Only weekends :(
TimeZone: Eastern Standard Time.
Favortite maps: SG4, Holiday, Alaskan village, ValleySide. etc. (The Good Ones) lel
Tell us about yourself: Well, I cri evrytim ;(. Im 11. I have no swag. Im descent at MCSG. I like potatoes. I like chicken. I ESPECIALLY LOVE CHAIN HELMETS! And I cri evrytim 69 times a day!
Accepted, and is on "Trial"
Il see you while our being trialed :D
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