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A thing about "Goodbye" threads...


May 29, 2014
Reaction score
After having seen a baker's dozen of these threads already, I've quickly begun to see something fairly similar: nearly every single one of these "goodbye" thread's creators are constantly seen on the forums after posting them and continue to post.

Now let me clarify that there's nothing wrong with a goodbye thread. If done right it's a nice way to end your whole journey on MCSG with a "bang". The problem occurs when people make a goodbye thread saying something like "I'm leaving" and they're back at it the next day. I think the problem is people say "I'm leaving MCSG" but truth be told they're just not able to do it.

Even if you return I don't really have a problem: as long as it's at least 4 or 5 months later. I know there's no set minimum, but that seems about reasonable. To anyone who's going to make a "goodbye" thread I would recommend they only make it if they really have to go, such as if they're going on a super long vacation, they're ground from the internet for an extremely extended amount of time, etc. The only reasons I tend to see are "I'm getting bored with MCSG, so I'm quitting".

The problem with this is once you leave and you wait a couple days you still are kind of curious to get back into MCSG, and you can't go on skype without people pushing you into going back. Sooner or later you come back even if you barely touch the computer for the next couple of days. I apologize if this thread upsets or annoys anyone, but I feel it's truthful and accurate.


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
If you come back, I agree, it's highly obnoxious and you're just reaching out for attention.

And oh yeah, MJM239


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Most people think they are going to leave but just can't do it so they come back. I did that too, I came back after a week, but I was really set on leaving. It's all up to the feelings of the user.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
^This. Most of these "goodbye" threads are only for the in-game community.
I don't think some people understand how hard it is to try and leave the overpowering gravitational pull of this community ;-;


Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
Well said. When you have had a really hard day and things aren't turning out the way you wanted them to in MCSG, it can be easy to think that MCSG is more of a negative than a positive in your life. But after just a couple of days of being gone you realize that you miss a lot of things. There is a lot to do here. Though I'm still not convinced that this community is really a kind one, it is definitely an interesting one.

You go to bed and you dream you are running across the wooden bridge on Breeze Island, being chased by a guy with a stone sword, and you leap of the edge, catching the edge of a vine while your predator plummets to his death. You dream you are in a skype call with an old friend you have somehow regained touch with. You wake up in the morning and realize that without MCSG you have a gaping hole in your life that you can only struggle to fill. At school one of your friends asks you about MCSG, since they know you play a lot, and you are not comfortable saying that you "quit." The list goes on and on...

I have taken big breaks before. I took one about three weeks after I first started playing in May, and that lasted a few months. I played for a few months and got my first kill, then took a break for a few months. I came back and got six wins, then took another break for a few months. Then in my next "section" I got up to 19 wins. In my next I got into the hundreds and made my first post on the forums, took another big break, and got 150 wins on an alt and got 30 or so posts on the forums, including the raffle voting thread. Then I left for four or so months, and now I am in my seventh "period" of MCSG, where a bunch of random people hate me for raffle voting. Miraculously I have still played every map MCSG has ever made, even SG Ruins, Overgrown Arena, and Lost Mine.

The point is, people rarely leave forever simply because they get bored. If you loved it once, you will probably love it again. Sometimes we do not love the game as much as we do the Nostalgia. Breeze Island still makes my heart pump because it is associated with the most exciting, action packed games and Youtube videos. It symbolizes the beginning of the era of PvP in MCSG, in which the games are more about PvP than survival, and it still is that way today. No matter how many people give you hate, you can always go back and watch and old Egrodo or Blamph video. You can always make new friends after dozens have left you. And of course, you are always wondering if someone has passed Gravey yet.

Don't make a good bye thread simply because everyone hates you or you have lost interest. That is called being shortsighted.


District 13
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
If you come back, I agree, it's highly obnoxious and you're just reaching out for attention.

And oh yeah, MJM239
I've been summoned. Approx. 2 days ago, but who cares.

With my summoning, I'll just say that goodbye threads are stoopid. I've explained it before somewhere on the forums.

I've basically quit. I post like twice a week and haven't played an MCSG match in months, and I've never posted a goodbye thread. That's better than most people who are liek: "goodbye guyz gimme attention"
Last edited:


Jun 9, 2014
Reaction score
Well, I tried quitting for my own good. In-game wasn't hard- 95% of the AU community are giant twerps (trying to be PG here ;)), but the forums were quite hard so I had to stoop to deleting my forum account to sort out my life. That was about two months ago. I agree, goodbye threads are stupid if you're going to come back- which is exactly what I did, so I've come to the conclusion that I'll never be able to leave MCSG entirely because there's too many memories here. It was 2 years of my short life xD

I never said goodbye because I lost interest in the game, it was mainly abuse. I'm not going to ever make another 'OMG GOODBYE GIV ME ATTENTION' thread because I agree- they're stupid.

I won't ever be able to forget MCSG. I hate a lot of people here but I have good friends and I like having somewhere to write my thoughts and talk to people xD


District 13
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
i would have something to say but then i realized im one of the people who did this

I've tried to quit but i just cant (the forums that is)


Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
I'm making one right now. This is my final goodbye thread and means a lot to me. Thus, it's 17 paragraph story plus 51 individual paragraphs for people that positively impacted my time here. Once I'm done, I'm holding on to it when hive US comes out. Until then, I'm hanging out here because there is no better option.

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