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1000th Post! - MCSG Story - shadowblaze12

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Mar 1, 2013
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Welcome, to my MCSG story.
NOTE: The dates are probably wrong, I don't remember xD

I joined the forums March 1st

June, 2013.

The start of this month was the month that started it all. One night, my cousin invited me over his house for a sleepover. We played COD for hours unto hours, and we eventually kept asking ourselves "What do you wanna do?". We went to X-BOX home screen, and saw Minecraft: Demo. I said, "Hey, what's that?". He explained to me that his cousin's account got hacked, so they share an X-Box account, and he downloaded Minecraft.

He then told me it was some stupid, boring game. I said, let's try it out, we've got nothing else to do. We debated over this, and eventually we just played it. Of course, we didn't know what we were doing.. He eventually made a stick, and we both freaked out. I said "OMG HOW DID YOU MAKE THAT?!??!?!?!". After a while, 5-6 hours of playing straight and pulling an all-nighter, we were building pro's. Eventually, each of our games ended, due to the 30 minute limit on the demo edition. After a while of playing that, several days later, we got the full edition. We played forever, but it eventually got boring.

July, 2013.

After I left his house, I came back after. He told me about the PC edition, and how it has no limitations. About, how it's so awesome, and he explained to me what MCSG was. To be honest, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for BajanCanadian. Aside from that, I got the full edition for PC! I got the laptop from my Dad, he already had it. It ran at a stable 60-70 FPS. He told me not to play it until he got there. So, I waited. He eventually came, and he logged onto the website " www.toomanyservers.com ". We saw this gigantic list, and we went into Multi Player. We pasted the IP, in which we thought that was a random "thingy-majig" into the direct connect. We instantly got teleported into an in-game session. Being completely honest here; we couldn't play US because we kept getting kicked, so we played AU for a huge portion of time!

After the game ended, it force logged us out. We then realized what each title meant, Lobby, In-Game, and Endgame. We logged into one, finally, that was in Lobby! This was going to be our first ever game on the MCSG servers. We went to corn, with the difficulty of not even knowing how to do anything. Note to self: Learn how to play the game before you play it competitively. We eventually found the controls menu, and studied it. We never knew how to grab chests fast. We never knew about shift click xD. But that didn't matter, because we loved it.

August, 2013.

We started watching Bajan's video's more, and more. We learned his tactics, and followed them. I started to become more distant from Bajan, but my cousin still watched him. He played wayyy more games than me. By the time I was playing my 600th, he would be at his 1500th game. I logged onto MCSG, and got up to playing games. I played about 8 games, and this one game would be my win. My 28th game, on Breeze Island, I had won! I told my cousin, and everyone. I went to sleep as if I were the king of the world. After that, I started playing more. I then got my 2nd win, I think, on my 41st game. My cousin, had then purchased Iron Donor, and got into all of the games.

September, 2013.

After my cousin got donator, I had to. I then purchased Iron Donor and we were playing games like no tomorrow! Eventually, I hit 10 wins. He usually gets to a landmark of higher wins before me, but my ratio has always been better :p Basically, this whole month, it wasn't really exciting. It was just playing games, and games.

October, 2013.

This month was my prime month. I'd be winning games over and over again, with ease. Although now, it's a bit tougher.. but you know, we're talking about the past. As I said, I was doing good and good. This month was also just basically winning games :p

June, 2013.

This month, is where it all started. I logged on to MC, and saw my cousin on. He was in a call with a couple people, I do remember their IGN's! SmartVirus, and rcazilla23rocks. After this, everything changed. After this call, I played more with Rca than anyone, and he was so good compared to me :p He was my role model to be honest, because I wasn't that good. He introduced me to clans, and the forums. He told me to apply for Berserkers, and that was my first ever post. Of course, I got denied, and raged at the maker of the clan, Brandon6895 .

November, 2013.

I got back to playing more, and more. I then saw #TheKings, made by TheSpaxHD , and I joined. I got in! This was my first ever clan, which would be the start of many. Naturally, I didn't know what it meant to be loyal to a clan in a block game :p So, I left. I then joined this amazing clan that gave me my jump-start, Royals. Made by partially Yured and YourFavoriteTreecko . Then, Royals disbanded. After that, I joined the clan that made it all happen. Chrome.

December, 2013.

Long story short, those months are really just playing and playing. Chrome. Chrome with Alex as leader, Alpha as Owner, and some others as officer. By this point, I was pretty good. I had found out about roxbot, when it was good, and I learned the fishing rod technique. I became officer in Chrome eventually, and earned the reputation as a nice person, and a respected officer. After that, Foop joined. Ahh, foop. We fought so much, but after, I ended up with her becoming one of my best friends. Then Foop left, sadly :( I was really depressed at this tbh :( To get to the point, Chrome disbanded several times. Not in the same month, it's the 2nd longest running clan after Rebels (In which I'm in now) to not disband. Forgotten's going to catch up, as it disbanded for good now :( I left the current Chrome that disbanded because I wanted a sense of different, to find new clans.

A few months ahead..

As I said, after several months of being in Chrome, I left. I then joined Rebels. After a long 3 weeks, I got accepted!


Honestly, this list of people is to commemorate how they helped me get my jump-start, and I couldn't be here without them.
Ag | Alex My buddy in the past, and in the present!
Yured For creating the clan that got me into the game more!

Brandon6895 For denying me, that pushed me to become better!
rcazilla23rocks <3 Wouldn't be here without you bud.
Alphie_ For leading the 2nd best clan I've been in.
Apzy Stay cool Appers
MichelleFoop <3 Stay amazing
Maxypie For leading the clan I love today.
@All of Chrome, and Royals.
Mooclan Thanks for getting me into foruming!
YourFavoriteTreecko We've had our ups and downs, but you inspired me to become better.
Macinferno You got me into this!
Wizterfix Stay eZ

Tell me if I forgot you.

I am not leaving, I will keep foruming. Thank you for reading my MCSG story, and my 1000th post on MCGamer Forums.

- Shadow/Chris​
Last edited:


Aug 16, 2012
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I never forgot how we always relied on your skills to save us in battles.

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