Alright, alright...
There are numerous points, concepts, and ideas that I wish to espouse, but I simply can't with my resources at hand.
Keep in mind, the shortened amount of text I am about to type displays my belief that both staff members and players are in the wrong. In no way am I trying to intentionally cause conflict. I am using these forums as they are meant to be: To openly discuss and express personal opinions in a civilized, respectful way.
For months and months, many users have been upset with this community and the staff, in particular. While I do disagree with many opinions, decisions, and actions made by various people, it's not fair to dump the blame on the "Staff" as it's not a single entity. Many moderators, such as
Avaline, do a near perfect job. On that note, they need to be publicly recognized and thanked. As for the staff members who, quite literally, screw up, their actions need to remain private, for it does little to no good for uninvolved people to know about. '
So, without a doubt, the majority of fingers are pointed at Dave, mostly in a negative way. I've known Dave for quite a bit. I've also known him on a more personal level, outside of the "work-environment". He's a person, with a personality bearing both negative and positive aspects, like most of anyone. Have I disagreed with some of his staff calls? Well, yes...I have. I have nothing to hide: I do disagree with some of his choices. Dave, who I'm sure will read this, more than likely admits to making mistakes. He's also had a tint of bias in some decisions, in my opinion. Again, just my opinion. I can't fully blame that, however, as it hasn't necessarily affected the servers/community in a negative way. Really, if you play on the servers, abiding by all rules, you really don't have to interact with any Sr. Staff members, admins included. I haven't seen any first-hand actions by Dave that suggest detrimental aftereffects on the server. If Dave was as bad as some describe, he really just wouldn't be an admin anymore. Chad has had a long history of trust-breaking staff that has severely damaged his current trust with staff members. Seeing as Dave devotes as much time as he does, and considering how long he's been an admin for, Chad will keep Dave, assuming he doesn't really screw up.
Any further opinions I have on this specific matter will not be publicly expressed, as they are extreme.
As for the rest of the Sr. Staff, well, I do believe there are issues. These issues, however, aren't for me to sort out as I've willingly left the staff team entirely.
In general, you really shouldn't be afraid to talk to admins. I personally recommend keeping an audio recording of the conversation, for both the safety and integrity of the admin and player.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, in terms of the ideas I wish I could espouse. Before sharing any more ideas on other topics, I'd like to see some responses first.
I can't stress the validity of my expressed ideas and points. I've been here for longer than most, and, as such, have "seen it all".
I type with relatively unknown information resonating within the back of my head. Such information is unknown to many player, moderators, senior moderators, and heck, even some admins! Just please, keep this in mind while reading/responding to my post(s).