Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
I only get fall damage from a 3 block jump ;PChad, do you also know why we still get fall damage from jumping 1 block...?
I have got a video proving that mps1999 Is indeed a fly-hacker. This morning when I went on eu4.mcsg.in I caught him using fly-hack and he thought he could get away with it. He killed several people using this tactic. Here is the url to the video, as I cannot upload it to the comment directly.We are still investigating why the newest NoCheatPlus isn't blocking some hacks anymore. Just to remind anyone who is playing on our servers, suspicion can get you permabanned. Tonight we will upload a new fix to see if this will help (aka go back the old version). Right now our mods are instructed to ban on sight anything out of the normal. So please, don't ruin the game for other people, as we will in return, ruin it for you hackers.
Go to Report Abuse section, and with the help of http://imgur.com/ post the link of your screen shot.spam hack alert i have screen shots here
look that up
one more file://localhost/Users/judyreid/Library/Application%20Support/minecraft/screenshots/2012-10-05_15.11.32.png
I think so which sucks. Ever since this morning, I have been laggy super bad, when the past 7 months I have had no lag.....So, even if you are lagging hardcore, you can get banned?
Ikr so offensive..Speaking of bans