Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
Accepted for trial! I will add you to Skype group, please be active as possible Nice pic and joke BTW ;PMinecraft IGN:beep253
MCSG Donator rank: None
Games Played:720
Stats webpage URL: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/stats/player/beep253/
Skype ID: potato4761
Microphone:Razer Kraken
Timezone: PST
How many hours per day can you play with the clan on weekdays/weekends?: about 3-5
PvP strengths:Strafe
PvP weaknesses: F&S
Do you know any of the current members?: ledgeleader
Past Clans?:None
Make us laugh: why did the chicken cross the road? who tf cares stop being Nosy
Best/Funniest Picture: http://imgur.com/GY014TY
Accepted for trial, do your best! I don't have your skype so can you please tell me? Then I can add you to skype group Good luck.Minecraft IGN: MrShiftyy
Age: 14
MCSG Donator rank: Iron
Wins: 53
Games Played: 490
Stats webpage URL:
Skype ID(PM me if you don't want to post it): you have me on skype
Microphone: I am getting a Blue Yeti or Razer Kraken headset (I have a Labtec mic right now)
Timezone: GMT -7
How many hours per day can you play with the clan on weekdays/weekends?:
PvP strengths: Crits, FnS, 2 teams
PvP weaknesses: Bow, Hackers
Do you know any of the current members?: Drago!!!
Make us laugh: What weighs more? A ton of feathers or a ton of lead? Answer: They are both a ton!!
Best/Funniest Picture: http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.vampirerave.com/pictures/MasterMel2-pic1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.vampirerave.com/profiles/profiles2.php?profile=MasterMel2&h=180&w=180&tbnid=8J6S9yVAoAPmKM:&zoom=1&docid=ZpBMTYSUBc6qhM&hl=en&ei=oMqSU73MGYrtoASZxoLICg&tbm=isch
Accepted for Full Member! (Elite Whiper) gl!Minecraft IGN: dergand
Age: 14
MCSG Donator rank: None
Wins: 443
Games Played: 2724
Skype ID: You have it
Microphone: Razer kraken headset
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time.
How many hours per day can you play with the clan on weekdays/weekends?: Everyday unless if something unexpected comes up.
PvP strengths: Sword, Rod, and FnS
PvP weaknesses: 3 teams, hackers.
Do you know any of the current members?: Kinda I skyped you and drago once.
Past Clans?: I forget the one I was in.
Make us laugh: What kinda bagel can fly? A plain bagel.
Best/Funniest Picture: http://cdimg3.crunchyroll.com/i/spire1/03112008/d/b/8/5/db8542de9c40c0_full.jpg I was in a hurry.
Sorry, but youre denied for trial. Reason: age, wins/games played.Minecraft IGN:jackmohawk04
MCSG Donator rank:none
Games Played:639
Stats webpage URL:
Skype ID(PM me if you don't want to post it):jackebot2
How many hours per day can you play with the clan on weekdays/weekends?: about 2
PvP strengths:bow
PvP weaknesses:fishing rod
Do you know any of the current members?ragonostic, Ethormc
Past Clans?:None
Make us laugh:i saw dad with mom last night. i think he was stealing my milk
Best/Funniest Picture: