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Please help- Depression and stress.


Mar 25, 2014
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I know it’s hard to see this right now, but it’s only temporary… Things will change. You won’t feel this way forever. Look to that day.
If my world were to cave in tomorrow, I would look back on all the pleasures, excitements and worthwhilenesses I have been lucky enough to have had. Not the sadness, not my miscarriages or my father leaving home, but the joy of everything else. It will have been enough.
When we are sad or depressed, we often forget the small
treasures in life, the treasures that makes us happy :) Start focus on things that makes you happy and leave everything else alone :3
I really believe that all of us have a lot of darkness in our souls. Anger, rage, fear, sadness. I don't think that's only reserved for people who have horrible upbringings. I think it really exists and is part of the human condition. I think in the course of your life you figure out ways to deal with that. Sometimes it's hard, but I found my happy place,
ice cream and Disney movies :3

If you ever need to talk, I'll always be here, you can catch me on ts. I know It might sound a like "Thats what everyone says" But you might find it helpful talking to me :3 Have a nice day dear <3
;-; Thank you so much <3 Really helps and means a lot <.<


Mar 9, 2014
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Please, I ask you, no I even beg you to never, ever, commit suicide. You only get once chance in life so take it and make the best out of it! I have to admit that I was in the same situation a few months ago, but it does get better. I’m not depressed at all anymore and I would like the same for you. Don’t think about the people who make you feel bad, but think about those who deeply care about you and how heartbroken they would be if you would ever do this. So don’t, ever ever ever ever try to kill yourself (Seriously please don’t, I am literally begging you right now). I may be a difficult time for you right now, but keep yourself strong and keep on going.

I recommend you watch this video as I did it as well when I was depressed. It made me think twice about making that horrible decision. (Listen to the whole video till the end with your eyes closed).

And also, listen to this song (I know it’s Katy Perry, but that doesn’t matter right now), especially the lyrics.



Dec 13, 2013
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Hey man just keep calm and strong,don't take in that stuff that bully's say,I have had a few
Issues with bullying but all I do is think about the positive and I hope you stay strong!I'm also here if you want to pm me.


Dec 25, 2013
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Don't suicide, it isn't going to make your life better, it will only ruin the chance of making it better.
Also, if you need any help feel free to add my Skype and talk: ivnearisdaboss
Good luck!


Jun 21, 2013
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Please, I ask you, no I even beg you to never, ever, commit suicide. You only get once chance in life so take it and make the best out of it! I have to admit that I was in the same situation a few months ago, but it does get better. I’m not depressed at all anymore and I would like the same for you. Don’t think about the people who make you feel bad, but think about those who deeply care about you and how heartbroken they would be if you would ever do this. So don’t, ever ever ever ever try to kill yourself (Seriously please don’t, I am literally begging you right now). I may be a difficult time for you right now, but keep yourself strong and keep on going.

I recommend you watch this video as I did it as well when I was depressed. It made me think twice about making that horrible decision. (Listen to the whole video till the end with your eyes closed).

And also, listen to this song (I know it’s Katy Perry, but that doesn’t matter right now), especially the lyrics.

That first video is a must see. It is so powerful. It will make you rethink your life entirely if you are depressed.


I know this may sound cliche, but the problems you are facing are temporary and trust me they will get better.
As for what you can do right now to get through it, it's best to open up and let go off the weight on your chest.
Talk to someone you know or if you'r not comfortable doing that try writing down how you feel, it does help a lot
Also try talking to a therapist, they know what to do its their job
If you don't know any therapists then try ringing up one of these kidshelping number, its a free 24/7 if you need to talk
I'm not what country you live in but choose the one that is your country
Also try watching this video, two kids sing and rap about their experience with bullying it's truly beatiful and I'm sure it will make you smile :)
I hope your doing well now mate, take care of youself


Dec 29, 2012
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I'd say just talk to someone about it. Anybody, if it's coming down to the point where you're thinking of drastic things, talking to somebody about it can't hurt. Life is tough, we all go through it. It's our emotions that hold us back for make us go forward. If you need help with you emotions, you need to talk to a doctor/therapist. Or your parents, if you are comfortable with it and they aren't the perpetrators.

In all honesty, I understand. Not in exact ways, but I can. My parents are seperated, my dad a meth addict, my mother a pill abuser and random drug addict (MDMA, Meth, Heroin.). I live with my mother, her parents, and her grandmother (being my great-grandmother). My grandparents yell at me constantly. Anything. Tell me I'm a disgusting excuse for a human being.. I've been through the thoughts of suicide and the thoughts of just never wanting to wake up. Honestly, the way I stopped my thoughts were fighting back and just separating my grandparents from my life. Just no communication. My great grandmother is great though. She's just understanding and helpful. Hell, when my mother went to jail for robbery and they found heroin on her a month... it was a hard time.

Recently, I've just decided that what you have to do is not care about it. It's difficult, I understand. You have to realize YOU DO have a future, and they are just trying to blow out your candles. I advise you to take those candles and light yours back up, keep theirs lit, but yours shine brighter. If you let it hurt you to a point where you decide to do something dangerous, you make them win. You don't want that, be competitive about YOUR life. Do what you want to do. Keep them from prying into it and changing you, or ending your root of the pursuit of happiness.

I see you have donator. You have someone out there who cares about you, you're closed in with depression though, you can't see the people who love and care for you.

If there's a problem with close family that is physical... call social services. I can't recommend anything else, I go through abuse in my house everyday. Nothing physical though, just the screams and the knowingness of your grandparents hating and resenting you, your 3 siblings and mother. Hard, but after a while if you stay strong through whatever you're going through, you'll do fine.

TL;DR: Get a therapist/counsler/someone to talk to. If school is really cracking down on you, ask someone in your close family you trust if they can change your schools. Start anew if it's that bad. Anything physical at home? Social services. Be strong. Don't self-harm.


Mar 25, 2014
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I would just like to say thank you to everyone that replied to this thread... I can honestly say it changed my life. I can happily say I am trying to get my life back on track, and some of my amazing friends have helped me with that a lot :') So thank you everyone, as you have potentially saved my life with the encouraging words <3


Jun 16, 2014
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If its a certain topic/fear like death then, Try to not think about it, or talk to a friend. if its something going on like family matters, then its good to get it out. You should Talk to someone regardless.


Aug 20, 2012
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Honestly, something I found helpful for boredom or even feeling a little bit down is just let your imagination run wild! I've just thought about things that make me happy, or remembered good experiences with friends. Hope it helped and stay strong dude!


District 13
Dec 8, 2013
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I would just like to say thank you to everyone that replied to this thread... I can honestly say it changed my life. I can happily say I am trying to get my life back on track, and some of my amazing friends have helped me with that a lot :') So thank you everyone, as you have potentially saved my life with the encouraging words <3
Anytime :) Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it in the future.


Sep 21, 2013
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I normally don’t get stressed that much. I guess it’s my personality. All of my in real life friends call me that I’m calm and too quiet.

By being a part of the staff member of this community, it made me matured so much.

If I get stressed, I’d talk to some of my friends over internet. They truly help me very much and I really appreciate it. I recommend you to do this as well.

Also, life is very complicated and there are many things that you just cannot find the answer. But it happens to almost everyone and that’s okay.

Wish you the best luck in the future. :)

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