- Joined
- Apr 23, 2013
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- 7
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Im Making your intro cscoop for teh contest i is gunna win add me on skype live:kylemcgraw14
Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
No ProblemCheer.
Minecraft IGN: dognitro
Age: 14
Skype: dognitro123
Donor: Nope
Wins: 860
Games Played: 5271
How Active Are You? (1/10): 8
How Mature Are You? (1/10): 7
Past Clans: TeamSypher, Instinct II
Why Would You Like To Join Lords: Because.. im the doge:c
How Would You Help This Clan: By killing people
Do You Know Any Of The Leaders: Nope
What You Were Like As A Clan Member Before: i was the head doge
No Problemocheer?
Ermagherd my last name is KnightACCEPTED as KNIGHT
wut ;-;Name: michael
Minecraft IGN: ShabbyShark
Age: 14
Skype: thatscrayfish
Donor: emerald
Wins: 1183
Games Played:3863
How Active Are You? (1/10):8
How Mature Are You? (1/10):10
Past Clans: aviate and carbon
Why Would You Like To Join Lords: to have fun and to attend clan battles
How Would You Help This Clan: skill mostly
Do You Know Any Of The Leaders: yap
What You Were Like As A Clan Member Before: active
ACCEPTED as KING (could possibly be promoted to officer)Name: michael
Minecraft IGN: ShabbyShark
Age: 14
Skype: thatscrayfish
Donor: emerald
Wins: 1183
Games Played:3863
How Active Are You? (1/10):8
How Mature Are You? (1/10):10
Past Clans: aviate and carbon
Why Would You Like To Join Lords: to have fun and to attend clan battles
How Would You Help This Clan: skill mostly
Do You Know Any Of The Leaders: yap
What You Were Like As A Clan Member Before: active