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My MCSG Story


Dec 28, 2012
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Ok so here we go.

My Story begins in Late Summer of 2012, where I was looking at Parodys of Famous songs. There I found a Minecraft Parody (Forgot what the parody was). I became interested in this game that began looking up Let's Plays and just random Gameplay. I became "addicted" to watching people play this game because it was different from the games I was playing at the time (Call of Duty). I begged my parents for a Computer and the game itself, they disagreed. It was until Christmas of 2012 that I would ask for only a Laptop and Minecraft, giving them no choice but to give me what I wanted. When I got the game, I was very confused. I had no clue how to join a Multiplayer server. I literally had to watch tutorials, soon enough I got the hang of it. My first ever server I would log into was MCSG. I was very excited for my first game, I actually changed my keys so my arrow keys was how I moved making it very hard to play. I also didn't know about shift clicking or how to sprint. It wouldn't be until about 100 games later till I figured out the mechanics and how to actually play the game. I played everyday until around 900 games played, I got my first win. I was freaking out. I had so much confidence in myself that I would keep on playing. It wouldn't be till around 1600 games played that I got 50 games won, but unfortunately at the time my laptop wasn't in good shape. I downloaded many unnecessary programs not knowing how to delete them. I was forced to quit MCSG for about six Months until the Christmas of 2013 when I got my first Gaming Dekstop.

From here on things got better. I was running Minecraft at unbelievable FPS and I became a "dedicated" player. About 2 weeks in with my new Desktop, I reached 100 wins. Then I discovered..... the website. I never knew about forums and how to actually go about using it besides checking stats and looking what games I could join (In version one there was no hub). I started looking through the forums and a popular topic seemed to be clans. I looked into this idea and realized it was just a group of people who fought against other clans. I applied for my first clan with about 120 wins, this clan was called ArtOfPvp iPyroYo . In this clan I experienced something I thought was never imaginable. Even though I wasn't that good at the game, they showed me all the "pro" tactics so I was able to stand my own ground. I had a lot of great moments with this clan, but they disbanded and I was forced to move on. After this experience, I decided I wanted to go deeper within clans. I looked at all the threads of the current clans and quickly learned who were considered Elite clans. I decided Eternity NativeTalent may be a good fit for me. I applied and god trial member. Here I learned about teamspeak. My past clan used skype so the switch was a bit odd but I learned to deal with it. Here my PVP skills changed tremendously. I learned how to properly use flint and steel and the fishing rod. I learned the true meaning of friendship here and overall was the place I would hope to call home for a long time. All good things have to come to an end though. The clan Owner became caught of with his greats and brought in a new leader. This person who I shall not name because everyone most likely knows who it is, wasn't so kind. In my opinion he destroyed the clan kicking all the original members out and bringing a bunch of better pvpers in our place. Eternity turned into a place to try hard and play the game rather than becoming a family and being able to have a great times with your friends. I was kicked from the clan for "not being good enough". All my friends seemed to have gone to Inviction Sim_Man Frigid so I followed. This clan was overall a great place for me. I became an officer, my first ever experience with any power within a clan. Things were going well until new and better players came in. This may have been good for the clan but was not so great for me. I was ignored a lot once it came to battles and scrims and I wasn't getting the recognition and respect I believed I deserved so greatly. I left the clan leaving all my "friends behind. Inviction ended up disbanding a week later and bbLLERMC created a new clan called Excel. I quickly applied for the clan looking for new hope. At the beginning, this clan was ok. I felt like it was more about the PvP than friendship but I stuck with the clan. Things quickly changed and all of the people who seemed to be causing the problems were either kicked or had left. The clan seemed to be more about having fun than a try hard clan, just what I liked.

Things seem to be going great till this day. I am a proud Member of Excel and things seem to be going good. I am constantly involved in meetings, battles, and scrims. People seem to like me here and Excel is where I would like to stay.

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