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Hacker fails xD


Dec 23, 2013
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So I know everyone hates hacker... but sometimes you get those really funny, kinda newbie hackers. One time my friend, 9yoshi9, and I were on Terwen Survival Games 2 and this one hacker was walking on water. So we engaged in fighting him, so we ducked underwater and he couldn't go down with us. xD It was the funniest thing I have ever experienced xD. So I was wondering have you guys ever had a hacker fail?:3 If so post below! xD (Yoshi said I should post this xD xc)


Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
My hacker fail: I was once hacking on MCSG and got caught and banned for a week.

Hacking: Not even once


Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
Me and a few friends found a hacker on MCSG, so we decided to have a bit of fun. We pretended to be his friend and added him on Skype. After a while we invite him to come on our server, (he hasn't told us he hacks, but we already know) and we set up a PvP FFA. A few of us start fighting him, while another one goes off and sets up a nether portal. He teleported the hacker to the nether portal so he got transported to the nether, but once he got out on the other side, he was stuck in the portal with bedrock/obsidian all around him. You have to step out of a portal and go back in it to be able to teleport back to the main world, so he was just stuck in the portal with a swirly screen. In case you dont know, you cannot type in chat or hit escape while in a portal. So he was basically just stuck there xD there are ways to get to another window, such as Alt + Tab and Alt + F4 for windows, but I get the feeling he wasnt very smart. He stood there for about 20 mins and then left, probably just shut down his computer xD


Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
Me and a few friends found a hacker on MCSG, so we decided to have a bit of fun. We pretended to be his friend and added him on Skype. After a while we invite him to come on our server, (he hasn't told us he hacks, but we already know) and we set up a PvP FFA. A few of us start fighting him, while another one goes off and sets up a nether portal. He teleported the hacker to the nether portal so he got transported to the nether, but once he got out on the other side, he was stuck in the portal with bedrock/obsidian all around him. You have to step out of a portal and go back in it to be able to teleport back to the main world, so he was just stuck in the portal with a swirly screen. In case you dont know, you cannot type in chat or hit escape while in a portal. So he was basically just stuck there xD there are ways to get to another window, such as Alt + Tab and Alt + F4 for windows, but I get the feeling he wasnt very smart. He stood there for about 20 mins and then left, probably just shut down his computer xD


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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I was once in a clan with a person (who is now forum banned) and he and his friend wanted to install Nodus and derp around on the MCSG servers. So I was like, "okay, I'll just secretly call up a mod and get em banned."
So I pretended to install Nodus with them (I didn't actually) and then we went into a server, and I messaged a Mod on skype asking them to come into the server.
Soooooooo, they got banned :p The one that convinced the other one was later banned for absurd amounts of flame on JustHellooo's ClanWars3 thread.


Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
I was once in a clan with a person (who is now forum banned) and he and his friend wanted to install Nodus and derp around on the MCSG servers. So I was like, "okay, I'll just secretly call up a mod and get em banned."
So I pretended to install Nodus with them (I didn't actually) and then we went into a server, and I messaged a Mod on skype asking them to come into the server.
Soooooooo, they got banned :p The one that convinced the other one was later banned for absurd amounts of flame on JustHellooo's ClanWars3 thread.
Dat setup doe


Jan 6, 2014
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Not a hacker but he fits into the whole hacker/troller group. Basically on holiday I go east. A guy with full iron he got off corn is in front of me because a Steve thought it would be a good idea to fist him. So we are both trying to get up on the dock. He pulls out a stone sword and starts smacking me so I go AAAHH SWIM AWAY SWIM AWAY!!! He then proceeds to spamming the chat with "you're gay!!!!" Over and over. He runs down the beach so I get on the red speedboat and open the tier 1, it has a wooden sword and a tunic. I yolo and attack him. I rek him so he starts running. He tries turning around again but once again he gets scraped. I get a crit and it launches him into the water and he vanishes. I thought he died, but there were no items and I realized he left the game. The funniest part was his name: LuisRecks777 or something close to that I don't remember exactly.

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