1. As everyone has said, SEO. A lot of our traffic is gained via SEO, so I don't think we'd want to change that until mcgamer.net is able to benefit from the same SEO as minecraftsurvivalgames.com. Plus I think there's been a constant issue of just how we would transfer the existing forums over, if at all.
2. 1v1 VS FFA servers are a bit of an unspoken ideological dilemma within the playerbase. Some people want awesomely large battles, others want the intense duels. If I recall correctly, FFA was chosen because it caters to the most people at once, thus gratifying a larger audience more efficiently than 1v1. The private and small 1v1 gametypes work when the audience for those are small enough that there aren't massive wait times or complications, so things are quick, personal, and fun; introducing it on a community-wide scale for us would be sure to change that dynamic, likely for the worse. Battlegrounds is a step in the right direction.
3. Noted. Unfortunately we're just terribly uncreative when it comes to giveaways. However, I will say that the forum community and the twitter community comprise of different demographics (with some overlap), thus making giveaways on the forums not very effective. The active forum community are all the people who are already more greatly involved in the community, and are thus more likely to have a Premium rank. The Twitter community is more like the general playerbase's outlet, where players aren't as involved and aren't as likely to have a rank. As such, it makes more sense for us to conduct giveaways to a group that has relatively fewer ranks than a group that has relatively more of them.
4. As
kpwn243 stated, it's being worked on. But let me tell you that creating a system that records a player's games, dates, region, and more is a lot more difficult than it sounds, especially if we'd need an automated system for the leaderboards as well. The current leaderboards are relatively easy since the only thing it needs to do is search for all of the players we've ever had and put them on a board. With more sophisticated leaderboards, we'd need to create systems to account for region, time, and gametype.
5. Interesting idea, but that'd be a Devs and Chad decision.