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The Prevail {US/CA} Now recruiting!

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Nov 6, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Duh
Ign: Im_Cozzy
Age: 14
Skype: You already have me scrub.
Wins/lose: 500/1800
Maturity level (1-10): -69
How active will you be (Thursdays-Sundays): Thursday-Sundays
Past clans: A lot.
Why do you want to be in The Prevail: Want to be in not necessarily just a "good" clan anymore but a clan with my friends. I started Desire with Spyrew and Hashtag and it was fun and u guys are bad you could use a good player.


Apr 27, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Duh
Ign: Im_Cozzy
Age: 14
Skype: You already have me scrub.
Wins/lose: 500/1800
Maturity level (1-10): -69
How active will you be (Thursdays-Sundays): Thursday-Sundays
Past clans: A lot.
Why do you want to be in The Prevail: Want to be in not necessarily just a "good" clan anymore but a clan with my friends. I started Desire with Spyrew and Hashtag and it was fun and u guys are bad you could use a good player.
Accepted! Rank Officer


May 17, 2014
Reaction score
we team bazooka challenge you to a clanbattle, pm me for the details


Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Well guys had my time, It was really fun and Some people in this clan really pissed me off. Also I can't really handle my anger issues and I want to leave this clan. It was such a fun time for me and I met a lot of you. I am really going to miss you guys. Steven Go ahead and hate me…. I just can't handle it as being apart of the clan. I know know I had 3 chances, well I might as well never be coming back. I want you guys keep on moving forward, keep reaching those goals and beating those clans. You guys have Fantastic members and just keep on working on you're communication. I bet that everybody in this clan is going to hate me, since I am leaving.

HashtagForTheWin - You were a very nice friend and gave me many opportunities for this clan, I really appreciated that! Hopefully we still can be friends, I don't want to hurt your feelings or anything. You need to keep on moving this clan don't disband. Just because I left. Things weren't quite as right in this clan. But anyways I love you, you are a excellent leader<3

ipodahmad342 - Hey dude, you were the most amazing PvPer! You really challenged me to get better at pvp, It was fun when I could beat you half of the times and you beat me the other half. So thanks to you for always being there for me.

@HohoHD - You were a great co-leader aka Captain, You would always be chill in scrims and never like get upset. I will always remember you as a chill person and a great friend to me.

I was putting a couple people above for my last goodbyes to this clan. But I still love you all, I just didn't feel like typing more. The truth is you guys were pretty awesome and cool! Thanks for my opportunity for this clan and being a Head-Officer. Well bye guys<3 Prevail is Life and Prevail is love<3 Keep on moving forward without me guys! I know you guys can do it!



Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Well guys had my time, It was really fun and Some people in this clan really pissed me off. Also I can't really handle my anger issues and I want to leave this clan. It was such a fun time for me and I met a lot of you. I am really going to miss you guys. Steven Go ahead and hate me…. I just can't handle it as being apart of the clan. I know know I had 3 chances, well I might as well never be coming back. I want you guys keep on moving forward, keep reaching those goals and beating those clans. You guys have Fantastic members and just keep on working on you're communication. I bet that everybody in this clan is going to hate me, since I am leaving.

HashtagForTheWin - You were a very nice friend and gave me many opportunities for this clan, I really appreciated that! Hopefully we still can be friends, I don't want to hurt your feelings or anything. You need to keep on moving this clan don't disband. Just because I left. Things weren't quite as right in this clan. But anyways I love you, you are a excellent leader<3

ipodahmad342 - Hey dude, you were the most amazing PvPer! You really challenged me to get better at pvp, It was fun when I could beat you half of the times and you beat me the other half. So thanks to you for always being there for me.

@HohoHD - You were a great co-leader aka Captain, You would always be chill in scrims and never like get upset. I will always remember you as a chill person and a great friend to me.

I was putting a couple people above for my last goodbyes to this clan. But I still love you all, I just didn't feel like typing more. The truth is you guys were pretty awesome and cool! Thanks for my opportunity for this clan and being a Head-Officer. Well bye guys<3 Prevail is Life and Prevail is love<3 Keep on moving forward without me guys! I know you guys can do it!



Apr 27, 2014
Reaction score
Well guys had my time, It was really fun and Some people in this clan really pissed me off. Also I can't really handle my anger issues and I want to leave this clan. It was such a fun time for me and I met a lot of you. I am really going to miss you guys. Steven Go ahead and hate me…. I just can't handle it as being apart of the clan. I know know I had 3 chances, well I might as well never be coming back. I want you guys keep on moving forward, keep reaching those goals and beating those clans. You guys have Fantastic members and just keep on working on you're communication. I bet that everybody in this clan is going to hate me, since I am leaving.

HashtagForTheWin - You were a very nice friend and gave me many opportunities for this clan, I really appreciated that! Hopefully we still can be friends, I don't want to hurt your feelings or anything. You need to keep on moving this clan don't disband. Just because I left. Things weren't quite as right in this clan. But anyways I love you, you are a excellent leader<3

ipodahmad342 - Hey dude, you were the most amazing PvPer! You really challenged me to get better at pvp, It was fun when I could beat you half of the times and you beat me the other half. So thanks to you for always being there for me.

@HohoHD - You were a great co-leader aka Captain, You would always be chill in scrims and never like get upset. I will always remember you as a chill person and a great friend to me.

I was putting a couple people above for my last goodbyes to this clan. But I still love you all, I just didn't feel like typing more. The truth is you guys were pretty awesome and cool! Thanks for my opportunity for this clan and being a Head-Officer. Well bye guys<3 Prevail is Life and Prevail is love<3 Keep on moving forward without me guys! I know you guys can do it!

Leaves Again after I gave you like 5 chances....... I have officially lost all respect for you.


Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Masa (It is a Japanese name.)
Ign: ThunderClunder
Age: 11
Skype: Yes, it is thunderclunder
Wins/lose: 155 Wins out of 654 games played
Maturity level (1-10): 8/10
How active will you be (Thursdays-Sundays): I will be active everyday except Friday, Monday, and Wednesday.
Past clans: I was in Corrupt.
Why do you want to be in The Prevail: I want to be in this clan because it seems that this clan gets a lot of clan battles, the people in this clan seems mature and nice, and it would be lots of fun.
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