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TeamSypher [EU Elite]

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Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
What's your name?: *Confidential Information*
How old are you?: 18
What’s your ingame name?: Exploding_Wrath
In which country do you live?: Englaaaaand!
Skype/TS name?: silentmodezz
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: nope I2poor
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 500):1500+
How many games have you played?: 5000+
What are your PvP Strengths?: bow, rod/sword combos, water fights :D
What are your PvP Weaknesses?: rod spammers mainly, as well as people who are used to the way i PvP
What do you think of your teaming skills? (Write a couple of sentences): I am good teammate, almost always making it to deathmatch with every team I play in, as well as having good communication. If they go into a fight alone, I will be there (or on the way) to back em up :D
Why do you want to join?: Because I know Sypher has always been a great clan, with a lot of cool people in it, and I want to be one of them now :3
Why should we accept you?: Because I am a good all round PvP'er, I play well in groups of people, and for people I like I have a great personality :D
Which clans have you previously been in? #Exotic, #Viper, #Zeno, #Ultimatum
How active will you be?: pretty active, on most days for at least 2-3 hours, although with exams comin up I may be on less, due to revision and all that ;)
What is your favourite map?: Probably either Icarus or Breeze Island 2 atm, if only coz of the fun parkour :D


Feb 10, 2013
Reaction score
What's your name?: *Confidential Information*
How old are you?: 18
What’s your ingame name?: Exploding_Wrath
In which country do you live?: Englaaaaand!
Skype/TS name?: silentmodezz
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: nope I2poor
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 500):1500+
How many games have you played?: 5000+
What are your PvP Strengths?: bow, rod/sword combos, water fights :D
What are your PvP Weaknesses?: rod spammers mainly, as well as people who are used to the way i PvP
What do you think of your teaming skills? (Write a couple of sentences): I am good teammate, almost always making it to deathmatch with every team I play in, as well as having good communication. If they go into a fight alone, I will be there (or on the way) to back em up :D
Why do you want to join?: Because I know Sypher has always been a great clan, with a lot of cool people in it, and I want to be one of them now :3
Why should we accept you?: Because I am a good all round PvP'er, I play well in groups of people, and for people I like I have a great personality :D
Which clans have you previously been in? #Exotic, #Viper, #Zeno, #Ultimatum
How active will you be?: pretty active, on most days for at least 2-3 hours, although with exams comin up I may be on less, due to revision and all that ;)
What is your favourite map?: Probably either Icarus or Breeze Island 2 atm, if only coz of the fun parkour :D
ACCEPTED - Rank - Sergeant! Welcome to the clan!


Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
What's your name?: bob
How old are you?: 82
What’s your ingame name?: Mykul_ | PolurBur + a few other alts
In which country do you live?: United Kingdom
Skype/TS name?: Mykul_
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: Diamond | Platinum
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 500): 1044 (alts pls)
How many games have you played?: 2139
What are your PvP Strengths?: I'm pretty good with a sword (Strafing and Block-Hitting). I'd say I'm above average with a flint and steel but not brilliant.
What are your PvP Weaknesses?: I'm awful with a bow so I tend to avoid open areas with a lot of room for bow fights.
What do you think of your teaming skills? (Write a couple of sentences): Really depends upon the people I'm playing with; I'm not a very good leader so I tend to like waiting for someone else in the team to take charge rather than doing so myself. I can follow instructions easily and I'm usually pretty protective of my team (I'd rather get killed saving someone than letting them die). Overall I'd say I'm a decent player to have in a team.
Why do you want to join?: Because Sypher is my home
Why should we accept you?: cos am bic boi
Which clans have you previously been in? Apocalypse v1, Cryptic, Majestic, Team Sypher, Apocalypse v2
How active will you be?: I'll usually be around on the evenings. I haven't been able to play much recently due to a problem with my wrist and another health complication but they're all sorted out now and I'm ready to start playing again
What is your favourite map?: Icarus
acpt as decliene.


Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
Well, did it ever occur to you that I have IRL problems at the moment and don't have time to worry about a bloody game? For your information, I am currently behind in my Software Development BTEC and not getting good enough grades in AS Maths. So will you please just stop spamming the thread, and wait until I get around to reply to your message. Now leave. I am going to inform SrStaff when I get home. Kthxbai.
I don't think such a specific problem would occur to anyone in all honesty


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
You did have 1-5 loss against InverseSG. I saw it. And your excuse for not yet recording it was that you are too busy, yet the thread has been updated since. It is in the rules under "Clans and Teams" to not have "fake wins." I think this also translates in to fake/unrecorded losses; I'm pretty sure.
We all know that what you just said was the truth. However, they have told you certain of times to take this by skype, or any other place (Coversations is possible to create here on MCG.) So please be patient, and wait until Sypher put their loss up.
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
We all know that what you just said was the truth. However, they have told you certain of times to take this by skype, or any other place (Coversations is possible to create here on MCG.) So please be patient, and wait until Sypher put their loss up.
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