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The Rivals [US Clan]

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Jul 8, 2013
Reaction score
im sorry to say it but i will be not finishing my trial the reason is because i have been trial for 2 weeks and 5 days and to be honest it kinda made me upset seeing like 5 people apply a week and a half affter me and get in with no trial i found it a little unfair but on a good note you guys are the coolest people i have met in a while and some good pvpers hope this clan will go strong <3

CF- i havent really talked to you but you seem like a really cool guy and also a great leader.
jspwn- you are a great person and very nice also unreal at pvp.
zlim- you were here my first day trial for rivals and also gave me some great memories keep up being a good person :)
concon- i talked to you once i think then you moved me to the afk room right away but you are really good at pvp.
Sportsfan- you are king pvp and also one of the coolest people i have played with even tho you 20-1 me you are still one of my favorites.
ibear- i have talked to you only a couple of times and you made me piss my self laughing every time you are a great person and will always be one of the funnest people i have met.
cooldarkraidude- you were the nicest person to me in the clan from the first night i joined i felt like you were a really cool person and one of the best pvpers i know.
bullet- you were a very chilled out person which is why i liked you a lot and you were also very nice to me and a beast at pvp.
im sorry if i didnt say anything about you its just these were the people who helped me out the most or were the people i talked to the most and with that being said i will be on the TS to chat and play MCSG but i will no longer be in rivals thanks for the good times ----------FUDGEY_BOIIII
Just saying but the people accepted without trial were either invited by an owner, have been in the clan before, or know and have good relationships with everyone in the clan. I'm not saying it was fair to keep you waiting for over to weeks but that's why those people were accepted.

Justin / Bullet

Feb 19, 2014
Reaction score
im sorry to say it but i will be not finishing my trial the reason is because i have been trial for 2 weeks and 5 days and to be honest it kinda made me upset seeing like 5 people apply a week and a half affter me and get in with no trial i found it a little unfair but on a good note you guys are the coolest people i have met in a while and some good pvpers hope this clan will go strong <3

CF- i havent really talked to you but you seem like a really cool guy and also a great leader.
jspwn- you are a great person and very nice also unreal at pvp.
zlim- you were here my first day trial for rivals and also gave me some great memories keep up being a good person :)
concon- i talked to you once i think then you moved me to the afk room right away but you are really good at pvp.
Sportsfan- you are king pvp and also one of the coolest people i have played with even tho you 20-1 me you are still one of my favorites.
ibear- i have talked to you only a couple of times and you made me piss my self laughing every time you are a great person and will always be one of the funnest people i have met.
cooldarkraidude- you were the nicest person to me in the clan from the first night i joined i felt like you were a really cool person and one of the best pvpers i know.
bullet- you were a very chilled out person which is why i liked you a lot and you were also very nice to me and a beast at pvp.
im sorry if i didnt say anything about you its just these were the people who helped me out the most or were the people i talked to the most and with that being said i will be on the TS to chat and play MCSG but i will no longer be in rivals thanks for the good times ----------FUDGEY_BOIIII
Ily bby </3 pls stay, we'll get cf918 to INSTACCEPT U COUGH COUGH


Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
i made a really bad choice leaving could you please give me another chance please i will wait another month if i have to if not its ok its all up to you tho<3
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