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The Rivals [US Clan]

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Aug 4, 2013
Reaction score
I'm sorry to say but I'm leaving, al lot of you may not care, some of you may be happy. But I'm obviously not liked or needed in this clan. Corey you told me I should be proud to say I was part of the original Rivals, that I didn't leave, no matter what. But trhough this time in the clan I have been demoted 6 times now. Promoted thrice. You don't obviously see me fit for the clan. Honestly it seeme you're more attached to the invited indivuals. iBear for example joined the clan MUCH after me, and has already passed me in ranks already. No matter what I do you don't see me fit. You think I'm too immature. But it doesn't seem like you want me here. The Rivals way back before you were promoting and demoting and what not, you and I both know that Rival was better. The one about having fun, the one about teamwork. Now the atmosphere is about winning, doing anything to climb higher in the clan. It's not right. This isn't what we started off to thrive to be, this wouldn't be what all those members that had left, that had quit mc up to would want. But my ideals for a clan aren't important. I know none of you will read any of this at all, and say I'm raging but that's not the case. I love you SportsFan2565 Jspwn xxSPUxx Zlim95 @ItsGhostMC ConnorW But bye.
Read it.
Thats all I ask.
I'll be back. I can't leave my home forever. I probably won't be accepted after all that happened. But I'll try.


Feb 9, 2013
Reaction score
Rivals, I honestly love this clan but there are just some people that bug me, and other stuff that bugs me too. To start off, Corey you are one of the best leaders i cant explain it. You are one of the nicest people in MCSG , i hope this doesn't end our friendship. But to all the people in this i'm sorry i hope we can all be friends still. I LOVE EVERYONE IN THIS CLAN!


District 13
Nov 2, 2013
Reaction score
I'm sorry to say but I'm leaving, al lot of you may not care, some of you may be happy. But I'm obviously not liked or needed in this clan. Corey you told me I should be proud to say I was part of the original Rivals, that I didn't leave, no matter what. But trhough this time in the clan I have been demoted 6 times now. Promoted thrice. You don't obviously see me fit for the clan. Honestly it seeme you're more attached to the invited indivuals. iBear for example joined the clan MUCH after me, and has already passed me in ranks already. No matter what I do you don't see me fit. You think I'm too immature. But it doesn't seem like you want me here. The Rivals way back before you were promoting and demoting and what not, you and I both know that Rival was better. The one about having fun, the one about teamwork. Now the atmosphere is about winning, doing anything to climb higher in the clan. It's not right. This isn't what we started off to thrive to be, this wouldn't be what all those members that had left, that had quit mc up to would want. But my ideals for a clan aren't important. I know none of you will read any of this at all, and say I'm raging but that's not the case. I love you SportsFan2565 Jspwn xxSPUxx Zlim95 @ItsGhostMC ConnorW But bye.
Read it.
Thats all I ask.
I'll be back. I can't leave my home forever. I probably won't be accepted after all that happened. But I'll try.
What I never expected you to leave


May 10, 2013
Reaction score
Rivals, I honestly love this clan but there are just some people that bug me, and other stuff that bugs me too. To start off, Corey you are one of the best leaders i cant explain it. You are one of the nicest people in MCSG , i hope this doesn't end our friendship. But to all the people in this i'm sorry i hope we can all be friends still. I LOVE EVERYONE IN THIS CLAN!
Are you saying you're leaving us?

Justin / Bullet

Feb 19, 2014
Reaction score
Rivals, I honestly love this clan but there are just some people that bug me, and other stuff that bugs me too. To start off, Corey you are one of the best leaders i cant explain it. You are one of the nicest people in MCSG , i hope this doesn't end our friendship. But to all the people in this i'm sorry i hope we can all be friends still. I LOVE EVERYONE IN THIS CLAN!

Justin / Bullet

Feb 19, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Jonah
Minecraft IGN: Frigidus_
Age: 13
Skype name: You have it
Teamspeak: Yes
Wins: 800 (2 Accounts)
Games Played: 3k
How active are you 1/10: 9-10
How mature are you 1/10: 9-10
Past clans: Rivals, Salvation, React, Prime, Chrome
Why do you want to join The Rival: I made a huge mistake leaving, Idk what I was doing if you could give me another chance cf918 I think I will stay until it disbands.
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: Yes
How would you help this clan: Benefiting the same ways I did before
Tell us more about yourself: I'm 13, Play Basketball, Football, & Baseball.
Do you know any leaders of this clan: Yes, Very well.
Recommended again :3 welcome back Frig!


May 10, 2013
Reaction score
Allright guys. It's sad for me to say this, but I'm going to be leaving the clan.

Now, I have some reasons as to why I'm leaving. Ever since, Justice left, things just haven't felt right. People have been leaving right after him, and honestly everyone's been down because of him leaving. Now, don't get me wrong; I love this clan. I honestly do. In the little over a month that I've been here, everyone's been incredibly nice to me and I've made plenty of new friends F3AR3D3MB3RMC SportsFan2565 Jspwn etc. You guys are the best. However, since three days ago, when Noah, Justice, Frig left, I started thinking about my decision to leave. After Tiki and Mint left yesterday, I made the decision. You guys are like family to me, and I can't stay away forever. I will someday come back, when I feel the time is right for me to return.


cf918 Corey you're a great leader, and I have so much respect for you. I wonder how you always keep your cool, even in such tight situations. You almost left the clan on Thursday, yet you stuck to it, no matter how bad it seemed. Love you man.

F3AR3D3MB3RMC You're the person who's nicest to me in the clan, and nothing to say but you're sexy.

SportsFan2565 You're hilarious, Jake, and god your scumbags are annoying yet funny xD You can always make me laugh.

Jspwn Chinese brother! Do it for China jspwn, do it for China. Sunbad.

ConnorW Connor, you're also a great leader, and hopefully you continue to lead this clan with Corey and Jspwn.

Zlim95 Jacob, you're without a doubt one of the nicest people in the clan. I've always had respect for you, when I fanboyed over your YT vids :3 Keep them coming!

Finally, iBearHD What to say, StealthBear45. iJetHD. Man, you're the person who got me into this clan. Although there was a little confusion about a certain topic relating to the roster change between me and you, we cleared that up. Ily iBear, and you definitely deserved officer. One of my favorite people on MCSG.

This has been a great month and a week here, and although I only recently got member, I still feel like I've sufficiently gotten to know you guys and can call you my real friends. As I said before, I may return, and I probably will. This has been my favorite clan yet, but with recent situations, I've been forced to leave.

-Signing off,

EDIT: May I get VIP, Corey?
Miss ya <3


Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
Allright guys. It's sad for me to say this, but I'm going to be leaving the clan. (I'll still be on the TS everyday with you guys to talk and errything <3)

Now, I have some reasons as to why I'm leaving. Ever since, Justice left, things just haven't felt right. People have been leaving right after him, and honestly everyone's been down because of him leaving. Now, don't get me wrong; I love this clan. I honestly do. In the little over a month that I've been here, everyone's been incredibly nice to me and I've made plenty of new friends F3AR3D3MB3RMC SportsFan2565 Jspwn etc. You guys are the best. However, since three days ago, when Noah, Justice, Frig left, I started thinking about my decision to leave. After Tiki and Mint left yesterday, I made the decision. You guys are like family to me, and I can't stay away forever. I will someday come back, when I feel the time is right for me to return.


cf918 Corey you're a great leader, and I have so much respect for you. I wonder how you always keep your cool, even in such tight situations. You almost left the clan on Thursday, yet you stuck to it, no matter how bad it seemed. Love you man.

F3AR3D3MB3RMC You're the person who's nicest to me in the clan, and nothing to say but you're sexy.

SportsFan2565 You're hilarious, Jake, and god your scumbags are annoying yet funny xD You can always make me laugh.

Jspwn Chinese brother! Do it for China jspwn, do it for China. Sunbad.

ConnorW Connor, you're also a great leader, and hopefully you continue to lead this clan with Corey and Jspwn.

Zlim95 Jacob, you're without a doubt one of the nicest people in the clan. I've always had respect for you, when I fanboyed over your YT vids :3 Keep them coming!

Finally, iBearHD What to say, StealthBear45. iJetHD. Man, you're the person who got me into this clan. Although there was a little confusion about a certain topic relating to the roster change between me and you, we cleared that up. Ily iBear, and you definitely deserved officer. One of my favorite people on MCSG.

This has been a great month and a week here, and although I only recently got member, I still feel like I've sufficiently gotten to know you guys and can call you my real friends. As I said before, I may return, and I probably will. This has been my favorite clan yet, but with recent situations, I've been forced to leave.

-Signing off,

EDIT: May I get VIP, Corey?
Aww I'll miss you, fellow Chinaman. Good luck in Rebels!


May 19, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Jared
Minecraft IGN: Zarmax5
Age: 14
Skype name: zarmax5
Teamspeak: yes
Donor: Diamond
Games Played: 4200
How active are you 1/10: 8
How mature are you 1/10: 8
Past clans: Tigers, Revolution
Why do you want to join The Rival: I want to join the Rivals to get in on the action with all the good players
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: yes
How would you help this clan: I would help with my pvp skills and win it all
Tell us more about yourself: I am but a simple tiger ready to fight for you
Do you know any leaders of this clan: Yes, I know cf918, sportsfan2565
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