Col_StaR. I've seen people saying that hiring him was one of the best moves MCSG has done in terms of staff. He handles situations maturely, but also knows how to have a bit of fun.
Admin: Again,
Col_StaR. He's the one that I see around the forums the most, and I love the forums <3
Best Sr. Mod:
KRaidium does a lot of work, from what I know. I haven't had the chance to talk to him personally, but I've seen him put a lot of effort into what he does.
Favorite Sr. Mod:
Toast. Pokemon <3
Best Mod: Okay, there's a lot of competition for this, but I'm going to have to go with
Captain | Lqzer. He's an outstanding forumer, and has been a part of MCSG for around as long as I have, if not longer. (At least, I
think I'm thinking of the same Captain, CaptainJS.)
Favorite Mod:
JennoKoala, Kaolo here has been helping me with my dream of becoming a Mod, and we also collaborated on a PSA together. I've been slowly getting to know him better