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Prime [US]

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Apr 13, 2014
Reaction score
- IGN Finalez | VaultPvP
- What should we call you? Finalez , Vault or Sebas x3
- Wins Finalez : around 42 out of 120+
VaultPvP : 39 out of 142 *-*
- Games Played 120 and 142
- Age I am 13 almost 14
- Do you have skype and teamspeak [Y/N] Yeah Boia
- How mature are you [1/10]I would say a 6
- How active are you [1/10] 10.
- PvP Strengths
Combo - Combo is a thing i'm often getting, by clicking fast on my mouse and using fishing rod or bow i can get combos on people with better connection then me which makes me win fights. Also i can strafe and get combos.
Bow - I'm feeling quite good with the bow. I'm decent at 1v1 bow fights, but on a good day i'm quite good at getting hits with the bow when i am chasing someone.
Criticals and Blockhits - I am good at getting criticals and blockhit, i actually love getting criticals because my particles are "Hoi" which is a well known word by me xD
Tactics - Many peoples are telling me that i have good tactics, so that must be a strength for me then :p
Defensive/Offensive - Most of the time i am an offensive and aggressive player, however if i see a team or a good player i can play defensive very well.
Teams - I actually feel very good at taking out teams of two. If the teams is not a op team i have an opportunity to take teams out.
- PvP Weaknesses
My Connection - My connection is a hard challenge, in the past weeks i have been having a 3 bar often. So i have been sitting in a bad position on my brothers room so i can use our neightbour's internet. However on monday i got 4 bar again and have been having a stabile 4 bar now.
Water fight - Water fights is also a weakness i feel i have. I'm not so good in water fights, but feeling that i am improving in it. Because i made a texture pack where i easier see people under water which makes me hit better with fishing rod, bow and the sword.
Going into fights with low hearts - This is a weakness many people have, going into a fight and think you are better then your opponent and you can kill him easily on for example five hearts. I'm working on watching more on how many hearts i have and feeling that i'm making it better in the past week.
1.7 Sprint - Since I'm basically a Hive player i have been using BSM a lot so I'm not the best one on 1.7 sprint yet

- How would you benefit from Prime? I dont think I am even decent compared to the people in this clan but I hope I can benefit somehow when it comes to battles and stuff xP
- Why do you want to join Prime. My friend xBrezzy is here and he mai bae from hive <3


Jan 4, 2014
Reaction score
- IGN Finalez | VaultPvP
- What should we call you? Finalez , Vault or Sebas x3
- Wins Finalez : around 42 out of 120+
VaultPvP : 39 out of 142 *-*
- Games Played 120 and 142
- Age I am 13 almost 14
- Do you have skype and teamspeak [Y/N] Yeah Boia
- How mature are you [1/10]I would say a 6
- How active are you [1/10] 10.
- PvP Strengths
Combo - Combo is a thing i'm often getting, by clicking fast on my mouse and using fishing rod or bow i can get combos on people with better connection then me which makes me win fights. Also i can strafe and get combos.
Bow - I'm feeling quite good with the bow. I'm decent at 1v1 bow fights, but on a good day i'm quite good at getting hits with the bow when i am chasing someone.
Criticals and Blockhits - I am good at getting criticals and blockhit, i actually love getting criticals because my particles are "Hoi" which is a well known word by me xD
Tactics - Many peoples are telling me that i have good tactics, so that must be a strength for me then :p
Defensive/Offensive - Most of the time i am an offensive and aggressive player, however if i see a team or a good player i can play defensive very well.
Teams - I actually feel very good at taking out teams of two. If the teams is not a op team i have an opportunity to take teams out.
- PvP Weaknesses
My Connection - My connection is a hard challenge, in the past weeks i have been having a 3 bar often. So i have been sitting in a bad position on my brothers room so i can use our neightbour's internet. However on monday i got 4 bar again and have been having a stabile 4 bar now.
Water fight - Water fights is also a weakness i feel i have. I'm not so good in water fights, but feeling that i am improving in it. Because i made a texture pack where i easier see people under water which makes me hit better with fishing rod, bow and the sword.
Going into fights with low hearts - This is a weakness many people have, going into a fight and think you are better then your opponent and you can kill him easily on for example five hearts. I'm working on watching more on how many hearts i have and feeling that i'm making it better in the past week.
1.7 Sprint - Since I'm basically a Hive player i have been using BSM a lot so I'm not the best one on 1.7 sprint yet

- How would you benefit from Prime? I dont think I am even decent compared to the people in this clan but I hope I can benefit somehow when it comes to battles and stuff xP
- Why do you want to join Prime. My friend xBrezzy is here and he mai bae from hive <3


Apr 25, 2013
Reaction score
- IGN xpertguy
- What should we call you? Ryan
- Wins 315+
- Games Played 2000+
- Age 13
- Do you have skype and teamspeak [Y/N] Y
- How mature are you [1/10] 7.5
- How active are you [1/10] 7
- PvP Strengths Strafing and bow spamming others xD
- PvP Weaknesses Usually ping abusers, Hackers and team of 3 or more
- How would you benefit from Prime? I would help be active and loyal, Try to make routes and rosters for the clan
- Why do you want to join Prime. Because my bae crafty is in here


Dec 25, 2012
Reaction score

Guess who's back, back again

Breezy accept me now


Sep 28, 2013
Reaction score
- IGN Finalez | VaultPvP
- What should we call you? Finalez , Vault or Sebas x3
- Wins Finalez : around 42 out of 120+
VaultPvP : 39 out of 142 *-*
- Games Played 120 and 142
- Age I am 13 almost 14
- Do you have skype and teamspeak [Y/N] Yeah Boia
- How mature are you [1/10]I would say a 6
- How active are you [1/10] 10.
- PvP Strengths
Combo - Combo is a thing i'm often getting, by clicking fast on my mouse and using fishing rod or bow i can get combos on people with better connection then me which makes me win fights. Also i can strafe and get combos.
Bow - I'm feeling quite good with the bow. I'm decent at 1v1 bow fights, but on a good day i'm quite good at getting hits with the bow when i am chasing someone.
Criticals and Blockhits - I am good at getting criticals and blockhit, i actually love getting criticals because my particles are "Hoi" which is a well known word by me xD
Tactics - Many peoples are telling me that i have good tactics, so that must be a strength for me then :p
Defensive/Offensive - Most of the time i am an offensive and aggressive player, however if i see a team or a good player i can play defensive very well.
Teams - I actually feel very good at taking out teams of two. If the teams is not a op team i have an opportunity to take teams out.
- PvP Weaknesses
My Connection - My connection is a hard challenge, in the past weeks i have been having a 3 bar often. So i have been sitting in a bad position on my brothers room so i can use our neightbour's internet. However on monday i got 4 bar again and have been having a stabile 4 bar now.
Water fight - Water fights is also a weakness i feel i have. I'm not so good in water fights, but feeling that i am improving in it. Because i made a texture pack where i easier see people under water which makes me hit better with fishing rod, bow and the sword.
Going into fights with low hearts - This is a weakness many people have, going into a fight and think you are better then your opponent and you can kill him easily on for example five hearts. I'm working on watching more on how many hearts i have and feeling that i'm making it better in the past week.
1.7 Sprint - Since I'm basically a Hive player i have been using BSM a lot so I'm not the best one on 1.7 sprint yet

- How would you benefit from Prime? I dont think I am even decent compared to the people in this clan but I hope I can benefit somehow when it comes to battles and stuff xP
- Why do you want to join Prime. My friend xBrezzy is here and he mai bae from hive <3
Accepted! Member! Welcome to the clan.
- IGN xpertguy
- What should we call you? Ryan
- Wins 315+
- Games Played 2000+
- Age 13
- Do you have skype and teamspeak [Y/N] Y
- How mature are you [1/10] 7.5
- How active are you [1/10] 7
- PvP Strengths Strafing and bow spamming others xD
- PvP Weaknesses Usually ping abusers, Hackers and team of 3 or more
- How would you benefit from Prime? I would help be active and loyal, Try to make routes and rosters for the clan
- Why do you want to join Prime. Because my bae crafty is in here
Accepted! For Trial. I don't know you well, so i'll test ya ;)

Guess who's back, back again

Breezy accept me now
Accepted! Rank : Member (Applied over skype.) Welcome to the clan. <3
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