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Purge | US Team

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Feb 9, 2013
Reaction score
1.) Minecraft IGN: NextGenWool(Main) ryblue123
2.) Age: 13
3.) Wins: 247
4.) Do you have Skype & TeamSpeak?: yes
5.) Skype username: ryblue123
6.) Do you have a Microphone?: Yes, Blue Yeti
7.) PVP Strengths: Sword, fns, bow
8.) PVP Weaknesses: Ping, hackers
9.) How active are you?(1-10): 8
10.) How would you help Purge?: I think I am a funny person who spreads joy to anyone who talks to me.
11.) Why do you want to join Purge?: Because I love being active the community in games of all genres. I also love meeting talented players to learn and practice with them, also I love making friends.
12.) Were you Invited?: Yes, by MajesticSwag


Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score
leaving i was in a game with my friends bandit and ouffy were on there alts then i didnt know i couldnt kill them so we went in a different game and my friend accidently started attacking so then i said stop he stoped then they started killing us then after i died bandit sai "your bad tree" this is the reason why i am leaving some members where already being mean to me before your most funiest person rohan out "im leaving the clan" my grandpa is in the hospital i wasnt gonna be on anyways bye :) http://gyazo.com/f834a4f15fdc42954b6c43cd7d7f4f58


Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
leaving i was in a game with my friends bandit and ouffy were on there alts then i didnt know i couldnt kill them so we went in a different game and my friend accidently started attacking so then i said stop he stoped then they started killing us then after i died bandit sai "your bad tree" this is the reason why i am leaving some members where already being mean to me before your most funiest person rohan out "im leaving the clan" my grandpa is in the hospital i wasnt gonna be on anyways bye :) http://gyazo.com/f834a4f15fdc42954b6c43cd7d7f4f58
Peace out bro. Take care and good luck in the future!
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
leaving i was in a game with my friends bandit and ouffy were on there alts then i didnt know i couldnt kill them so we went in a different game and my friend accidently started attacking so then i said stop he stoped then they started killing us then after i died bandit sai "your bad tree" this is the reason why i am leaving some members where already being mean to me before your most funiest person rohan out "im leaving the clan" my grandpa is in the hospital i wasnt gonna be on anyways bye :) http://gyazo.com/f834a4f15fdc42954b6c43cd7d7f4f58
Well Tree, it was fun knowing yah bro. Take care and I hope your grandpa can make it out of the hospital in great condition ;)
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
1.) Minecraft IGN: NextGenWool(Main) ryblue123
2.) Age: 13
3.) Wins: 247
4.) Do you have Skype & TeamSpeak?: yes
5.) Skype username: ryblue123
6.) Do you have a Microphone?: Yes, Blue Yeti
7.) PVP Strengths: Sword, fns, bow
8.) PVP Weaknesses: Ping, hackers
9.) How active are you?(1-10): 8
10.) How would you help Purge?: I think I am a funny person who spreads joy to anyone who talks to me.
11.) Why do you want to join Purge?: Because I love being active the community in games of all genres. I also love meeting talented players to learn and practice with them, also I love making friends.
12.) Were you Invited?: Yes, by MajesticSwag
Recommended, really cool guy and fun to talk to
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
Please remove me from "on break"
Just did ;)
1.) Minecraft IGN: NextGenWool(Main) ryblue123
2.) Age: 13
3.) Wins: 247
4.) Do you have Skype & TeamSpeak?: yes
5.) Skype username: ryblue123
6.) Do you have a Microphone?: Yes, Blue Yeti
7.) PVP Strengths: Sword, fns, bow
8.) PVP Weaknesses: Ping, hackers
9.) How active are you?(1-10): 8
10.) How would you help Purge?: I think I am a funny person who spreads joy to anyone who talks to me.
11.) Why do you want to join Purge?: Because I love being active the community in games of all genres. I also love meeting talented players to learn and practice with them, also I love making friends.
12.) Were you Invited?: Yes, by MajesticSwag
Your Application was Accepted for Trial. Stay active on your Teamspeak for a better chance of getting promoted.
*Also, I know you joined previously but left. Don't repeat those acts again, applications will be closed 2 days from now ;)
(Just Sayin)
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