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My 1000 post and my story of being a staff member.


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
First I would like to thank Mooclan for the great idea.

As most of you know I am a trial Sr Mod here at MCGamer. I am currently at 999 posts on the forums and I though this would be a nice idea . I will try keep this as short as I can as I know you guys do not like reading. Lets begin...

It all started back in October 2013 when I was browsing through the forums and I came across the thread about applying as a staff member. After a bit of though I decided to apply. I wrote my first application within 1 hour and lets just say it was not the best. I woke up the next morning, I had one new alert and when I clicked on it I saw the big red declined tag. I got declined for lack of detail. After failing at my first time applying for mod I was determined to become a mod. I spent the next week reaserching as much as I could about being a mod on MCGamer and after numerous videos and forum posts I felt I was ready to apply. I spent the whole day writing my application to make sure every single detail was perfect. Once I was happy I sent it in. I was extremely nervous and was just praying that I got it. I woke up the next morning and the first thing I did was check the forums. 1 new alert! I looked at it and to my disappointment it was only a like on a post I made. The next 2 days I belive it was the same process again. I was constantly looking at the forums and waiting for a reply. Nothing, until late that night just before I was about to head off to bed I looked at once again I had a new alert! I opened it and I was very confused. I got this tag that said pending. "Ugh what is this" is what I said to my self, is this good or bad? I clicked onto my application and realized that pending was good and my application was being reviewed by Sr Staff. The next week went slow. I still had no reply.

I woke up the next morning to a reply that would make my entire day, Interview! The joy lasted a few minuets, then I started getting nervous when I began to think about having a interview with the scary Sr Staff. I hoped on Teamspeak and received my waiting rank. I looked up at the waiting room and there was a few people up there. Never would have though that these guys would become some of my best friends on MCGamer. While in the waiting room, me and all the other interviewees made great friends. We formed the waiting squad and dominated every game we went into ;) Days passed and still no interview. The days turned into weeks. Then one night I joined Teamspeak and saw they werehosting interviews. My nerves went wild. There was a lot of people waiting, but they said they would get through most of them. I stayed up till 4 am, I was next up. I was terrified, while talking to the people in the waiting room before my interview I heard a voice. It was my mother shouting up to me telling me to go to sleep. That was the end of that. Luckily for me they also were hosting interviews the next day. It was about midnight when I was told I am up next. I tried my best to contain my nerves and be as confident as possible. I was moved up and met by Antster360 , KellieBreanne , Tacoface1234 and CAmadeusA . I managed to get through my interview and I was moved down to the waiting room while I waited on my result. I was shaking with fear. People were asking me how it went. While in the middle of replying to them saying " I don't think it went that well" I was moved up. CAmadeusA began talking. He said something along the lines of do you want to bad news or the really bad news. I replied asking for the bad news first. The bad news was they were going to have to remove my waiting rank, the really bad news was I am now going to have to sing as I got mod. I refused at first. I eventually gave into the peer pressure and sang Call me maybe :/ After discussing stuff with the Sr Staff I was moved up to the training room along with Sp3ctrum_Visionz . While we were waiting for our training I was looking through the server groups I could assign and started giving my self all the donor ranks. KellieBreanne moved me back down into the interview room and started giving out to me and removed my mod rank. I was almost crying. Then all the Sr Staff members started laughing and gave me back my mod rank. They trolled me....

So later that night I received all my ranks and training. I was free to go out and ban da HaXZorZ and that is what I did :p The next 2 months went by fast, I was enjoying my time as a mod. That was until after Christmas/ early January I stated feeling down on my self. I was spending to much time on MCSG. I decided to resign. I wrote my resignation letter and that was it. I was no longer a mod...

About a week later I realized what a huge mistake I mad and should of just went on a leave of absence. I desperately wanted to be a mod again, but the applications closed. I knew they would reopen soon so I wrote my application in a word document and saved it on my computer until the applications reopened. Within 1 hour of the applications being opened I has applied. Later that night I got pending.
While on Teamspeak the next day I was down in a channel with some friends and KRaidium joined the channel. He said " Frazzli185 , Sean and JasonDeBaxter I have good news. "Server group assigned". I was waiting once again. KRaidium then said that they were going to host interviews now. The three of us moved up to the waiting room. Jason was first. He got through his interview and got mod. Then something came up and they were unable to host any more interviews. In 2 days time KRaid poked me asking do I want a interview. I replied yes and I was up in the waiting room. Strangely enough I was more nervous for my second interview than my first. I was moved up and interviewed. It did not go so well as people kept coming into my room and also I went blank a few times. The interview passed and once again I was down in the waiting room awaiting my result. A few moment later I was moved back up. Then I got trolled like I have never been before. KRaid put on a Oscar winning acting performance and convinced my that I was not going to get mod. It went something along the lines of "Hey Sean, so I am going to be straight up with you and I hate doing this. I know we are good friends and this should of been easy for you seen as you were a mod before. But unfortunately I am going to have to remove your waiting rank and give you mod back". -_- I will still always hate you for that :p.

So I has mod back, once again I was doing my best to moderate the server and also sent up events such as the Community Games with AmyGlitters . About a month and a half after I returned as a mod I was in the mod meeting channel waiting for the mod meeting when Dave came down and moved myself JimmerHD , Lively and ChandelleMC up to the admin waiting room. Dave and Col_StaR moved down to us and said that we were in trouble. I had no clue what was going on and I was trying to think what did I do wrong, when Lively said that we were probably getting trial Sr Mod. I was shocked :O. As expected I was moved up given my rank and after the mod meeting, all the the trials were moved up into Dave's office and we were given our training.

For the next 4 weeks I worked my hardest doing mod app's ban disputes and other Sr Mod stuff as well as setting up some more events with AmyGlitters and JasonDeBaxter such and the community games 2.0 and the most recent staff Q&A. Now here we are 4 weeks since I got my trail writing this post looking back at how great my time has been here as a staff member. I have met some great people and I have improved so much qualities in myself.

Now for the mentions. Seen as this is a thread about my time as a staff member I am only going to mention current staff members. But remember there has been a ton of people who I am great friends with that have impacted my time here at MCGamer. Sorry too if your name is not on here. it is only because there is too many of you to list so I will be only doing the Sr staff and the mods that I am really good friends with. But remember all of you staff members are awesome :D. Nevertheless lets get on with the mentions.

ChadTheDJ look what you have created. The best community on Minecraft. You are a genius need I say any more.

Ava its amazing what you have accomplished here. You should be extremely proud of of yourself. You have also a very nice and hard working guy who is also funny :D .... You also break things :p

Rusty A new developing ehhh :p You work hard and have done a lot since your recent promotion to developer. Once of the most noticeable things is the new /disguise command and the quick join option. You are also a really nice guy and fun to talk to :D

subv3rsion I have never talked to you but I know MCGamer would not but the way it is without your help.

kpwn243 The same as the rest of the developers, you have done an amazing job and MCGamer would not be same with out you thanks. I have talked with you a few times and your always nice and willing to help.

Le0 You are so nice xD Always helpful to people and you do a great job :D

Dave ....the scary one :p Guys he is actually a really nice guy hehe. The amount of work you do to keep the servers running everyday is indescribable. You are always there when I need something answered. Thank you.

Col_StaR your voice is something you only hear in your dreams :p You are such a nice person to talk to and can always resolve a situation with ease. You work hard and you are a great admin. Also I would like to add that you probbly have the best stats on MCSG....

Razzledgirl I have only talked to you a few times. You seem really nice and helpful :D Thank you for your great work in getting creative back up and running.

BoNe2 I have never talked to you but I know you do an awsome job in keeping creative running :D

KellieBreanne is that in fact disrespect of a Sr Staff member :p Both of us love shouting at people in real life while on Teamspeak :p By the way I am a better terraformer ok...
Honestly you are a really nice person and great to talk to. You also do a great job :D.

CAmadeusA You work so hard and you are so professional. You are also a really funny guy :D

KRaidium one of the tree (Irsh joke) Irish Sr Mods. You are such a nice guy and a great friend :D

Toast I have not talked to you a huge amount but from what I have you are a awesome guy and do a lot of hard work.

KiNNEY Another one of the three Irish Sr Mods. You are a sound guy and do a great job :D

Bowser52000 Benny, you are also a really nice guy and you keep AU alive :p Well done for your great work.

Tal_Pal I have not talked to you much but from what I know you work hard and deserve the position that you have :D.

_AquaTechMC_ You are such a funny guy hehe :p You also do a great job.

ChandelleMC You are really nice and one of my trial buddies xD

Lively Also another one of my trail buddies. You are a nice guy and you really work hard and deserve this position.

Cubes the worlds best Rubix cube solver xD, Honestly a great guy and great to talk to :D.

DracoHD The Spannish one :D You are a great friend and such a nice and friendly guy.

JimmerHD The Canadian one :p You really deserve the position you are in now. You are such a awesome guy and also one of my trail buddies :p

LadyOfLove About time you got trial :D You really deserve it. The amount of work you put in as a mod is extra ordinary. You are also a lovely and helpful person and the newest addition to the trials xD

MoLoToV The report abuse king! You are a great friend and you do such a awesome job :D

Frazzli185 You are such a nice person and a amazing friend :D You also work very hard well done.

JasonDeBaxter Copied my name SteelyFlinty :p You are a really cool guy and a great friend :D

samson888 You are a really nice guy and you do great work. You are also very good at MCSG and a good friend :D

Avaline I can still remember doing your interview hehe that was fun xD, Your ears are better xD. You really deserve to be a mod and you are a great, funny and nice person.

Ninetailefox92 You are such an amazing builder and a really good mod. You do a lot of work. Also you are a great guy and always nice :D

Zainnyyy One of my waiting buddies :D, such sound guy :D

Sayf One of the first mods I actually got to know :D Your a great guy and amazing at mcsg :D

KitMencha You do so much good work well done :D You are also a great friend and an awesome terraformer :D

laureypop1 I love you lawwiee :p Hehe you are lovely and great person. Also a great friend :D

AmyGlitters Well its a love hate relationship. Mainly hate on my behalf :p You scare me :p In all honestly though you are a great person and a great friend :D

superzer096 Dat background noise :p You are one of my waiting buddies and such a nice guy :D

xWriterx You are really nice and you do a great job :D Also a great friend :D

MrBestDeni One of my waiting buddies :D, I don't talk to you that much any more but you are such an awesome guy :D

123456789matrty You alrite bruv ting, Mat aka the number guy :p Also one of my waiting buddies and such a good friend :D

thejambd You are doing great with you YouTube channel well done. You are one of my waiting buddies and you are a awesome friend :D


Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
Well atleast this post ain't short on emoticons :p


Moderator | Mapping Team
Apr 10, 2014
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I'm trying to read this, but my head is just full of those emoticons.
I'd like to say that, although I barely know you, infact I think I have only ever talked to you through Kithex and the MCGamer TS, that you seem like a deserved Sr.Mod. I think this post also shows how much you deserve where you are. You are a great staff member, and I hope you carry on as your at the moment.<33


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Dem ears though!!! :DDD
Your ears doe...
I'm trying to read this, but my head is just full of those emoticons.
I'd like to say that, although I barely know you, infact I think I have only ever talked to you through Kithex and the MCGamer TS, that you seem like a deserved Sr.Mod. I think this post also shows how much you deserve where you are. You are a great staff member, and I hope you carry on as your at the moment.<33
Congrats on all of your accomplishments! ^_^
Thank you, it means a lot :D
Sean. Love you. :p
Congrats on all of your accomplishments! ^_^
Very good story :) <3
Thank you :D

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