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The Rivals [US Clan]

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Jun 23, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Safina
Minecraft IGN: MCGirlGamer
Age: 14
Skype name: TrollerKing
Teamspeak: Yes
Donor: No
Wins: 140+
Games Played: 1000+
How active are you 1/10: 8
How mature are you 1/10: 7
Past clans: Complexity, Timber, Chop, etc
Why do you want to join The Rival: I want to make new friends and kick other clans' ass!
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: Yes i am
How would you help this clan: I would help with clan battles and keeping this clan together and keeping it from being disbanded :D
Tell us more about yourself: I like pie and i am a female Brony FTW
Do you know any leaders of this clan: Yes i do.


Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Safina
Minecraft IGN: MCGirlGamer
Age: 14
Skype name: TrollerKing
Teamspeak: Yes
Donor: No
Wins: 140+
Games Played: 1000+
How active are you 1/10: 8
How mature are you 1/10: 7
Past clans: Complexity, Timber, Chop, etc
Why do you want to join The Rival: I want to make new friends and kick other clans' ass!
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: Yes i am
How would you help this clan: I would help with clan battles and keeping this clan together and keeping it from being disbanded :D
Tell us more about yourself: I like pie and i am a female Brony FTW
Do you know any leaders of this clan: Yes i do.
Denied due to lack of wins.


Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
Name: My name is Tyler
Minecraft IGN: captmrawesome
Skype name: Private. I will pm.
Teamspeak: Yes i do have teamspeak.
Donor: No I do not have donor...
Wins: 120
Games Played: 600
How active are you 1/10: 9.5 unless I get grounded but I usually do my homework before I play but I'm active unless life gets in the way.
How mature are you 1/10: 10
Past clans:The Lords, Excel, Eternity, React
Why do you want to join The Rival: Because I have lots of friends in this clan and one wanted me to join, so I decided to join and I thought I would be a good player

Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: Yes!
How would you help this clan: Well I don't really know how I would help it but I think I would be a great addition to this clan.
Tell us more about yourself: Well to start off, My name is Tyler I'm 14 almost 15, very mature when needed to be and I may not be good, may be underrated and you may call me bad but I will try harder to get better and bring my skills to the playing field. Also as you may know I may not have donor so I may not be able to interact as much as the people with donor but I will try harder to get donor or someone could get me donor... xD But if you need me I will try.
Do you know any leaders of this clan: No but want TOO!
Rek cum end idd
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