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Purge | US Team

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Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
<------GOLD_ninja14's Brother
1.) Minecraft IGN:SuperKyleFTW,neesethebeast,foolishpigeon3
2.) Age:13
3.) Wins:333
4.) Do you have Skype & TeamSpeak?: ye
5.) Skype username: neese43
6.) Do you have a Microphone?: ye
7.) PVP Strengths: bow, crits
8.) PVP Weaknesses: rod i guess
9.) How active are you?(1-10):8
10.) How would you help Purge?: I am Gold_ninja's brother s
11.) Why do you want to join Purge?: This clan looks amazing
12.) Were you Invited?: No but im Gold_ninja's brother and he wants me in
Accpted for member. Unless Slainbot or anyother leaders dont think so.


District 13
Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
1.) Minecraft IGN: Ohjayx
2.) Age: 15, 16 in 2 weeks m8
3.) Wins: 510
4.) Do you have Skype & TeamSpeak?: Yus
5.) Skype username: Ohjay158
6.) Do you have a Microphone?: yes
7.) PVP Strengths: FNS , F-Rod, Crits
8.) PVP Weaknesses: Strafing
9.) How active are you?(1-10): 10, errday.
10.) How would you help Purge?: I'm not the best PVP'er but I do believe im decent :D
11.) Why do you want to join Purge?: I was in Exodus as trial member then it disbanded.. so yeah D:
12.) Were you Invited?: Nu


Sep 10, 2013
Reaction score
1.) Minecraft IGN: Ohjayx
2.) Age: 15, 16 in 2 weeks m8
3.) Wins: 510
4.) Do you have Skype & TeamSpeak?: Yus
5.) Skype username: Ohjay158
6.) Do you have a Microphone?: yes
7.) PVP Strengths: FNS , F-Rod, Crits
8.) PVP Weaknesses: Strafing
9.) How active are you?(1-10): 10, errday.
10.) How would you help Purge?: I'm not the best PVP'er but I do believe im decent :D
11.) Why do you want to join Purge?: I was in Exodus as trial member then it disbanded.. so yeah D:
12.) Were you Invited?: Nu
Accepted as - Trial
Aug 15, 2013
Reaction score
1.) Minecraft IGN: PuffyCottonCandy
2.) Age: 13
3.) Wins: 346+ (sorry for that 4 lack win but by the time you read my app I might be at 350 haha.)
4.) Do you have Skype & TeamSpeak?: Yes
5.) Skype username: My ign. (TopBandit has it)
6.) Do you have a Microphone?: Yes.
7.) PVP Strengths: Rod/sword
8.) PVP Weaknesses: Juking (bow spammers ugh.) and Gold_ninja14
9.) How active are you?(1-10): 8 (?)
10.) How would you help Purge?: I'm definitely not the best pvp'er in comparison to other members of this clan but I still think I can still be decent haha.
11.) Why do you want to join Purge?: Superkyle, goldninja, and chashw are my old clan buddies from Saints and also TopBandit and Slainbot and Blue_Tomahawk are like the gods of my world. Gold_ninja is my 3rd cousin one time removed (heh..).
12.) Were you Invited?: no


Sep 10, 2013
Reaction score
1.) Minecraft IGN: PuffyCottonCandy
2.) Age: 13
3.) Wins: 346+ (sorry for that 4 lack win but by the time you read my app I might be at 350 haha.)
4.) Do you have Skype & TeamSpeak?: Yes
5.) Skype username: My ign. (TopBandit has it)
6.) Do you have a Microphone?: Yes.
7.) PVP Strengths: Rod/sword
8.) PVP Weaknesses: Juking (bow spammers ugh.) and Gold_ninja14
9.) How active are you?(1-10): 8 (?)
10.) How would you help Purge?: I'm definitely not the best pvp'er in comparison to other members of this clan but I still think I can still be decent haha.
11.) Why do you want to join Purge?: Superkyle, goldninja, and chashw are my old clan buddies from Saints and also TopBandit and Slainbot and Blue_Tomahawk are like the gods of my world. Gold_ninja is my 3rd cousin one time removed (heh..).
12.) Were you Invited?: no
Seems to be lots of relation to the clan.
Accepted as Trial.


Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
1.) Minecraft IGN: PuffyCottonCandy
2.) Age: 13
3.) Wins: 346+ (sorry for that 4 lack win but by the time you read my app I might be at 350 haha.)
4.) Do you have Skype & TeamSpeak?: Yes
5.) Skype username: My ign. (TopBandit has it)
6.) Do you have a Microphone?: Yes.
7.) PVP Strengths: Rod/sword
8.) PVP Weaknesses: Juking (bow spammers ugh.) and Gold_ninja14
9.) How active are you?(1-10): 8 (?)
10.) How would you help Purge?: I'm definitely not the best pvp'er in comparison to other members of this clan but I still think I can still be decent haha.
11.) Why do you want to join Purge?: Superkyle, goldninja, and chashw are my old clan buddies from Saints and also TopBandit and Slainbot and Blue_Tomahawk are like the gods of my world. Gold_ninja is my 3rd cousin one time removed (heh..).
12.) Were you Invited?: no
Are you a girl?
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