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Tut's Break/Goodbye :(


Oct 24, 2013
Reaction score
Tut's Peacing

Guys, as you can tell from the title, this is sadly my break/goodbye. I don't know if I will come back, or not. It's just I am way to busy nowadays, I get home at like 7 every night because of school and sport things. And I just don't have enough time for this. If I come back it will probably be for summer. I will be on rarely to talk to you guys, but other than that probably not. Now I would like to thank some people that made this year ( year tomorrow) great for me :) .

Macobeast Nick. I honestly can't tell you how much you mean to me. I am legit so sad writing this, and you are pretty much the whole reason for that. Just thinking about all the great times we had together makes me so sad. And especially the fights we had that made our bond grow even bigger. If it wasn't for you I would of never got into any of this. I would of never got into the clan scene I would of never got TS or anything like so thank you so much. I still remember the first time I met you and we fought, and you 10 hearted me xD. I will miss you forever and always remember you. Keep in touch <3 . Love you so much Nick. Stay the way you are <3

Riely/Kranzo Kranny, Thanks for starting me off in the clan scene and letting me in Primeval even being the randy I was. I am so sad that you are banned. I haven't talked to you in a while, but I miss you so much and I will even more for this time period that I am gone. Stay awesome <3

Stabazam Poncho, Thanks for being pretty much my first good friend on MCSG (other than Kranzo and Maco). I met you in Primeval and we have been great friends ever since, from making Forsaken together to just chilling together nowadays. You are the funniest person I know online, you can make anyone laugh, no matter what mood they are in. Thanks for being a great friend and I will miss you. Stay funny <3

Dantelius DANTE! OMG. You have been one of my best friends from the start. I remember Nick showing me you, and I was scared to talk to you at first. I didn't realize how nice of a person you are. Stay awesome at PvP and being the way you are <3

Native / Prophesies / Cheetuh Liam and Shawn, I hope you guys have realized how much of an impact you have made on me. You guys were always there when I need someone to talk to and you understood me. Even though we have had our ups and downs us 3 will always be a group and love each other to the end. Keep in touch <3

Ryan | Techaton Ryan, you have been a great friend, after meeting you I really think we wouldn't get along but you completely proved me wrong. We have been through thick and thin with clans and clan wars and I wouldn't change anything I would of done with those. You are a amazing friend <3 ps still doing clan wars cause i can get on for the weekends. Just tell me when and I will get on for just that.

FuzzyPB / Butterballer FUZZY AND BUTTER! OMG ily guys so much, You guys always put a smile on my face and I can't thank you enough for that. Stay the way you are <3

Blamph Blamph, oh blamph. I don't really think you realize how much of a impact you have made on me. I can't thank you enough for letting me in BlamphsV2 and actually giving me a chance, as the random I was. That let me experience and meet so many people. Thanks Blamph <3

cf918 Corey, Thanks for being to nice to me, even though I got annoying sometimes, you didn't make fun of me or anything. Thanks for being so nice and just such a good friend. I remember last week when you were thinking about leaving, and I said you couldn't. Now look what happened here. :p But in all honesty stay, keep with Rivals and bring them to #1.
Good Luck, Love you Corey <3

Chris_Bro Chrissy! We haven't talked in a while but looking back to the old days, I remember me and you playing quite a bit. You were a great friend, and I remember you being one of the people I looked up to in this clans thing. I would always try to come up with tactics in Primeval and the time period that you were in it you always ended up making better ones :p . But I have learned from that, and now look where I am xD

chezmiester / YourFavoriteTreecko / @rczillarocks / Salamancer101 MY LEAGUE BUDDIES! Thanks for teaching me how to play pretty much. You guys are awesome, from us being in Vanguard together to now. Stay awesome <3

ThatCoolCucumber PeTE! xD Okay fineeee, Peter. I remember the first time we met we both hated each other with burning passion. But now we are friends and I like that about us.
Stay with Epic_Frog_Song he needs the help. ;)

cmk950003 Cmk, thanks for being such a good friend to me, from Sovy to Vanguard, Stay the way you are and don't let anyone change you <3

Kupi Kupi, thank you for being so nice to me. No matter what I did to you. you were so nice about everything. Thanks for that <3

SociallyAK Jake thanks for also being like the nicest person I know. You always had a good time with things and that made everyone else have a good time.

Auroraty|Kristie Kristie, I am so sad as writing this just knowing that there might be a chance we don't speak again. You were such a great friend throughout the time I have known you. We both have different mindsets on things but that is what I love about our friendship. Stay like you are <3

Now I am going to list some people that had a impact on me, just we didn't bond enough like the people up here ^
Johan1555 UpdatinStatus TehSteelFlexer Dominic Mr_Gears Toast3r_ Foopy E m a m y l e s LieboGames Captain | Lqzer TOXICWASTEII MaxypiexDefrasaEpic_Frog_Song Nova_RunZyoU Tuct Jccandfriends ProHulkJspwn

If I missed you and you think we had a bond, just say so down below :)
I will miss all of you guys greatly and pretty much everyone in this community has changed me in some way. Stay Golden <3 .
And remember, I will be on to talk to you guys sometimes, just not a lot. Like maybe a half an hour a week or so. And I won't be playing Minecraft. PM me if you have any questions or need to talk to me <3\

I will be back better than ever.
Last edited:


Mar 3, 2014
Reaction score
Tut, man we haven't talked lately, but you will always be one of my best friends I've made throughout my mcsg career. Take care man!


District 13
Jul 23, 2013
Reaction score
Bye tut :c we only talked once or twice but you were one of the nicest people I met on mcsg c:


Nov 17, 2013
Reaction score
Guys, as you can tell from the title, this is sadly my break/goodbye. I don't know if I will come back, or not. It's just I am way to busy nowadays, I get home at like 7 every night because of school and sport things. And I just don't have enough time for this. If I come back it will probably be for summer. I will be on rarely to talk to you guys, but other than that probably not. Now I would like to thank some people that made this year ( year tomorrow) great for me :) .

Macobeast Nick. I honestly can't tell you how much you mean to me. If it wasn't for you I would of never got into any of this. I would of never got into the clan scene I would of never got TS or anything like so thank you so much. I still remember the first time I met you and we fought, and you 10 hearted me xD. I will miss you forever and always remember you. Stay the way you are and keep in touch <3 . Love you so much Nick. Stay the way you are <3

Riely/Kranzo Kranny, Thanks for starting me off in the clan scene and letting me in Primeval even being the randy I was. I am so sad that you are banned. I haven't talked to you in a while, but I miss you so much and I will even more for this time period that I am gone. Stay awesome <3

Stabazam Poncho, Thanks for being pretty much my first good friend on MCSG (other than Kranzo and Maco). I met you in Primeval and we have been great friends ever since, from making Forsaken together to just chilling together nowadays. You are the funniest person I know online, you can make anyone laugh, no matter what mood they are in. Thanks for being a great friend and I will miss you. Stay funny <3

Native / Prophesies / Cheetuh Liam and Shawn, I hope you guys have realized how much of an impact you have made on me. You guys were always there when I need someone to talk to and you understood me. Even though we have had our ups and downs us 3 will always be a group and love each other to the end. Keep in touch <3

Ryan | Techaton Ryan, you have been a great friend, after meeting you I really think we wouldn't get along but you completely proved me wrong. We have been through thick and thin with clans and clan wars and I wouldn't change anything I would of done with those. You are a amazing friend <3 ps still doing clan wars cause i can get on for the weekends. Just tell me when and I will get on for just that.

FuzzyPB / Butterballer FUZZY AND BUTTER! OMG ily guys so much, You guys always put a smile on my face and I can't thank you enough for that. Stay the way you are <3

Blamph Blamph, oh blamph. I don't really think you realize how much of a impact you have made on me. I can't thank you enough for letting me in BlamphsV2 and actually giving me a chance, as the random I was. That let me experience and meet so many people. Thanks Blamph <3

chezmiester / XeroStyle1 / @rczillarocks / Salamancer101 MY LEAGUE BUDDIES! Thanks for teaching me how to play pretty much. You guys are awesome, from us being in Vanguard together to now. Stay awesome <3

cmk950003 Cmk, thanks for being such a good friend to me, from Sovy to Vanguard, Stay the way you are and don't let anyone change you <3

Kupi Kupi, thank you for being so nice to me. No matter what I did to you. you were so nice about everything. Thanks for that <3

SociallyAK Jake thanks for also being like the nicest person I know. You always had a good time with things and that made everyone else have a good time.

Now I am going to list some people who were my friends but didn't make as much of a impact on me
Johan1555 UpdatinStatus TehSteelFlexer Dominic Mr_Gears Toast3r_ Foopy E m a m y l e s LieboGames Captain | Lqzer TOXICWASTEII MaxypiexDefrasa

If I missed you and you think we had a bond, just say so down below :)
I will miss all of you guys greatly and pretty much everyone in this community has changed me in some way. Stay Golden <3 .
And remember, I will be on to talk to you guys sometimes, just not a lot. Like maybe a half an hour a week or so. And I won't be playing Minecraft. PM me if you have any questions or need to talk to me <3
I'm gonna miss you tutters ;-; ;c <3


Jul 8, 2013
Reaction score
Guys, as you can tell from the title, this is sadly my break/goodbye. I don't know if I will come back, or not. It's just I am way to busy nowadays, I get home at like 7 every night because of school and sport things. And I just don't have enough time for this. If I come back it will probably be for summer. I will be on rarely to talk to you guys, but other than that probably not. Now I would like to thank some people that made this year ( year tomorrow) great for me :) .

Macobeast Nick. I honestly can't tell you how much you mean to me. If it wasn't for you I would of never got into any of this. I would of never got into the clan scene I would of never got TS or anything like so thank you so much. I still remember the first time I met you and we fought, and you 10 hearted me xD. I will miss you forever and always remember you. Stay the way you are and keep in touch <3 . Love you so much Nick. Stay the way you are <3

Riely/Kranzo Kranny, Thanks for starting me off in the clan scene and letting me in Primeval even being the randy I was. I am so sad that you are banned. I haven't talked to you in a while, but I miss you so much and I will even more for this time period that I am gone. Stay awesome <3

Stabazam Poncho, Thanks for being pretty much my first good friend on MCSG (other than Kranzo and Maco). I met you in Primeval and we have been great friends ever since, from making Forsaken together to just chilling together nowadays. You are the funniest person I know online, you can make anyone laugh, no matter what mood they are in. Thanks for being a great friend and I will miss you. Stay funny <3

Dantelius DANTE! OMG. You have been one of my best friends from the start. I remember Nick showing me you, and I was scared to talk to you at first. I didn't realize how nice of a person you are. Stay awesome at PvP and being the way you are <3

Native / Prophesies / Cheetuh Liam and Shawn, I hope you guys have realized how much of an impact you have made on me. You guys were always there when I need someone to talk to and you understood me. Even though we have had our ups and downs us 3 will always be a group and love each other to the end. Keep in touch <3

Ryan | Techaton Ryan, you have been a great friend, after meeting you I really think we wouldn't get along but you completely proved me wrong. We have been through thick and thin with clans and clan wars and I wouldn't change anything I would of done with those. You are a amazing friend <3 ps still doing clan wars cause i can get on for the weekends. Just tell me when and I will get on for just that.

FuzzyPB / Butterballer FUZZY AND BUTTER! OMG ily guys so much, You guys always put a smile on my face and I can't thank you enough for that. Stay the way you are <3

Blamph Blamph, oh blamph. I don't really think you realize how much of a impact you have made on me. I can't thank you enough for letting me in BlamphsV2 and actually giving me a chance, as the random I was. That let me experience and meet so many people. Thanks Blamph <3

chezmiester / YourFavoriteTreecko / @rczillarocks / Salamancer101 MY LEAGUE BUDDIES! Thanks for teaching me how to play pretty much. You guys are awesome, from us being in Vanguard together to now. Stay awesome <3

ThatCoolCucumber PeTE! xD Okay fineeee, Peter. I remember the first time we met we both hated each other with burning passion. But now we are friends and I like that about us.
Stay with Epic_Frog_Song he needs the help. ;)

cmk950003 Cmk, thanks for being such a good friend to me, from Sovy to Vanguard, Stay the way you are and don't let anyone change you <3

Kupi Kupi, thank you for being so nice to me. No matter what I did to you. you were so nice about everything. Thanks for that <3

SociallyAK Jake thanks for also being like the nicest person I know. You always had a good time with things and that made everyone else have a good time.

Auroraty|Kristie Kristie, I am so sad as writing this just knowing that there might be a chance we don't speak again. You were such a great friend throughout the time I have known you. We both have different mindsets on things but that is what I love about our friendship. Stay like you are <3

Now I am going to list some people that had a impact on me, just we didn't bond enough like the people up here ^
Johan1555 UpdatinStatus TehSteelFlexer Dominic Mr_Gears Toast3r_ Foopy E m a m y l e s LieboGames Captain | Lqzer TOXICWASTEII MaxypiexDefrasaEpic_Frog_Song Nova_RunZyoU @

If I missed you and you think we had a bond, just say so down below :)
I will miss all of you guys greatly and pretty much everyone in this community has changed me in some way. Stay Golden <3 .
And remember, I will be on to talk to you guys sometimes, just not a lot. Like maybe a half an hour a week or so. And I won't be playing Minecraft. PM me if you have any questions or need to talk to me <3
Whaaaaaaa we never got to play MineZ/ the us hive clan ;-;

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