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One Year of Play...


District 13
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
This thread will be making up for my lack of a six month as staff thread. Also, due to my recent promotion to Trial Sr. Mod, I am going to redo my Meet the Staff questions as well. I'm having trouble tagging people, so bear with me.

First name:
IGN(s): Lively_
Nickname(s): Lively, Live, LiveALie, "Oh god, it's him..."
Age: 17
Region: US, but I go wherever I'm needed.

One Cool Fact: I've legally been to over a dozen different countries; although I've technically never left the United Sates.
One Embarrassing Fact: I joined MCSG because of BajanCanadian.
One Fact that makes you proud: I'm reading through the Song of Ice and Fire series, and only five of my favorite characters died.
One Fact no one would ever guess about you: I'm a lumberjack, and I'm OK I love the classical Broadway musicals: Music Man, Sound of Music, Fiddler on the Roof, Etc...
Most Common question you get asked: Are you admin? Can I get unbanned? The answer to both of these is "No."
Favorite Animal: The Platypus,
Favorite Plant: Any carnivorous plant.
Favorite Color: Red or Black *hums a song*
Favorite Food: Dutch, or puffed, pancakes
Biggest Pet Peeve: They're/Their/There You're/Your. Repeating questions after they've been answered. People getting frustrated over little things.
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Personal Catchphrase: "May I have your attention please!" (Typically said in a rowdy TS channel."
Heard about MCG by: As I said above, Bajan.
Ever Bring someone to MCG: I've brought Cubes to MCSG.
First friend in the community: One of the first people I ever talked to in this community was MCCMorpheus. But the first person that I truly counted as a friend was Oper | Vxry
MCG role-model: I've never looked up to anyone in this community, but I guess I respect Col_StaR the most out of anyone.
Things that you’ve done/are proud of: I've written a short story, I've become a Sr. Mod, joined Red Forest, Became a lifeguard. Take your pick.
Who would win in a fight, you or Chad?: Me, I'm a wee bit better at PvP
Call me maybe? No, my number is personal, and aside from Razzledgirl no one has my number on here.
Do you team in game: Rarely
Have you been backstabbed: Less than I should be, I backstab relatively often. If this were Game of Thrones, I'd be a Lannister.
Ever Broken a bone: Yes, multiple.
Would you rather be a fish or a bird?: Let's see, I'm a lifeguard, I like to swim, and I'm afraid of heights. Take a wild guess. That's right, I want to be a bird. Birds can fly and go wherever they want. They can see things from perspectives that most people cannot.
Personal Skills: I'm very good at administrative related work (i.e. Sr. Mod duties, quelling arguments, and dolling out fair punishment.), Terraforming, lifeguarding, writing, proof-reading.
Computer specs:
  • Intel i7 Proccessor
  • Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 2gb Video Card
  • 1TB of storage
  • 8gb of RAM
  • 17.3in screen.
Computer operating system: Windows 8.1
Program I use to record: FRAPS
Favorite movie: Let's see, I enjoy the Marvel Cinematic University, and any of the LoTR movies.
Favorite music genre/band/song/artist/composer: Monstercat, Bass Nectar, Two Steps from Hell.
Favorite game (other than Minecraft): BF4, Skyrim, any of the BioShocks.
Favorite character from fiction: Captain Price (COD), Arya Stark, Jon Snow, Brom, and Tyrion (GoT), too many others to say.
What does a fox say? Foxes actually make a very high-pitched noise that sounds similar to a cat hissing.
Terrified of: Getting hurt with no one there to help me, Compound fractures, Extreme heights.
Personal website: I have my twitter link hidden in my signature.
Favorite website (Other than these forums): I enjoy the SCP Foundation (Horror writing site), Imgur, TV tropes, and a variety of Web Comics.
Dream job: Computer or software engineer, and if I ever learn how to use FL studios, a part time job with Monstercat or Deadmau5
What job you currently are doing, or plan to do: I am a lifeguard and a student.
Favorite thing about the community: The community.

Roles and Responsibilities: Dealing with Moderator Applications and Ban Disputes. Handling matters between staff.
When I am online: Forums: always, Teamspeak: anytime after school, In-Game: Whenever I feel like it.
Previous moderating experience: Not really, no.
Been a member of staff since: September 1st, been 7.5 months.
Servers most active on (MCSG, Creative, Survival, etc): Creative, and hub lobbies.
Personal goal(s) as a staff member: To improve the player experience to the best it can be.


On for my somewhat story.

I began my career in internet communities about 3 years ago. The first community I joined was one called the SCP Foundation, which is a writing community that focuses on SciFi and Horror. There, I learned grammar, syntax, sentence structure, and many other writing mechanics. This community changed my life. This community matured me, and gave me my generally cynical mentality. In 2012, two games based on two of the most popular articles brought a lot of new blood to the site, including myself. I wasn't brought in by the games, but I joined during the initial rush of people. I was a complete newbie there. I was among some of the younger site members, being only 15 at the time. My first attempt at an article flopped. I deleted it 20 minutes after I first posted it.

For the next eight months, I posted on their forums, I spoke with them on IRC, and learned how to write with a clinical and professional tone. After being a part of the community for nine months, I posted my first SCP, which to this day is still one of the more popular SCPs. After that, I started to get into the various roleplaying chats associated with the site. At that point, I started to drift away from writing, and by the end of April, I had lost a lot of my connection to the community. I still drift back there once in a while.

As I started to lose touch with the SCP Foundation, around January of last year, I drifted around from community to community, but I never stayed in any of them. Around february, I started to watch BajanCanadian on YouTube. At this point, he hadn't been banned from the servers. I had gotten a minecraft account in the previous year because of how well I did in school, but I hadn't used it very much. Our school provided us with laptops that we could use for school purposes, but at home, you were pretty much free to do what you want (School appropriate, of course). Me and Cubes started to skype together and play on various servers. I finally decided to play a few games of Survival Games. I enjoyed them quite a lot, so I had Cubes play with me. I had played one or two games back in January, but I never really liked it. This was all around the middle of april.

After we played together, we were hooked. We were playing on our cruddy school laptops for about a month and a half, we had to turn them in for the end of the school year. I transitioned onto my families desktop computer, and Cubes went to his personal laptop he got just before school ended. After playing for close to two and a half months, I got an Asus gaming laptop, the one I use now. Almost immediately after getting my laptop, I registered on the forums and started my time here.

A few weeks after getting my laptop, I started to get tired of playing with only Cubes, so I downloaded TS, and got on our TS server. As I began to learn the ropes of the teamspeak server, I started to make more friends. My first staff friend was BioGear94. It was around this time that Cubes started getting on Teamspeak as well. About a week after Cubes got on TS, we met Decemberr, then ChandelleMC and xstephaniex shortly thereafter.

Cubes and I applied for mod within a week of each other, and a month later, we got mod within a week of each other. About a month after I got mod, I applied for Red Forest and Team Elite around the same time, RF got back to me first, and I joined their team. For the next five months, I built with them and really enjoyed their company. In february, I started to lose my interest in building, I began doing less and less work for them, until it came to a head in mid march. I left the team due to the fact that I just didn’t feel motivated and I didn’t connect with the team like I used to.

In April, I was promoted to Trial Sr. Mod, and here we are today.


And here's the part where I tag all the people who have influenced my time here.

Col_StaR Probably my favorite admin here. You're always helpful and always there with an answer.
Dave Probably my other favorite admin. Y0u're always working and coming up with great ideas.
Razzledgirl Your work with the Creative server is amazing. Thank you so much for always being there to help.
Cubes I will say nothing.
KellieBreanne While you are one of the more aggressive Sr. Mods, you'll always be a great friend.
CAmadeusA If I ever have any questions, you're the man I go to.
_AquaTechMC_ Taught me a lot about being a Sr. Mod. Also, you have taught me the way of the Weave.
ChandelleMC, JimmerHD, and Sean Trial buddies!
DracoHD May the CEP live long and prosper with you at our head.
MCCMorpheus Mythos fo lyfe
KitMencha It sucks that you're half way around the world. You're a great friend.
LadyOfLove Building and moderating, how do you do it? You're awesome.
Ninetailefox92 and Tree_TheBigKind Thanks for giving me a chance to build with Red Forest.
DonutDudeMC, ThePikachuPro, BlueHeron, and anyone else I've built with during my time in RF. Thanks for the great time!
BioGear94 You were my inspiration to become moderator, thanks for being there. I'm sad to see you go.
Decemberr Always willing to laugh, you're a great person and lots of fun to talk with.
xstephaniemmx :3
Mr_Gears You were another great friend from my initial time on the TS server. You're always great fun to talk with.

I'm more than positive I've missed people, but I'll probably update it later. Thank you all for a great time, and here's to the future and whatever it may bring.

Last edited:


Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
Well, hello there Lively! Glad to meed you (in detail)!
Last edited by a moderator:


District 13
Jul 23, 2013
Reaction score
I look up to you as one of the most helpful people in the MCG community. You have done so much to make this a nicer environment for players. Congrats on trial senior mod as well! c: I'm sure that you'll do great.


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
I'm flattered by the compliments, Lively. Thanks.

One Cool Fact:
I noticed you didn't fill in the One Cool Fact section, though. Those little fact tidbits are my favorite part of these Meet the Staff sections.


God Himself
Apr 9, 2013
Reaction score
I'm so done with you Lively... :( I was with you from the start!!!


Mar 19, 2013
Reaction score
Extremely well written story, wouldn't of expected anything less :D


District 13
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
I'm flattered by the compliments, Lively. Thanks.

I noticed you didn't fill in the One Cool Fact section, though. Those little fact tidbits are my favorite part of these Meet the Staff sections.
Whoops, forgot to fill that in. I'll do that now.
I'm so done with you Lively... :( I was with you from the start!!!
Adding you now, I knew I forgot someone.

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